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Wake Up - Week 7 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Listen & Hear

Wake up

Revelation 3:1-6

  1. Read through the passage. Jesus identified himself as the one who has "the seven spirits of God" in 3:1a, almost surely a reference to the unique relationship of unity with diversity of God the Son and Spirit. In the light of the problem Jesus reported in 3:1b, why is it important that experiencing the perfect and complete (the meaning of "seven") Holy Spirit is a part of being associated with Jesus?

  2. How might 1) an individual Christian and 2) a local church have a reputation for being alive while being dead?

  3. Jesus provides five commands that will lead to revival in 3:2–3. Read each and discuss A) what the command means and B) how obedience to this command should lead toward a renewal of our spiritual lives:
    • Wake up
    • Strengthen what remains and is about to die
    • Remember what you received and heard
    • Keep what you received and heard
    • Repent

  4. Read aloud Jesus' warning in 3:3b. What are your first thoughts as you read it? How should we respond to it?

  5. In 3:4, it becomes clear that some in the church have remained faithful. In what ways do you think they had been faithful? How does this apply to us?

  6. Jesus' promise to those who "conquer" is found in 3:5. Put his promise into your own words.

  7. Read v. 6. What have you heard? What impact do you pray that this text will have in your life?


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