What is So Good About the Good News?

What is So Good About the Good News?

Sunday, January 19, 2020


Read Philippians 2:5-8

  1. In your experience, how is Christianity different from other religions?
  2. What does it mean in verse 6 that Jesus “did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage?” Consider the opposite: What would it have looked like for Jesus to exploit, grasp, or take advantage of his divine status?
  3. How did Jesus humble himself in verses 6-8? How was Jesus exalted in verses 9-11? How are these two sections connected?      
  4. Usually in our world, we are told to take advantage of every opportunity in order to advance in life. But here, Jesus lays down his advantage, honor and status. How can we live similarly this week in order to advance the gospel? 
  5. How can this passage shape the way you talk about Jesus with non-believers in the future?