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Pass the Baton

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Small Group Questions

Read 2 Timothy 1:13-2:2

  • In verses 13 and 14 Paul talks about the “good deposit that was entrusted” to Timothy, and he tells Timothy to guard it. What do you think he means by this?
  • Have you ever had a mentor who poured himself (or herself) into you in this way? Do you have any examples you can share? Do you have anyone right now who is mentoring you?
  • In verses 15 and 16 Paul gives us examples of people who were disloyal and loyal to him. What are two examples of how Onesiphorus ministered to Paul? Has anybody done something like that for you? How are you taking the time to “refresh” others?
  • Chapter 2 contains some moving words from Paul to Timothy. He asks Timothy to be strong in the Lord and to entrust what Paul has said to reliable people who will in turn teach others. What do you think of Paul’s words?
  • Given this Biblical mandate to pass on what we have learned from our mentors, is there anyone in your life whom you are mentoring in the ways of the Lord? If not, is there someone who comes to mind that you can mentor?