In the Name of Jesus
In the Name of Jesus
Greg Waybright
- Acts 4:1
- The Breakthrough
- 43 mins 33 secs
- Views: 1266
Pastor's Letter
In the Name of Jesus - Week 7
When a group is asking serious questions about why they exist and what their priorities should be, I encourage them to look back to the beginnings of their group to see what was most important to their founders. I'm not saying that we should be subservient to the ways things have always been done. What I mean is that we can often be guided by remembering the priorities that led to our existence.
When a group is asking serious questions about why they exist and what their priorities should be, I encourage them to look back to the beginnings of their group to see what was most important to their founders. I'm not saying that we should be subservient to the ways things have always been done. What I mean is that we can often be guided by remembering the priorities that led to our existence.
Lake Avenue Church is now 117½ years old. When I consider the priorities that our church should have for its future, I always consider whether where we are headed now is consistent with what God put on the hearts of those who sacrificed so much to give birth to our church. Several essentials always emerge:
• Being a part of a "believers' church" movement – All people are called to believe in and follow Jesus as Savior and Lord at LAC. We thus are exclusive in that we insist on the Lordship of Jesus over all. But, we are inclusive in that we also insist that all who follow Jesus are to be included in our church family.
• Making a difference for the kingdom of God in our own neighborhood – Our property was donated by Pasadena mayor William Waterhouse. From that point on, LAC people have been committed to being witnesses to the saving power and the transforming love of Jesus in this community.
• Being involved in God's global mission – From the earliest days, the people of LAC made major sacrifices to identify, send, and support gifted people from within our own church family to carry the good news of Jesus to places where the gospel has never been heard. Our church has always been energized by being involved in a mission much bigger than ourselves.
• Being a family in which each one serves and grows to become complete in Christ – The City of Pasadena was a mere nine years old when a small band of women, inspired by the vision of 11-year-old Haidee Bryan, formed the Lake Avenue Sunday School. Since that time, we have called people to faith in Jesus, instructed in the Scriptures about faith and life, and sought to be a family in which we grow together to become complete in Christ.
I could say much more about our beginnings as a local church. But, this week, I ask us all to take this same approach in our personal journeys of faith. How do we know personally that we really belong to God's family? What priorities do we see in the earliest Jesus followers? I think that we can learn much from the first church people and what they did in Acts 4. Read what happened when they first faced difficulties. I think that you'll find their lives to be instructive, challenging, and inspiring.
To His Glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Study Notes
In the Name of Jesus - Week 7 - Study Notes
One of the most beautiful gifts my parents gave me is their name. "Waybright" – it always makes people ask just how bright I really am.
But, of course, the value of the gift my parents gave me was not so much the meaning or sound of the name as the reputation of the name. My folks were not famous people. They lived and worked in small West Virginia towns all their lives. But, as I was growing up in my home, when I met people who knew my father, I heard, 'Ah, we know your Dad. He's a person we can trust. We know he'll carry through on what he says." Or, "Oh, Waybright. I know your Mom. She's always bringing joy to everyone around her. I've never met anybody before so full of life!" And about both of them, "They sure take their faith in Jesus seriously. With them, it's clear that their faith is real."
In the Name of Jesus
Acts 4:1-22
One of the most beautiful gifts my parents gave me is their name. "Waybright" – it always makes people ask just how bright I really am.
But, of course, the value of the gift my parents gave me was not so much the meaning or sound of the name as the reputation of the name. My folks were not famous people. They lived and worked in small West Virginia towns all their lives. But, as I was growing up in my home, when I met people who knew my father, I heard, 'Ah, we know your Dad. He's a person we can trust. We know he'll carry through on what he says." Or, "Oh, Waybright. I know your Mom. She's always bringing joy to everyone around her. I've never met anybody before so full of life!" And about both of them, "They sure take their faith in Jesus seriously. With them, it's clear that their faith is real."
I've always wanted to live up to that Waybright name. I don't want to do anything that will dishonor it. I want to pass it on with dignity to my children. Now, this may not be the way you think about your name. We are such individualists in our American society that we don't usually appreciate this point about what it means to share a name. But many of you who have heritages outside North America and Europe understand my point about the significance of a shared family name well – of family members representing one another. In much of our world, the upholding of the family name is one of the strongest motivations for ethical and moral living. Most people have not wanted to demean their family names.
And, this way of thought was certainly common throughout Bible times. An Israelite often had several names: at least, a public name and a personal name. The personal name was often selected by the parents to reflect the anticipated character of the person. For example, the name Jacob means "Grabber." When, in the book of Genesis, Jacob's mother saw him clutch at his brother's heel as he came out of her womb, her maternal instinct recognized this trait; he was a "Grabber." As you know, Jacob became a bit of a cheat. The point is, in the Bible names were significant. To know a person's name was to know something about that person. What's in a name? In the Bible, a great deal. A name had to do with one's identity – one's character – one's profession.
One of the main points about names in the Old Testament was that the people of Israel identified fully with the God who had rescued them from slavery. His name was Yahweh, the Maker of the universe, the one and only true God. Israel was his people, his flock, and the sheep of his pasture. They were named by his Name. But, the prophets had foreseen a day in which God himself would come into this world and would save his people. When he came, the prophets said, the house of God would become a house of prayer for all nations and peoples. When God came to the world, he would open the gate for all people to enter into God's family and bear his name.
And all that brings us to Acts 4 when the central focus is the name of the one who came into this world to make Yahweh known, i.e., Jesus.
Names and Acts 4.
It's impossible to read carefully through Acts 4 without seeing how often the matter of the "name" comes up. Specifically, the name that changes everything is the name of Jesus.
Let's go quickly through the story so you can see how Jesus' name is used:
3:12, 15b-16 – When God used Peter and John to heal a lame man; the people who witnessed the healing were in awe of them. But Peter and John said, "Why do you look at us as we have the power and godliness to do this. It is Jesus' name – and faith in his name – that has made the man strong! It is through the name of Jesus that this man has regained perfect health in your sight!"
4:5-7 – The authorities called for a meeting with Peter and John after the man had been healed and asked them, "By what name did you do this healing?"
4:10 – Peter's answer is clear and direct: Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by him this man is standing before you well.
4:12 – Peter declares that the entire salvation work of God comes only through the name of Jesus: Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. I know that people living in a multi-faith, relativistic society find this kind of exclusive claim very hard to stomach. Many people seem value a bland kind of toleration of anything anyone wants to believe rather than the pursuit of what might actually be true. Still, I tell you that all attempts to make this verse say something different from what it says – and not to be so exclusive as to say that only faith in the Jesus of history -- have, in my view, failed. Again and again in Acts 3-4, the name referred to is specifically and undeniably Jesus of Nazareth. The Jesus who lived, died and now still lives is the only name that saves.
4:17-18 – When the authorities met again and had to decide what to do with these two men, they said, "To stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn them to speak no longer to anyone in this name." So, they called Peter and John in and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. Of course, this is the oft-discussed time that Peter and John said they had to obey God's command rather than human dictates. (I will have to return matter to this issue at another time. Christians have always been good citizens within their nations. But, when the laws of a land directly contradict a command of God, we must obey God. The call of Jesus trumps any other allegiance.)
Putting this together: When we see how the name of Jesus is used in this report we learn a lot. As I pointed out last week, the name of Jesus is not some kind of magical incantation that gives us the power to control the universe. God does miracles but he does not dispense them when we demand them. In addition, as Annie Neufeld told me, the name of Jesus is not just a tag we add on to sign off at the end of a prayer. So what is it? In this story, I see some powerful truths being taught about the name of Jesus:
#1: The name of Jesus is the only source of our salvation –
The way the word "saved" used in Acts 4:12 is much bigger and more wonderful than the way we usually use it in churches. It refers to what Peter preached about in 3:21 in which he said that the time has come for God to keep his promise and restore all things to the way he created them to be. When God's saving work is done, your life and mine will be complete. We won't wrestle with temptations lameness, poverty, and addictions, anxiety and depression any more! And the world itself will be made right. Listen to how John wrote about it in Rev. 21:4-5: God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new."
The Bible is telling us that the only one who can accomplish this is Jesus. If you want to be a part of what God is doing, you need to turn from your own sinful ways and give your life to him. Jesus is ready and able both to forgive your past and to completely transform your future. You need to receive Jesus if you will be saved. Only Jesus lived the perfect life we should have lived (though none of us have) and was willing to die the death for our sins that we deserve. He is ready to take the punishment you are due and re-create you. No one else can do it. Salvation is in the name of Jesus! I declare to you, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!" There is no other name that can save.
#2: The name of Jesus has healing power.
Everything that happened in Acts 3-4 came about because a man who had been lame for over 40 years was healed in the name of Jesus. This man had sat every day for 40 years at the same gate begging for alms. Everyone knew him. And then, they saw that same man walking and leaping like a deer. This healing had put the anti-Jesus authorities in a quandary because they couldn't deny that something miraculous had happened in Jesus' name. I pointed out last week that not all people were in Jerusalem were healed that day. Moreover, not all problems were removed in all people's lives – even Christians' lives – in the early church. In his sermon following the healing, Peter preached that this one healing was proof that God has power over all evils in this world, including lameness. He said this one healing was evidence that the restoration of all things has begun though it will not be finished until Jesus returns to complete his work (3:21).
But, having said that, we should still pray in the name of Jesus for healing. The root word for "heal" in v.9 and "save" in v.12 is the same word, i.e., sozo. Our complete physical healing is a part of what God promises to bring about when his work is complete. You and I will be spiritually, relationally, emotionally, and physically whole when God has finished his work in us. And, sometimes, he does a part of the work now. I tell you this because we pray for the sick here at LAC. James 5 is our guide. You can read that through and see how we are to pray for you when you are sick. We have seen God heal here too.
I proclaim to you today that there is still healing power in the name of Jesus. And here's what the Bible tells you to do in James 5:14: Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. Come to the prayer room after the service or contact one of us here at the church and we'll set up a time to do quite simply what the Lord has told us to do. I believe from the depths of my heart that we will sometimes see the same thing they saw in Acts 3-4, i.e., sick people experiencing the healing power of God in the name of Jesus.
#3: The name of Jesus is the center of the message we give witness to and proclaim.
Read through the many sermons in the book of Acts and you'll see they are all about Jesus. They call people to repent of sins, to believe in Jesus, and to be baptized in Jesus' name. The healing of the lame man pointed to the person and work of Jesus. As Paul declared in Col. 1:28, "We proclaim Christ." So that's what I am urging each of you to do. Proclaim the name of Jesus Christ to our world. Pray that God will give you opportunities to tell others about Jesus. You don't have to be a great speaker. Just tell people that Jesus is changing your life and giving you hope.
I think I understand the oft cited quote from St. Francis, "Preach the gospel always. If necessary, use words." Let me say two things about that quote: 1) I don't think he ever said that. 2) We must use words to tell people that the honor goes to Jesus. We must make famous the name of Jesus – with our words.
And I must warn you: What happened to Peter and John will sometimes happen to you. Many people opposed them. Scholars opposed them and called them "unschooled and common" (4:13). The government and authorities opposed them and said they had no right to be preaching. Peter and John were threatened and thrown into prison for their faith. Isn't it an irony: The same name that brings hope and salvation also brings persecution. So, don't be surprised when you speak of Jesus and then find you are in the midst of opposition. But, if Jesus is your Lord and savior, you will find joy even when you are face opposition for giving witness to him. You and I must be witnesses to the saving power and life-changing truth of the name of Jesus.
In application: I urge you once again to identify three names of people for whom you will be praying and to whom you intend to give witness. God will bring others across your path too. But think specifically of three people and begin looking for chances to use words to speak of the matchless name of Jesus. You will discover that, although some will oppose you, others will give their lives to Jesus.
#4: The name of Jesus gives you an identity that cannot be taken away.
When I read Acts 4, I see that when they met the risen Jesus, Peter and John came alive to who they were and whose they were. Why do I say that? Read back to the end of Luke's first book, the Gospel of Luke, and continue all the way through Acts 4. You will be struck by the fact the one day, these men were arguing about which of them would be the greatest in Jesus' regime and who would get the places of power. Earlier, their lives had all been "about them." But in Acts 3-4, their lives are no longer characterized by selfishness and pride. In fact, when everyone was standing in awe of them, Peter and John said firmly, "It's not about us – it's about the name of Jesus." Something had changed their sense of identity.
Even more than that, you have to wonder what happened when in Luke 24, these disciples were depressed and startled and frightened because Jesus had died and all seemed lost. Then, in Acts 4, the disciples deal so boldly with the authorities of their country who threaten them and imprison them. When Peter and John were told that they couldn't use the name of Jesus any more, they didn't even flinch. Jesus had told them to give witness so they were going to give witness!
What had happened was they had found a new identity that nothing in this world could take away. For them to live was Christ so even if they would have to die, it would be a gain -- because death was not the end of their existence. They knew that. Jesus had overcome death. As Paul put it in Galatians 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. They had a new identity that was not vulnerable to any power in this world. They knew who they were. They were his.
So, who are you? I tell you: Make sure the answer to that question something that cannot be taken away. I contend that the only thing worthy of being fully identified with as the core of your being is the name of Jesus. Oh, you will have many secondary identities. For me, I'm a pastor, a husband, a father, a Californian... I could go on and on. Many of those secondary identities are wonderful. But, those things will not last forever. Age or death or human failure will rob me of them. Make Jesus the Lord of your life. Get an identity that cannot be lost and you can find deep fulfillment in any career and with any situation in life. So, Peter and John thought, "Put us in prison and we're still who we are. We belong to Jesus! We are his! That cannot be taken from us!"
But here is both the challenge and the privilege of this message: If you identify yourself as belonging to Jesus, you must make a commitment to live in a way that doesn't demean his name. To bear the name of Jesus means to live in ways that people see his values, his justice, and his love in and through you. This is a powerful lesson: The name of Jesus can be dishonored when we who bear his name don't live in a way consistent with God's Word and character.
I told you that one of greatest gifts my parents gave me was their name. And, Jesus has gives you the opportunity to be identified with His name. When you place your faith in Jesus Christ, you are brought into the family of God and you represent Him to the world. This is a wonderful gift – but it is also a weighty responsibility. Wherever you go, you carry the name of the one who is your Lord.
You can see why any professional or business person who claims to be a Jesus-follower and then operates dishonestly or treats people unkindly, dishonors the name of the Lord. But treat people with kindness and live with integrity and you will show the world what Jesus is like. The same is true of how you live within your school or family or neighborhood.
The name of Jesus Christ is at stake in the way his followers live our lives. To pray, "Your will be done" on Sunday and to do your own will on Monday to act as a Christian in church and as a pagan with your friends this is demeaning the name of the one who gave his life for your salvation.
When I was president of a school, I used to meet with the groups that went out representing us – our music teams, our athletes, our mission teams... I had a stock speech I gave them as they were leaving. I would say, "When you head out, you represent not only yourself but many others. You represent your family. People who have never met your parents will get an idea of who your family is by the way you conduct yourself. But, you also represent the name of your school. Potential students who have never been to our school will feel they know what the school is like by watching how you act. And since our school is named Trinity, the awe-inducing part is that you represent God himself. People who have no idea about God at all will decide whether God is real and what he is like by watching you. Your life and words give witness to him. So do not demean his name."
And, some of our students started developing a habit of opening the windows to the bus as they left and yelling, "President, we won't demean the name! We'll bring honor to the Name!"
And I say the same to you today. As those who have placed our faith in Jesus and made him our Lord, we bear His name. We are to tell the world who Jesus is – and show the world what he is like. So, when you leave this place, you carry Jesus' name with you. Carry it in a way that brings honor and glory – to his name.
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
我父母給我的最美好的禮物之一就是他們的姓。“Waybright”( 通亮)——这个姓經常讓人們問我,究竟我有多明亮。 然而,我父母所給我的這個禮物的價值,不是這名字的意思或者名字的聲音所帶來的名氣。我的父母都不是名人。他們一直在西佛吉尼亞的小鎮裡生活並工作。但是,當我在家裡逐漸長大,我聽到有些認識我父親的人說,“啊,我認識你爸爸。他是可以信任的人。我知道他會兌現祂的承諾。”或者,“哦,Waybright,我認識你媽媽。她總是把歡樂帶給身邊的人。我以前沒有見過這樣的人!”對他們兩個,則會說,“他們對耶穌的信心是認真的。他們的信心是真的。” 我常常想讓自己不辜負了Waybright這個姓。我不想做任何讓這個名字受羞辱的事。我要保持这姓的正直传承给我的後代。如今,這或許已經不是你對你的姓的想法了。在美國社會,我們都很關注自我,以至於我們通常都不重視共用族姓對我們有什麼意義。但是,你們當中的許多人,有北美和歐洲以外的傳統,會明白我的觀點,一個共用的族姓對於家庭成員彼此是非常重要的。在我們的世界,維繫一個族姓是倫理道德生活的重要動力之一。大多數人不想讓他們的族姓被人瞧不起。 這種想法在聖經時代也是很普遍的。一個以色列人常常有幾個名字:至少有一個公共的名字和一個個人的名字。個人的名字是由父母選擇的,它反映了這個人初期的一些特徵。例如,雅各的名字的意思是“攫取者”。在《創世記》,雅各的母親看到當雅各出生的時候,抓住他哥哥的腳跟,母親的本能讓他意識到了雅各的這個特徵,他是一個“攫取者”。你知道,雅各有時會欺騙人。這意思就是說,在聖經裡,名字是很重要的。知道一個人的名字,就會知道那個人的一些事。人名字有什麼?在聖經中,含義很多。名字關係到一個人的身份,特徵和專業。 在舊約中,有關名字的一個重點是,以色列人的名字會與救他們脫離被奴役地位的神完全相關聯。神的名字是雅威,宇宙的創造者,獨一的真神。以色列是祂的選民、百姓,祂牧養的羊群。他們以祂的名字來命名。但是先知預見有一天,神會親自來到這個世界,拯救祂的選民。祂來的時候,先知說,神的殿會成為萬國和萬民禱告的殿。當神來到這個世界,祂會為所有的人打開進入神家的大門,承受祂的名。 我們在《使徒行傳》4章,將關注一個人的名字,祂進入世界來人讓人認識神,祂就是耶穌。
名字和《使徒行傳》4章. 如果仔細讀《使徒行傳》4章,我們就不難發現,有關“名字”的事情經常出現。特別是那個能改變萬事的名字,就是耶穌的名字。 讓我們快速的看一下這個故事,以便我們能知道耶穌的名字是怎樣被使用的: 3:12, 15b-16 ——當神使用彼得和約翰去醫治一個瘸腿的人時;見證醫治過程的人對他們非常敬畏。但是彼得和約翰卻說,“為什麼定睛看我們,以為我們憑自己的能力和虔誠使這人行走呢?我們因信耶穌的名,他的名便叫你們所看見所認識的這人健壯了;正是他所賜的信心,叫這人在你們眾人面前全然好了。” 4:5-7——當局召開會議,叫來彼得、約翰和那個被醫治的人,問他們,“你們靠誰的名做這醫治的事?” 4:10——彼得的回答清楚而直率:你們眾人和以色列百姓都當知道,站在你們面前的這人得痊癒是因你們所釘十字架、神叫他從死裡復活的拿撒勒人耶穌基督的名。 4:12---彼得宣告神一切的救恩工作唯有通過耶穌的名:除祂以外,別無拯救;因為在天下人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救。我了解生活在多種信仰,相對論下的社會中,這種絕對的宣稱很難讓人吞嚥。比起對 追求有可能是真理的东西, 許多人更願意接受人想信什麼就信什麼這種泛白的容忍。 然而我告訴你,那些試圖解釋說這句經文不是指基督的唯獨性,否定信心唯有建立在歷史中的耶穌基督上,在我看來都站不住腳的。使徒行傳3-4章中,拉撒熱人耶穌的名是獨特無以推諉的。耶穌活過,死了,現今活著,是唯一靠著得救的名。 4:17-18 –當管長們再集商討要怎麼辦這兩個人,他們說," 唯恐這事越發傳揚在民間,我們必須恐嚇他們,叫他們不再奉這名對人講論。" 於是叫了彼得和約翰來,禁止他們總不可奉耶穌的名講論教訓人。當然,彼得和約翰的回答是我們必須聽從神的命令,而不是照著人的意思,這一回答也是我們常常討論的一個議題。 ( 我下次要找另個時間來談這一話題。基督徒在他們的國家總是良善的公民。但是當地上的法律和神的命令直接衝突的時候,我們必須服從神。耶穌的呼召超越任何的效忠。) 總歸起來,在這報道中,我們看到耶穌的名被怎樣使用,我們學到許多。如我上個星期指出,耶穌的名不是某種神秘的咒語,給人控制宇宙的能力。 神行神蹟,但不是我們發號施令,祂就分配出糧一般。此外,如Annie Neufeld 告訴我的, 耶穌的名不只是一個禱告完之後掛上一個標籤。那麼耶穌的名到底是什麼? 在這個故事中,我看到有關教導耶穌的名幾點充滿能力的真理:
#1: 耶穌的名是救恩唯一的來源- 使徒行傳4:12用的"拯救"這個字比起教會中通常用的要偉大奇妙的多。這個字指的是彼得在3:21節所傳講的,他說神信守祂的諾言,萬物復興的時候,回歸神創造萬物其本相的時候到了。當神"拯救"的工作完成,你的生命和我的生命都將完成。我們不再受誘惑、瘸腿、貧窮、上癮的掙扎,也不再有焦慮和憂鬱。世界本身也會重歸正道。你聽約翰在啓示錄21:4-5中說的: 神要擦去他們一切的眼淚;不再有死亡、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了。坐寶座的說:"看哪,我將一切都更新了!" 聖經告訴我們唯一能夠實現這一切的是耶穌。如果你要參與神這一工作,你需要從你的罪的道路中轉回,將你的生命給祂。耶穌預備好,祂也能夠赦免你的過去,並且全然改變你的样式。如果你要得拯救,你需要接受耶穌。唯有耶穌活過完全的生活,也是我們本來要活的樣子(可是我們沒有一個人可以這樣完全地活過)。我們的死本是我們的罪所當得的, 耶穌願意替罪為我們死。祂預備好擔當你要受的懲罰,而換來你重造的生命。
#2: 耶穌的名字帶著醫治的能力 使徒行傳3-4章發生的一切,始於一位瘸腿40年的人,奉耶穌的名得痊愈了。這個人40年如一日坐在同一道門口乞討哀求人的施捨。 街坊鄰里無一不知曉。然後他們看見,這樣的一個人站起來,如鹿跳躍。這痊愈使敵耶穌的官長陷入窘境,因為他們無法否認奉耶穌基督的名發生了神蹟。上個星期我指出在耶路撒冷那一天不是所有的人都得了醫治。不僅如此,不是所有人的生活,甚至初代教會的基督徒的生活不都是風調雨順的。在醫病神蹟後,彼得講道說這一醫治是神的能力在世界勝過惡的權柄的見證,這也包括瘸腿。他說這一痊愈也就是萬物復興的工作的開始,雖然此工還未完成直到耶穌再來的日子。(3:21) 儘管以上所說,我們仍然奉耶穌的名禱告求醫治。9節中的"醫治"的字根和12節中的"拯救"是同樣一個字。 我們身體完全得醫治也是神應許祂的工作完成的時候要帶來的一個部分。當神在我們裡面的工作完成的時候,你和我在靈性上、關係上、情感上、以及身體上都將得到完全。有時候,祂現在在我們身上做部分的工作。我告訴你們這些,因為我們在教會為有病的禱告,雅各書5章是我們的引導。你可以去念這些話,看看我們怎樣可以為你生病時禱告。我們也看見神在這裡醫治過。 我今天可以向你宣告,奉耶穌的名今天仍然有醫治得的大能。聖經在雅各書5:14節中這裡告訴我們:你們當中有病了的呢,他就可以請教會的長老來;他們可以奉主的名用油抹他,為他禱告。 聚會後可以到禱告室來, 和教會當中我們任何一個聯繫,設一個專門的時間,简单按著主告訴我們的去行。我從心底相信有時候我們可以看見使徒行傳3-4上同樣的醫治。
#3: 耶穌的名是我們見證和宣揚的信息核心 通讀使徒行傳的許多講道,你會看見他們講的都是有關耶穌。他們都是從罪中悔改的人,相信耶穌,奉耶穌的名受洗 。瘸腿的人得醫治都是指向耶穌這個人和祂的工作。如同保羅在哥林多前書1:28中說的:"我們宣揚基督。"因此我在這裡也催促你們當中的每個人這樣行。向世界宣揚耶穌的名。禱告求神給你機會向別人講論耶穌。你不需要成為一個了不起的講員。就只要告訴人耶穌怎樣改變你的生活,賜給你盼望。 我想我明白為什麼許多人常常引用 的聖. 法蘭西斯的一段話," 向人傳福音,不可間斷。若是可能,常常用言語來傳。 " 這句引言說明兩件事:1)我不以為他曾經說過這句話 2)我們還是要用話來告訴人,榮耀歸給耶穌。我們要宣揚耶穌之名-還是要使用話語的。 我想我要勸告你們:發生在彼得和約翰身上的事也會發生在你們身上。許多的人反對他們。學者反對他們,叫他們是些"沒有學問的小民" (4:13)。 官府們反對他們,叫他們不可傳講基督。因為他們的信心,彼得和約翰受恐嚇要被關進牢獄。諷刺人的是:同樣的一個名,帶來盼望和救恩同時也受迫害。所以,你向人傳講基督時,發現你處在反對聲浪中,不要驚奇。但耶穌若是你的救主,你面對見證祂的反對聲中會有喜樂。你我會見證耶穌聖名的拯救大能和生命改變的真理。 在應用上:我再次勸你們,認三個人, 為他們禱告,定意向這三個人做見證。神會在你的路上為你預備人。但是具體地為三個人,找機會用話語向他們傳講耶穌無以匹配的名。你會發現,儘管有人會反對 你,也會有人將他們的生命交給神。
#4: 耶穌的名給你的身份是奪不去的。 我念使徒行傳4 章,看見彼得和約翰遇見復活的耶穌後,他們活了過來,變成神起初造他們的本相和所屬。我為什麼這麼說?讀回到路加的第一卷書,路加福音,一直到使徒行傳第四章。有一天你會為這一事實感到震驚,這些爭論當耶穌的國掌權之時誰會坐最大交椅的人,早先他們的生活都是"自己如何"。但是在使徒行傳3-4,他們的生活不再刻著自私和驕傲。而且,當人們以敬畏的心站在他們面前時,彼得和約翰堅定地說,"不是出於我們-乃是耶穌的名。" 是什麼改變了他們的身份。 甚至,你會驚訝在路加福音24章所發生的。這些門徒甚是沮喪,震驚,和害怕。耶穌死了,看來一切都丟了。接著使徒行傳4章,門徒們可以如此勇敢地應對他們國家的官府,甚至威脅他們要監禁他們的時候。彼得 和約翰被禁止不許再提耶穌的名的時候, 他們眼都不眨。因為耶穌告訴他們要做見證,他們就做見證。 發生的事是因為他們找到一個新的身份,那是這個世界所奪不去的。對他們來說活著是為基督,所以即使他們要為主而死,也有益處-因為死亡不是他們存在的結局。他們明白這點。耶穌已經勝了死亡。如同保羅在加拉太书 2:20節中說的:我已经和基督同钉十字架;现在活着的,不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着;并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信神的儿子而活,祂是爱我,为我舍己。他们有个新的身份,对着世界的权利不再脆弱。他们知道自己是谁。他们是属于神的。 那麼你是誰? 我告訴你們:確信問題的答案在於是不能奪去的東西。我要論的是,唯有一個可以完全作為你存在的核心身份乃是耶穌的名。 但是這裡的信息同時帶著挑戰和特權:如果你認同自己屬於基督的身份,你必須委身過一個和這一名字相稱的生活方式。 佩戴耶穌的名意味著你活著人可以在你的身上看见神的價值,公義,和祂的愛。這是滿有力量的一個教訓:如果帶著神的名卻過著和神的話語和特徵不相符合的生活方式,耶穌的名就受人的辱沒。 我告訴你我的父母給我的最大的一個禮物就是他們給我的名字。那麼,耶穌給你機會使你和祂的名字可以認同。當你將你的信心放在耶穌的身上,你就被帶入基督的家庭,你代表祂進入世界。 這是一份不凡的禮物-也同時帶來一份重任。你走出去,就帶著這位你的主的名字。 你明白為什麼專業人士和生意人,自稱是跟隨耶穌,卻行使詭詐,待人沒有良善,給主的名帶來辱沒。但是待人良善,過一個正直的生活,你向世界表明耶穌像什麼。同樣的在你生活的學校,家庭和鄰舍中也是如此。 跟隨耶穌的人的生活影響耶穌基督的名譽。人在禮拜天禱告說:"願你的旨意成全",在禮拜一卻任意而行,在教會過一個基督徒的生活,在朋友當中過一個外邦人的生活, 貶低了將生命換你救恩的神。 我在一個學校當校長的時候,我常會見一些代表我們出去的團體-我們的音樂隊,體育隊,宣教隊等等...... 他們出發時我總是給 那句金言。 我說,"你們出去,不僅是代表你自己,還代表許多其他的人。 你代表你的家。 那些從來沒有見過你的父母的,從你的為人行事人就可以知道你家庭的點滴。你還代表你所在的學校的名字。那些可能到我們學校來讀書,但 從來沒有到過我們學校的人可以觀察你的言行舉止,從你的身上感受到這個學校的樣子。那麼我們學校的名字叫三一學院,使人敬畏的是你代表神祂自己。那些對神無知的人可以從你的行為中定奪神的真實。你的生命为神作见证。所以不要贬低神的名。 我們中間有些學生有一個習慣,出去時,打開車窗喊著,"校長,我們不會辱沒這名! 我們會給神的名帶來榮耀! " 我今天也是對你們說同樣的話。 和那些將信心放在耶穌身上的人,認祂做我們主的,我們都帶著祂的名。我們要向世界傳揚耶穌是誰-給世界看耶穌像什麼。所以,你離開這個地方的時候,你帶著耶穌的名字同往。如此帶往,給耶穌的名帶來榮耀和尊榮。
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Study Guide
In The Name of Jesus - Week 7 - Study Guide
In the section leading up to this study (Acts 3–4:22), Peter and John were
brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council of priests and elders, because God through the apostles had healed a lame man, taught about the theological meaning of the healing, and accused the people of unjustly putting Jesus to death.
In the name of Jesus
Acts 4
In the section leading up to this study (Acts 3–4:22), Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council of priests and elders, because God through the apostles had healed a lame man, taught about the theological meaning of the healing, and accused the people of unjustly putting Jesus to death.
After considerable debate, they were released but sternly charged not to continue to preach the gospel. Yet, Peter told them, "We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). Acts 4:23–37 gives us an inside look at a community of witnesses to Jesus.
- Think of a group of people (Christian or non-Christian) of which you are a member. What defines the group? How do its members relate to one another? How does the community relate to those outside it?
- Read Acts 4:23–37. After Peter and John were released from prison, what was the first thing they did? How did the community respond to the situation? How should we respond to opposition as a church family?
- Look at verses 24–28. How is God described? What do you learn about him?
- Look at vv. 27–30. What did the people pray for in the face of opposition? What might people be tempted to pray for in such times? What did they ask God to do for them? How did he respond to them in verse 31?
- Verses 32–37 give us a closer look at the community life of the early church. What are some specific ways they lived out being "one heart and mind"? What does this tell us about their priorities?
- Put yourself in the story. If you were on the outside looking in, what might be going through your mind as you observe these Christians interacting with each other and with others?
- What lesson do you hope to apply to your life from this passage?
2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church