Purpose Statement

LAC’s Marriage Ministries is dedicated to help couples cultivate healthy and thriving Christian marriages that in turn will impact families, the church, community, and ultimately the world, for the glory and cause of Jesus Christ.

Whether you are dating, your marriage is just beginning or you have celebrated more than 50 anniversaries, whether you’re looking for enrichment or you are experiencing distress, LAC provides a variety of resources that enable couples to understand God’s design for marriage and equip them with the practical tools, skills and community needed for a life-long and fulfilling marriage.

Our Ministries

Our trained marriage mentors provide support, encouragement and guidance at 3 levels:

PREMARITAL – couples dialogue about key aspects of a marital relationship and share personal experiences and insights.

ENRICHMENT – called Marriage Coaching - focuses on communications, conflict resolution, gratitude, forgiveness, listening, intimacy and more!

REPARATIVE – called Hope 4 Marriage – involves intensive efforts focused on repairing marital relationships and developing new skills, tools & perspective.

Mentoring meetings range from once a week to once a month, with different practical curriculums which are biblically-based.

Numerous research studies and our own experience at LAC confirm that couples with marriage mentors have stronger and more resilient relationships with more robust communication and conflict resolutions skills, and higher levels of overall satisfaction

Small Groups / Instilling New Life Into Your Marriage

An 8-week small group designed to help you better understand your spouse, and acquire tools to resolve conflicts and build marriage harmony

Couples Date Nights

Our semi-annual Couples Date Nights are designed for fun, learning and constructive interactions with other couples

Marriage Resources

In addition to our online Marriage Preparation Course, we have a variety of resources on our website to enhance marriages


Upcoming & on-going events hosted or related to Marriage Ministries at Lake...

No events have been organized.

Marriage Ministry Team