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Sent from the Church to the Streets - Week 6 - Study Guide

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Sent from the church to the streets

Acts 3

Discuss: Can you remember a time when you asked for something but recieved something better in return?

  1. Have someone read Acts 3:1–26 aloud. How did Luke describe the condition and situation of the beggar in verse 2?
  2. Describe Peter's actions in verses 3–7. Which details did Luke give in verses 7–9 to let us know that this was a miracle?
  3. Read Isaiah 35:4–6. Which comparisons do you see between the prophecy of God's coming and this incident? What does it tell you about Jesus?
  4. What was the reaction of the crowd in verses 10–11? What possible misunderstanding of the miracle on the crowd's part did Peter anticipate in verse 12?
  5. From verse 12 to the end of the chapter, Peter spoke to the crowd about Jesus. Looking at verses 13–15, contrast the titles Peter used to designate Jesus with the horrendous ways the people treated him. What "excuse" did they have [verse 17]?
  6. In verses 19–23, what did Peter say was a proper response to Jesus Christ? What are the benefits? What is the consequence if people do not respond positively?
  7. Scan through Peter's entire speech and pick out the promises he said that God had made through his servants. How has Jesus already fulfilled those promises? How is he fulfilling them presently? How will he fulfill them in the future? [Note: Verse 25 says that through the descendants of Abraham "all the nations of the earth will be blessed."]
  8. Peter and John certainly brought a "blessing" to this lame man and a "blessing" of the Good News to those who heard their message. How can you be an instrument of God's blessing to your family and neighborhood this week?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church