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Our Current Story

It’s Green Oak Ranch time again! Registration will open March 1, 2023. Green Oak Ranch is the perfect place for you to enjoy the outdoors and fellowship with each other. 

Last year It was a blessing for everyone to be able to social distance and still enjoy family time and fellowship. We took safety very seriously and there was not a single incident of Covid at or post the event. This year we are back in full swing with meals being included with your Green Oak camp registration. Green Oak Camp has also upgraded their shower and other facilities. the pond is full, the animal pen is busier than ever with new births having taken place just last year and - RV spots are available as well (but no RV boondocking/hookups).

We will still have all of the activities you know and love, from hiking and softball to crafts and archery. There are activities for everyone at every age. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family for a weekend of fun. Sign up now to ensure the Green Oak Ranch Memorial Day weekend family camp can happen this year and years to come.

Michael Mitchell
Green Oak Camp Coordinator

Purpose Statement

To have a long weekend of family fun and relaxation, building relationships with friends and beginning new relationships.


Set in a camping environment, away from the usual, and provide activities for kids to be with kids, for adults to be with adults, and for adults/parents to interact with kids.


Starting in 1979 several families from Galileans went camping. The group grew. About 1985 one of our members, on the board of the Union Rescue Mission, owner of the facility, made arrangements for us to camp there. We provided our own meals and our own activities, starting with crafts and a Sunday service geared strictly for the kids.

Galileans as a class realized the importance of the weekend and practically made it mandatory for everyone in class to go, particularly new people to the class. We felt a weekend at Green Oak was worth more than three years of all the other class activities combined as far as getting to know others and feeling at home in the class.


Prior to COVID, our typical attendance has been around 500. About half are adults over 18 and the rest are students with about 5% being 5 or under.

We encourage families to invite their friends, as it is a very easy-going and welcoming atmosphere that everyone can participate in and become part of. Our children's worship service is still geared to the kids with a children's sermon, yet always with an evangelistic message.

There is a spirit of working and playing together that permeates the ranch experience. People share food, bicycles, squirt guns, help each other with their tents, gather 'round campfires and just become extended family for the weekend. It is one of the best ways to meet people and become part of the LAC Family.


"Lake does more in three days than most camps do in a whole week!"
- Green Oak Ranch Staff



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