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In The Name of Jesus - Week 7 - Study Guide

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In the name of Jesus

Acts 4

In the section leading up to this study (Acts 3–4:22), Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council of priests and elders, because God through the apostles had healed a lame man, taught about the theological meaning of the healing, and accused the people of unjustly putting Jesus to death.

After considerable debate, they were released but sternly charged not to continue to preach the gospel. Yet, Peter told them, "We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). Acts 4:23–37 gives us an inside look at a community of witnesses to Jesus.

  1. Think of a group of people (Christian or non-Christian) of which you are a member. What defines the group? How do its members relate to one another? How does the community relate to those outside it?
  2. Read Acts 4:23–37. After Peter and John were released from prison, what was the first thing they did? How did the community respond to the situation? How should we respond to opposition as a church family?
  3. Look at verses 24–28. How is God described? What do you learn about him?
  4. Look at vv. 27–30. What did the people pray for in the face of opposition? What might people be tempted to pray for in such times? What did they ask God to do for them? How did he respond to them in verse 31?
  5. Verses 32–37 give us a closer look at the community life of the early church. What are some specific ways they lived out being "one heart and mind"? What does this tell us about their priorities?
  6. Put yourself in the story. If you were on the outside looking in, what might be going through your mind as you observe these Christians interacting with each other and with others?
  7. What lesson do you hope to apply to your life from this passage?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church