Wake Up
Wake Up
Greg Waybright
- Revelation 3:1
- Listen & Hear
- 44 mins 24 secs
- Views: 2083
Pastor's Letter
Wake Up - Week 7
On Tuesday morning of this past week, I received the following letter from the Ortlund family:
Last night, at about 6:30..
On Tuesday morning of this past week, I received the following letter from the Ortlund family:
Last night, at about 6:30, Anne Ortlund entered the presence of the King of kings. How she longed for that moment when she would see her Savior face-to-face!
Blessed are those who die in the Lord . . . for their works do follow them. And, what incredible "works" she and Ray shared over their many, many years of faithful ministry.
While she missed by one month her 90th birthday on earth, December 4th she'll be celebrating in heaven, rejoicing in the realization of the true Christmas story.
Anne served here at Lake Avenue Church for 20 years while her husband, Ray, was senior pastor. When I visited her recently, she told me that LAC is still her church. And I told her, as I have said several times from the pulpit, that no one is in the heart of our church family as deeply as Anne and Ray Ortlund. Our sense of identity, values, and mission are still significantly shaped by what happened during their ministry among us. The three priorities for a church family—Christ, the Body of Christ, and the world—still direct our decision making. Churches like ours do not have specific "saints" who are venerated above other church family members. However, if we did, Anne would have been our saint. I told her that I sometimes call her "St. Anne." With her beautiful and humble spirit, she counseled me not to do so very often.
It is ironic that Anne's home-going has arrived just as we come to Jesus' letter to the church in Sardis in Revelation 3:1–6. That church was a church with a great reputation. In their past, the Christians in Sardis had experienced tremendous movements of God's Spirit. Sadly, their spiritual vitality was all in the past. When Jesus wrote, the Church in Sardis was spiritually dead. As I look at it, Ray and Anne Ortlund are a big, big part of the global reputation that LAC possesses. Churches should celebrate God's work among us in our pasts. However, as Anne made clear to me in my last visit to her, "Greg, please build on what God has done. Do not rest on it!"
My prayer is that this weekend will mark a fresh beginning of a work of God among us. Jesus' words will guide us.
To His Glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Study Notes
Wake Up - Week 7 - Study Notes
Study Notes available in English and Chinese translations.
On Tuesday morning of this past week, I received the news that Anne Ortlund had passed away. Anne served here at Lake Avenue Church for 20 years while her husband, Ray, was Senior Pastor. Their time among us was a wonderful time of God's working in and through the life of our church. Many people around the world know LAC's reputation because of what happened when the Ortlunds were here.
Wake up
Revelation 3:1-6
On Tuesday morning of this past week, I received the news that Anne Ortlund had passed away. Anne served here at Lake Avenue Church for 20 years while her husband, Ray, was Senior Pastor. Their time among us was a wonderful time of God's working in and through the life of our church. Many people around the world know LAC's reputation because of what happened when the Ortlunds were here.
I find it ironic that Anne's home-going has arrived just as we come to Jesus' letter to the church in Sardis in Revelation 3:1-6. That church was also a church with a great reputation. In their past, the Christians in Sardis apparently had experienced tremendous movements of God's Spirit. Sadly, when Jesus' dictated this letter, their spiritual vitality was all in the past. As I look at it, Ray and Anne Ortlund are a big, big part of the global reputation that LAC still possesses. And hear me clearly: Churches should celebrate God's work done in their pasts. However, as Anne made clear to me in my last visit to her, "Greg, please build on what God has done. Do not rest on it!"
With that in mind, look again at what Jesus said to a popular church in the city of Sardis in Revelation 3:1b: I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
It seems that it can be dangerous to have a great reputation. Was the Church in Sardis the best-known, most popular church of its day? It may have been. Even Jesus, as he surveyed all the churches in Asia, had to acknowledge its fame. But, unfortunately, Jesus saw that their fame didn't fit what was happening in the church. Jesus condemned the church in Sardis in spite of her reputation. He condemned her with extremely forceful language. Jesus' message to Sardis is a warning both to us as a church as well as to us as individual Christians in a day in which we too could be deceived into thinking that what brings fame in the world – like big numbers and exciting programs -- will always be what is approved by Jesus.
What happens in this letter is that Jesus examines the whether a church is really alive to him – right now! In doing so, he asks, "Is your faith in me real or are you simply trying to do the things that make people think it is?" That was the challenge Jesus gave to Sardis – and, I think, gives to us today.
I. The Problem of Pretense
Read 3:1. Is this possible? Is it possible for a church everyone thinks is alive is, in truth, going to sleep? Jesus declares a resounding, "Yes!" As human beings looked at them, the churchgoers in Sardis were able to do very well those things everyone thought a church should do. They were able to get everyone to think that God's Spirit was working there when he was not. I've wondered how they were able to do that. How they were able to fool so many into thinking they were alive to God? One of the contributing factors may have simply been their location. As a city, Sardis had a great reputation. Apparently, that reputation as a city wasn't always well deserved either. Why do I say that?
For one thing, Sardis had a reputation for being impregnable. The city officials claimed to be perfectly safe. Sardis was built on the spur of a rocky mountain with 1000-foot vertical cliffs on all sides. They would claim that armies could never storm their city. But Sardis had been stormed and defeated several times in spite of the claims. Still, the leaders acted and spoke as if these defeats had never happened. Their arrogance and resulting failure to admit the truth made them vulnerable.
Beyond that, Sardis had a reputation for great wealth. The river that ran right through the market place in town was the river that the legendary King Midas had supposedly bathed in. You surely remember the story of King Midas, i.e., that everything he touched turned to gold. And, Sardis had once been a rich, rich city. But, again, the people would not admit that this wealth was largely in the past. They seemed to cast a blind eye to the problems of poverty that plagued the city when Jesus' letter was written. By ignoring the problems, they also ignored the pain of the people.
We could be vulnerable to similar things here in our great city. We have a great reputation -- a beautiful parade that the whole world watches. While people are freezing in Chicago, they see the sun and mountains and happy people at our parade every January. And, of course, we have the little old lady that the Beach Boys sang about who was cool even when she was old. And we have a great university and seminary here...
I've wondered this week whether the desire to rest on the laurels of the "glory days" in the city of Sardis had rubbed off on the church there. It seems that the "1st Church of Sardis" had experienced some glory days too. Of course, there are still churches today that revel in past glory. They speak of the well know leaders who once preached there and teachers who taught their classes. I'm sure you can see immediately how Jesus' message to this church in Sardis is one we need to listen to attentively here at LAC – especially this week of Anne Ortlund's passing. We too have an incredible heritage passed down from those in our church who have served God before us.
Let's look carefully at how Jesus clarified what the church in Sardis had a reputation for: "You have a reputation of being alive." Here was a church then which, in the eyes of the Christian public, was noteworthy not simply for being large and successful (which it probably was), not simply for having a long and honored tradition (which it probably had), not simply because it was situated in a famous city (which it was). No, this church had a name for being spiritually vital, vibrant, and dynamic.
Imagine this: "Are you going to Sardis for the weekend, Aurelius? Lucky guy, you'll love the church service there. It's much livelier there. And the preacher -- no one goes to sleep when he's preaching. And just look at that Website of theirs. I can't believe so much happens in that church. And in the Sunday service they don't use harps and lyres like we do. We're so out of date. They've put in this thing called an organ, some new fangled instrument. It's great. That church is alive, Aurelius. It's alive!"
But it wasn't. At least, not as far as the one who is the Lord of life is concerned. "You have a reputation for being alive but you are dead." I ask again: Is that possible? Can a church give every outward indication of being vibrant and led by the Spirit of God and yet be nothing but a spiritual corpse? Jesus says it is so. Spiritual life can be counterfeited, he says. The public can be easily deceived by the fake.
I think this is especially true when the pretending creeps in by a gradual process of transition from an originally authentic love of Christ. Here is what I've discovered: Once a church gets its programs rolling, it's quite possible to keep them all going simply by means of good management and organization. Yes, it is possible to build a reputation for being spiritually alive through smart planning, strong tradition, and talented leaders. It happened at Sardis. It could happen to us. Maybe it's already happening.
So every human evaluation was that this church was alive. Nobody guessed that Christ's verdict was so different. And, I'm sure that there was no church wide conspiracy to deceive people. No one said, "Let's all start being hypocrites." No, I think the church people probably believed their reputation too. So, make note of this: If you think things are OK just as they have always been, then you probably will not even be aware of the fact that, in the eyes of Jesus, something may be seriously wrong. You'll settle in comfortably to the routine of doing church – and not be alive to the presence of God and his daily leading in your life.
II. Diagnosing Pretense (How can we tell whether we are asleep?)
My own experience is that individual Christians and churches are always susceptible to this problem of drifting off to spiritual sleep. It's not a bad thing for us to take a service like this one, open God's Word and ask fervently, "Lord, are we truly committed to you as the Lord of this church?" I think the natural tendency for us as those who walk by faith and not yet by sight to be tugged away from spiritual fervor and toward routine or maintenance "churchiosity". I'm telling you this so you won't be surprised by times of spiritual dryness – or think that Sardis was the only church that felt the natural tug toward what becoming a "Ho-hum church." You know what this is, don't you? "Oh I go to church more than most people do. But, you know, there are so many demands in life. I'm not as enthusiastic about God as I once was but I think I'm OK."
I tell you this: All of us occasionally need a clarion call from Jesus to rouse us out of our slumber. I find the only churches and individual Christians that are not drifting toward sleep are those that regularly ask, "God, are we truly alive to you? Are you the God of our lives?" Our natural tendency in this world is to lose our first love for God -- soon it's no love at all. Our spiritual lives easily become duty or routine. Pastor Tim Keller says that every church to be roused – to be revived – every 2-3 years. He's probably right.
Let me give you two questions to ask if you think you might be drifting toward sleep.
Two Diagnostic Questions
#1. Is what was once clearly real to you no longer so clear? When you are asleep and dreaming you tend to think that things that are not real are real – and you begin to wonder whether the things you once knew are real are actually real. When you're dreaming, it's hard to tell the real from the unreal.
One of the most common dreams that people have is that they are in some public place – like a mall or a school assembly – and they've forgotten to get dressed. They only have their underwear on. (Maybe you've had that dream.) So, you're out there in that mall and you're so embarrassed. You forget that you never even walk out of your own bedroom without getting dressed! And then you hear a voice shouting at you. It sounds like a voice you've heard but it's so foggy to you! That voice is shouting, "Greg, wake up! Wake up! You're having a bad dream." But, you can't tell what's real from what's unreal because of your stupor.
When you're spiritually asleep, similar things happen. It once was so clear to you that God loved you and that his grace was sufficient for your sins. Gratitude moved your heart and life. But now you wonder...
Or, once you knew that sin was serious. You wanted to please God so you wouldn't even entertain things like cheating on a test, engaging in a questionable business practice, being unfaithful to your spouse... But now, you begin to wonder whether such things are so important to God. You ask, "How can God care about such things in the lives of so many people?" Do you see it? What once was so real is now as real to you?
Or, once you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God wanted all his people to worship together on each and every Lord's Day. You would never have questioned that. In fact, you didn't even want to question it? You loved to be with God the Father together with your church family. But now – well – "It's so hard. We have soccer games... We stayed up late last night and are so tired..."
I hope my point is clear: When what once was clear now seems fuzzy, you may be asleep.
#2: Are you standing for Jesus even if you are the only one standing? Jesus has an interesting word of encouragement for the few in Sardis who were still alive to him – in 3:4-5.
The people at Sardis would have known a lot about dirty clothes because one of the major industries of the city was the wool trade and there were many laundries there. I think Jesus is using an illustration very relevant to their city to say that a few people in the Sardis church were alive to him in such a way that they were living their faith wherever they went – even if they were the only faithful ones. The point is that those who are truly alive to Jesus will live passionately for him, live obediently to him and speak courageously of him even if no one else in church is doing it. Jesus says here that a few in Sardis had not soiled their clothes.
In these words, I see Jesus pointing us to one of the clearest marks of being a vibrant Christian: The one who is alive to God will be faithful to Christ even if no one else is. We'll stand for him even if we have to stand alone. The one who plays at church will want to be where the excitement is, where the success is. But the awake Jesus-follower only wants to be wherever God wants him to be.
The Ortlunds called it "the company of the committed." I ask you: Would you be here worshiping this morning even if almost no one else came? If no one else at work or school claimed to be a Christian, would you say, "I am." If it is for the sake of Christ, the genuine Christian is one who is willing to be among the few even to stand alone, for Jesus.
So, if this were a church where no one served, the genuine Christian would be here worshiping and serving Jesus and his church whether anyone else did or not. The awake Christian doesn't blame the church when there is deadness in his own life. No, he knows he must stand personally and individually before Christ. If your relationship to God is real, it's real whether anyone else is passionate about Christ or not.
So there was a small group of Christians in Sardis in a dying church. Jesus doesn't criticize them for being there. He doesn't tell them to leave or move to another church. He tells them to stay awake and be alive to his leading -- and Jesus promises them the greatest of rewards: Membership in the Book of Life.
III. Jesus' Prescription to Counter Pretense -- 3:2 3
3:2 3. Revival is a work of God. But Jesus gives us both a role to play in renewing our spiritual lives. Let's look at his commands given when we might be closer to sleepwalking spiritually:
Command 1: "Wake up!" Like the person in bed hearing the ringer and knowing there is something you must do, you will find in your walk with God that you often have to make decisions about whether you will get up, and do what you know God would have you to do.
There is something particularly appropriate about this command for the people of Sardis. The people there had always felt that their city was impregnable. But the city had been captured, and on more than one occasion. Each time, it hadn't happened by direct assault but by stealth. A part of the city that no one thought anyone would even chance coming in by had been left unattended and undefended. The records of Cyrus the Persian tell about his conquest of Sardis. He sent a small lightly armed group of soldiers to climb the 1000-foot cliffs. When they got to the top, they were shocked to find there were no soldiers there. The Persian just walked in and took over.
Jesus is saying that our spiritual lives can be defeated in a similar way. Just as negligence had placed the city in jeopardy, so complacency had placed the church in Sardis in jeopardy. Has any pretending crept into your spiritual life? Do you act in church like you pray in a way that you never pray on your own? Is what you practice in your private life the same as you profess in church? What do you do in the secret places of your life?
So I say to you: Wake up! Be honest about your real relationship with God. Revival can only begin with a humble look in the mirror and an eagerness to change. So, first, become alive to your sins and your desperate need of God's grace. But that's not all.
Command 2: "Strengthen." Strengthens what remains but is on its way toward death. Jesus' language here is the language usually used when a gardener's gets rid of the dead parts on a plant so that the live sections might begin to grow and flourish again. Once our eyes are open to the fact that we've been going through the motions at church rather than passionately living for Christ, it's very easy to either ignore the problem (if so, the whole will die) or give up.
Last week, Chris and I saw Alfonso Cuaron's rather breathtaking film Gravity. It's an unforgettable story of survival telling of a time when Mission Specialist Ryan Stone (played by Sandra Bulloch) is on her first space mission aboard the space shuttle Explorer. Through a series of events, Ryan is left alone in space facing a series of challenges outside her control and for which she feels she has no resources. At one point, Stone resigns herself to being stranded and shuts down the oxygen supply of her cabin in order to commit a painless suicide. But, she decides not to quit. She discovers resources she had forgotten and ignored. She gets rid of what is no longer necessary and the result is... well, you'll have to see it yourself.
My point is that when Jesus is the Lord of our lives, he must truly be the Lord. And when he is, we never are completely at the end of resources. Many times we want to hold on to the control of our lives and we want to continue to go our own way. But, what Jesus asks us to do is to give up reliance on our own selves and our own reputations. He asks us to strengthen what remains in our hearts regarding our faith in him and our love for him and our reliance on him. Nothing can separate you in this world from what really matters, i.e., from the love of God that is in Christ. Take this time to tell God you will rely fully on him.
Command 3: Remember, grab hold and turn back to God. Remembering is such a gift from God. Remembering takes us back to those times we were awake and alive to Jesus. Jesus says, "Remember those times." Remember how the good news about Jesus came back to you. Remember those times when Jesus met you – at church, at camp, in your need... Remember and turn back to the Jesus who loves you with an everlasting love. For us as a church family, this is some something I have been waning to emphasize – remembering what God has done here. Let's remember 1) when we sacrificed to send our people to places where the gospel was not heard. We have been seeking to remember, to grab hold of that privilege and to do it again. 2) To remember when, in the midst of the Great Depression, LAC people sacrificed financially to build a facility where our children could be taught the Bible. I want us to remember and to give sacrificially again to do God's work. 3) To remember when we were so excited about Jesus that we told our colleagues and family and friends about Jesus and brought them to church. I want you to remember and do it again. 4) I ask you to remember the times the Scripture spoke to you in this place. Ask God to speak again. Remember what God has done in your life in this church. Wake up and remember – and live each week with a longing to hear his voice and to obey what he says.
He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to this church. Let's pull out the kneelers now for a time of prayer...
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
《啟示錄》3:1‑6 撒狄教會
上個星期二早上,我接到Anne Ortlund過世的消息。Anne在湖邊教會服事了20年,她的丈夫Ray曾經是主任牧師。他們在我們中間的那段時間是一段美好的時光,神在我們教會有著奇妙的作為。Ortlunds在這兒服事的那段時間裡,我們教會發生很大的變化,世界各地的許多人都知道了湖邊教會的名聲。 我發現很巧的是,當Anne回天家的時候,我們恰好來到《啟示錄》3:1-6,這是耶穌寫給撒狄教會的信。那個教會也有很大的聲望。在過去,撒狄教會顯然經歷了神的靈極大的做工。遺憾的是,當耶穌口授這封信的時候,他們屬靈的生命力已成過往雲煙。在我看來,湖邊教會之所以擁有全球的聲望,Ray 和 Anne Ortlund是極為重要的原因。請仔細聽我講:教會應該因著神在過去的作為而讚美祂。然而,在我先前拜訪Anne的時候,她曾清楚地對我說:“Greg,請在神已做的工作的基礎上繼續建造,不要吃老本兒。” 帶著這個想法,我們再來看看在《啟示錄》3:1b中,耶穌對一個受大家歡迎的教會說了些什麼:我知道你的行為,按名你是活的,其實是死的。 有很大的聲望似乎是一件很危險的事情。撒狄教會是當時名聲最大、最受歡迎的教會嗎?或許曾經是。甚至是耶穌,當祂查看亞細亞教會時,也意識到了它的名聲。但不幸地是,耶穌看他們名不副實。儘管撒狄教會有聲望,但耶穌卻譴責她,並且用了非常強烈的言辭。耶穌講給撒狄教會的資訊,也是講給我們教會和個人的資訊:在今天,我們同樣錯誤地認為,那些會在這個世界給我們帶來聲望的東西——如巨大的人數、令人興奮的節目——是耶穌認可的。 在這封信裡所發生的事,是耶穌查驗一個教會是否對祂而言還活著——是現在,不是過去!因此,祂就問:“你們對我的信心是真的嗎?還是你們只是在努力做人想做的事?”這就是耶穌給撒狄教會的挑戰——我想,也是今天給我們的挑戰。
I.偽裝的問題 請讀3:1。這可能嗎——教會裡每個人都認為教會是活的,而實際上卻是死的?耶穌響亮地回答:“是的!”當人類只是關注他們自己的時候,撒狄教會的會眾會把人希望教會做的事情做得很好。他們能夠讓每個人都認為神的靈在這裡做工,而實際上並沒有。我一直想弄明白他們如何能做到這個。他們如何能讓那麼多的人認為他們在神裡面是活的?一個重要的因素可能只是因為它的地理位置。作為一個城市,撒狄有很大的名聲。顯然,一個城市的聲譽並不總是名副其實。我為什麼這麼說呢? 首先,撒狄號稱是堅不可摧的。這個城市的官員聲稱撒狄是萬無一失的。撒狄是建在岩石山的尖坡上,四周是1000英尺高的峭壁。他們認為軍隊不可能攻上來。但撒狄過去曾經幾次被攻破。而這些領袖在誇耀的時候,好像被攻破的事從來沒有發生過。這種傲慢和不願承認失敗,顯示了他們的脆弱。 另外,撒狄還號稱很富有。有一條河從城鎮的市場穿過,而這條河是傳說中的邁達斯王沐浴的地方。想必你知道,邁達斯王可以點石成金。撒狄以前是個非常非常富有的城市。但是,另一方面,人們不承認這種富有已成過往。當耶穌寫這封信的時候,他們似乎對城市中蔓延的貧窮視而不見。他們不僅忽視這些問題,也忽視人們的痛苦。 在我們這個大城市裡,我們同樣會對類似的事情顯示出脆弱。我們有很大的聲望——有一個世界矚目的遊行慶典。每年一月,當人們在芝加哥注目這裡的時候,看到的是陽光、山巒和遊行隊伍中歡樂的人群。當然,我們還有海灘男孩樂隊歌中所唱的、到老依舊扮酷的老太太。我們這兒還有一所很大的學校和神學院。 這星期,我一直想知道,撒狄市的這種在過去的榮耀中吃老本的想法是否影響了我們的教會。一世紀的撒狄教會似乎也經歷一些榮耀的日子。當然,今天仍有一些教會沉迷在過去的榮耀中。他們談論那些曾經在這裡講道的牧者和曾經教過課的教師。我確信你們很快就能發現,耶穌給撒狄教會的資訊,也是我們湖邊教會需要認真聽取的——特別是恰恰在這星期Anne Ortlund去世了。我們也從在我們之前服事過教會的人那裡繼承了一個難以置信的傳統。 讓我們仔細看看耶穌如何澄清撒狄教會所擁有的名聲:“按名你是活的。”這個教會,在基督徒群體當中很受關注,不僅是因為它很大、很成功(可能它是這樣),不僅是有古老而受人尊敬的傳統(可能它有),不僅因為它坐落在一個著名的城市(它是這樣),而這個教會號稱在屬靈上也生機勃勃。 請想像一下:“Aurelius,這週末你要不要去撒狄?你會喜歡那個教會的敬拜。那裡充滿活力。並且牧師講道的時候,沒有人睡覺。看看他們的網站。我不相信那個教會會發生這麼多的事情。星期天的敬拜中,他們不像我們用豎琴和里拉琴。我們已經老土了。他們用風琴,一種新式的樂器。那很棒。那個教會是活的,Aurelius,它是活的!” 但它不是活的。至少,不是生命的主所關注的。“按名你是活的,其實是死的。”我再問:那怎麼可能?一個教會外在的所有表現都是充滿活力的,並也被神的靈帶領,然而在靈裡卻是死的,這可能嗎?耶穌說就是那樣。祂說,屬靈的生命是偽裝的。公眾很容易上當受騙。 我想這確實是真的:由基督而來最初的真愛,在漸進變遷過程中,偽裝很容易悄悄混入。我發現:一旦一個教會啟動各種節目,很可能就只是通過好的管理和組織讓它們保持運行。是的,通過聰明的計畫、穩定的傳統和天才的領袖,我們有可能建立在屬靈上有活力的名聲。這在撒狄發生了,也可能發生在我們這裡,或許它已經發生了。 因此,每個人都認為這個教會是活的。沒有人想到基督的意見是如此不同。我確信教會沒有密謀要欺騙大家。沒有人說:“讓我們做偽君子。”我認為會眾可能也認為他們的名聲是真的。因此,請注意:如果你認為事情一如既往都很好,那麼你可能已經不知道真相了。在耶穌的眼中,有些事情可能是嚴重的錯誤。你會在教會慣常的程式中舒服地安頓下來——但在神的面前和神每天對你的引導中,你卻是死的。
II.診斷偽裝 (我們如何能區分是否睡著了?) 我自己的經驗是,基督徒個人和教會總是容易受到靈性沉睡問題的影響。對我們而言,採取這樣的服事不是件壞事,打開聖經熱切地問神,“主啊,我們真的交托給你,把你當做教會的主嗎?”我想對我們而言,自然的趨向就如同那些憑信心、不憑眼見的人從屬靈的熱情中被拖走,然後變成例行公事,或者成為“教會的大多數”。我告訴你這個,是為了讓你不會對屬靈的乾涸階段感到奇怪——或者認為撒狄是唯一的被拖走成為“睡著的教會”的教會。你知道這是怎麼回事,對吧?“我比多數人去教會多。但是你明白,生活中還有別的需求。我雖然不像以前對神那麼有熱情,但是我覺得還不錯啦。” 我告訴你:我們所有人時不時都需要耶穌的呼喚,把我們從睡夢中叫醒。我發現唯一的不陷入沉睡的教會和基督徒個人是那些定期詢問:“神啊,我們現在對你來說是活著嗎?你還是我生命的神嗎?”在這個世界中,我們的自然趨向是失去我們起初對神的愛——很快就完全沒有愛了。我們屬靈的生命很容易成為責任和慣例。Tim Keller牧師說,每個教會每2-3年都要睡過去,然後再醒來。他可能是對的。讓我給你兩個問題,看看你是否可能睡著了。
兩個診斷的問題 #1. 曾經清晰真實的是否變的模糊?人在睡夢中以假亂真——便開始懷疑真的是否依舊真實。人在做夢的時候,難以分辨真假虛實。 人常見的夢之一,是夢見自己在一個公共場所——像是超市或校園集會——忘了穿戴整齊,只穿了件褲衩。(你也許做過這樣的夢)在大庭廣眾之下的尷尬窘態。你忘了自己從臥室出來時有沒有穿戴整齊了!然後你聽到一個聲音在叫你:“ Greg, 起來!起來!你在做惡夢呢。”但是你沒法分辨真假,因為你處在半睡半醒之中。 當你的靈性沉睡的時候,類似的事就會發生。先前神對你的愛和恩典足以對付你的罪。感恩驅使你的心和生命。但是現在你開始懷疑... 或是你知道罪的嚴重性。你想要取悅神,所以你不會樂於什麼考試欺騙、參與有爭議性的生意交易、或是對伴侶不忠等等...但是你現在開始懷疑這些事對神有那麼的重要嗎。你問說“神怎麼會如此在乎這麼多人生命中這些事呢?”你有沒有看見?曾經是涇渭分明的事對你還是清晰可見嗎? 或者,以前很清楚神要你和祂的子民在每個主日來敬拜神。你不但毫無疑問,甚至不會想到這會是一個問題,因為你喜悅同愛你的天父以及天父的家人一道。但是現在你有了藉口——“難呀!我們有球賽...昨晚太晚睡,太累了...” 我希望我說得明白:當曾經清晰可見的事日漸模糊的時候,你可能已經沈睡。
#2: 哪怕就只有一人,你還為基督挺身站立嗎?對著撒狄教會的還有幾名向神活著的人,耶穌有幾句饒有意味的鼓勵的話——在3:4-5節 撒狄的人對髒衣服有切膚的感受,因為城市的一個主要工業是棉毛貿易,那裡也有許多的洗衣業。我想耶穌用的比喻很貼近他們的城市生活來說撒狄教會的幾個人無論他們往哪裡去,仍就靠信心向神活著,哪怕他們就是幾個忠心的人。重要的是這些向神活著的人,即使教會裡寥寥無幾,他們仍活在火熱、順服神的心當中,帶著勇氣做神的出口。耶穌說在撒狄的幾個人是未曾污穢衣服的。 在這些字裡面,我看見耶穌向我們指出一個活潑的基督徒的明顯記號:當無人如此行的時候,向神活著的人乃是向基督忠心。哪怕是孓然一人,我們要站立在祂面前。在教會玩遊戲的人是要興奮和成功的感覺。但在基督裡清醒跟隨基督的人,是神帶往何處就往何處去的。 Ortlund一家將這叫為“委身的跟隨”。我問你:如果今天上午這裡寥寥無幾,你還來敬拜神嗎?如果你工作的地方,你的學校裡沒有基督徒,你會說“我是基督徒”嗎?如果為了基督的緣故,真誠的基督徒是會心甘情願在寥寥無幾的人當中仍然為基督而站立的。 因此,如果這是沒有什麼人事奉的教會,真誠的基督徒會在這裡敬拜事奉耶穌和祂的教會,而不論別人事奉還是不事奉。清醒的基督徒不會為自己生命中僵死的部分而責備教會,反之,知道他作為一個個體必須自己站立在基督面前。如果你和上帝的關係是真實的,不論別人對基督的熱心不熱心,你都是一樣的。 在一個行將死亡的撒狄教會中有一小群基督徒。耶穌沒有批評他們待在哪裡。祂沒有告訴他們要離開或者到其它的教會去。祂告訴他們要繼續保持清醒,在祂的引導中活著——耶穌應許他們最大的獎賞:在生命冊上得名。
III. 耶穌對偽裝的基督徒開的處方 -- 3:23 3:23. 復興是神的工作。但是在復興我們屬靈生命中,耶穌也給了我們要扮演的角色。我們來看看可能靈性瀕臨夢游狀態時祂頒給的命令: 命令1:“儆醒!”就好像在床上聽到鈴聲,知道有事要做,你會發現你與神同行時,常常要做一個決定是不是要起身,去做神要你做的事。 對撒狄的人來說這個命令尤其特別。那裡的人總是覺得他們的城市是堅不可摧的。但是那座城被擄過,還不止一次。每一次都不是受到直接的攻擊,而是被暗中給攻破的。城市的一角是眾人都想像不到可以進來的地方,毫無防範。波斯國的賽普路斯記載他怎樣攻打撒狄。他只是派一個小小的輕裝部隊,爬到1000英尺的山崖上,他們到了高處一看,驚訝地發現城內毫無士兵。波斯人邁步入城奪了城市。 耶穌說我們的屬靈生命也是會在同樣的情形下給打敗。如同輕忽將城置於危險之地,自滿自足將撒狄教會陷於危境。在你屬靈生命中有什麼自以為是的東西悄悄潛入?在教會你的禱告是不是看不到你個人於神禱告的生命了?你的私人生活是否與你的公眾的教會生活相一致?在你生活的私人空間你在做什麼? 所以我對你說:儆醒!誠實面對你和神的關係。復興始於你面對鏡子謙卑看清自己,並渴望改變。先是從罪中活了過來,絕望中依靠神的恩典。但這還不夠。
命令 2:“堅固”。堅固那剩下將要衰微的。耶穌這話通常是用在園丁除掉死草,好叫有生命的枝子可以重新發芽生長。當我們的眼睛張開,看見教會裡做的如果只是各種活動,而不是向神活潑地活著,不就是忽略問題的癥結,(如果是這樣的話,整個教會都會死的)要不就是放棄。 上星期,Chris 和我看了一部Alfonso Cuaron的扣人心弦的電影片。這是個令人難以忘懷的與生命抗爭的故事,講的是一個肩負使命的專家Ryan Stone (由 Sandra Bulloch扮演)在她第一次執行太空飛船的太空使命。通過一系列的事件,只剩下Ryon一人,面對她無法控制的太空挑戰中,斷了一切外部資源。到了一個地步,Stone 退到將要自斃的境地,關閉船艙中的氧氣瓶想要自殺。但是她決定不放棄。她發現了她忘記了的和忽略掉的資源。她丟掉不必要的東西,結果...你自己接著看吧。 我的意思是說當耶穌是我們生命的主,祂就必須是真正的主。當祂成為我們生命的主,我們就永遠不至於彈盡糧絕、窮途末路。許多的時候我們想要掌控我們的生活,想要繼續走我們自己的路。但是當耶穌叫我們做的就只是放棄依靠自我的主權,自我的聲望。祂叫我們在心中堅固那剩下的,信祂,愛祂,靠祂。最要緊的是,世上沒有任何的事可以奪去在基督裡神的愛。用這段時間來告訴神你全然愛祂。
命令 3:回想,明白並且轉向神。回想是神賜給的禮物。回想將我們帶到我們儆醒,向著耶穌活的時候。耶穌說“回想這些時候。”回想神的福音臨到你的時候。回想基督遇見你的時候——在教會,在營地,在你需要的時候...回想並回轉到耶穌身邊,祂用永遠的愛愛你。對我們教會家庭,我一直想要強調的一件事——記住神已經成就的事。記住:1)當我們奉獻將派遣我們中間的人往福音未到之處去,就是紀念神,明白我們在神裡面的特權的身份,還要再派遣。2)在大蕭條當中,湖邊教會的人在金錢上的奉獻建設施來教導孩子們聖經的知識。我要大家在舍己的奉獻中回想紀念神的工作。 3)回想我們為基督激動萬分,向同事家人傳講耶穌,把他們帶到教會的時候。我要大家回想,重新投身其中。4)我請大家回想聖經在這裡對你說話的時候。祈求神再次對你說話。紀念神在這個教會中做在你生命中的事。儆醒並回想——並且每一周帶著渴慕祂聲音的心來順服神的話。 有耳的就應當聽,聽聖靈對教會說的話。讓我們跪下一起禱告...
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Study Guide
Wake Up - Week 7 - Study Guide
Wake up
Revelation 3:1-6
- Read through the passage. Jesus identified himself as the one who has "the seven spirits of God" in 3:1a, almost surely a reference to the unique relationship of unity with diversity of God the Son and Spirit. In the light of the problem Jesus reported in 3:1b, why is it important that experiencing the perfect and complete (the meaning of "seven") Holy Spirit is a part of being associated with Jesus?
- How might 1) an individual Christian and 2) a local church have a reputation for being alive while being dead?
- Jesus provides five commands that will lead to revival in 3:2–3. Read each and discuss A) what the command means and B) how obedience to this command should lead toward a renewal of our spiritual lives:
• Wake up
• Strengthen what remains and is about to die
• Remember what you received and heard
• Keep what you received and heard
• Repent - Read aloud Jesus' warning in 3:3b. What are your first thoughts as you read it? How should we respond to it?
- In 3:4, it becomes clear that some in the church have remained faithful. In what ways do you think they had been faithful? How does this apply to us?
- Jesus' promise to those who "conquer" is found in 3:5. Put his promise into your own words.
- Read v. 6. What have you heard? What impact do you pray that this text will have in your life?
2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church