About Courage
About Courage
Greg Waybright
- 2 Timothy 1:3
- Famous Last Words
- 22 mins 48 secs
- Views: 908
Study Notes
Famous Last Words: About Courage
2 Timothy 1:3‑12
Today, I will be speaking about finding courage to do whatever God calls us to do. As I’ve been preparing, I remembered this famous episode in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings when Frodo realized how hard his calling was.
"I am not made for perilous quests," cried Frodo. "I wish I had never seen the ring! Why did it come to me? Why was I chosen?"
"Such questions cannot be answered," said Gandalf. "You may be sure that it was not for any merit that others do not possess; not for your power or wisdom, at any rate. But you have been chosen and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have." J.R.R. Tolkien's Fellowship of the Rings
Have you ever felt you were called to do a task for which you were particularly unsuited? If you know anything about the Timothy of the Bible, you know this young man needed courage to fulfill his calling. Why?
First, Timothy was young which was a disadvantage in a society in which age implied authority more than it does today – and he was to lead a church in which people like the Apostles John and Paul had been. Second, Timothy was physically weak in a culture in which physical strength was considered as much a virtue as it is here in Southern CA. But, mostly, Timothy seems to have been by temperament a rather shy, withdrawn individual. Frankly, when it comes to leading a difficult church, that last quality could potentially be fatal.
One of the aims that Paul had practically as he wrote this letter was that he wanted to motivate "timid Timothy" to face his responsibility to take the Word of God to his world. Paul was clearly convinced that Timothy had the ability. Paul also knew that Timothy had been called by God for the task. But still, Paul knew that Timothy needed courage. Paul here is writing to a young pastor – but I think his words speak to us all when there is something we know we should do but aren’t sure we can do it. The question of the day -- posed by this passage is this: Where do we find the courage to do those challenging things God calls us to do?
So, Paul’s opening words to Timothy are a bit like a motivational speech, a biblical motivational speech.
Motivator #1: Take time to Remember (1:3-7) I remind you…”
Remember what?
- Remember those who are praying for you (1:3-4). I constantly remember you in my prayers…
Paul told Timothy that he prayed for him “night and day” Would that have encouraged you? It must have been a great encouragement to Timothy to know he had the prayer support of such a personal and spiritual friend. Many of us as followers of Jesus have been helped to face a challenging task by the knowledge that someone who loves God and loves us is regularly interceding in prayer. In this I recognize the need for more to have some people in church – usually in a smaller group – who know you well enough that you can pray for them in challenging times and they can pray for you. I’m convinced that this kind of mutual prayer support is one reason God has placed local churches in neighborhoods. He wants us to encourage one another through prayer.
- Remember that God will use the experiences in your background (1:5). Your sincere faith first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice…
Timothy obviously came from Godly, Jewish kin ‑‑ at least, on the maternal side. The faith in Christ so evident in this young man had been planted in his heart at a very young age. We all know that there is something special and exciting about the dramatic conversions of people who have been rescued from the depths of moral depravity in adulthood. Many here at LAC have experienced that kind of conversion. If so, that is something that should be remembered. But we should never think that such a conversion is somehow superior to the testimonies of those Christians who simply embrace the faith they have heard from and seen in their parents. Timothy did not have the dramatic later-in-life testimony that the Apostle Paul had. But, this was not a detriment, Paul says. God will use it.
I came to know Christ as a young boy and believe that the testimony of knowing Christ from youth is also a great testimony ‑‑ one that those of us who have it should be thankful for. Having been brought up I a church since I was young helps me in many ways, not the least of which is to know that I shouldn’t expect perfection out of people still in process. I simply want to say that whatever background is you is something that God knows – and has been present in. He will use the person you are – even as he is remaking you into his image. In times of anxiety, I have found it helpful to stop and remember that God has prepared me for just such a time and task.
- Remember God’s special gift within (1:6-7). Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…
Something had happened in Timothy’s life that made it quite clear that Timothy was called to the task of teaching the Word and passing on the faith. There was some undeniable gift that had come his way from God when Paul had once laid his hands on Timothy and prayed for him. The Bible never specifies what that gift was though Paul also refers to it in his first letter to Timothy. Whatever the gift actually was, Paul’s main point is this: A Biblical Principle: God never appoints anyone to a task without adequately equipping him/her for it.
If Timothy needed courage to fulfill his calling, then the same God who called him would give him whatever he needs to do the work to which he had been called. This is what v. 7, one of my favorite verses, is all about. “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.”
Your weaknesses of temperament, your shyness and fear, do not need to inhibit you in your service to God. God can compensate for your weaknesses by giving you power through His Spirit. Remember that!
This is the first thing I want to say to all of you who are facing some difficult callings: Remember! Remember those who are standing with you in prayer. Remember that the experiences God has given you—both good and bad – are things he will use in your current calling. Mostly, remember your God-given gift. Remember that when you became a Christian, you became a person indwelt by God’s mighty Spirit.
Remember -- and have courage.
Motivator #2: Just do It (1:6,8). Join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God…
I imagine most of you remember the famous Nike advertisement calling us to “just do it” – to do what we know we need to do. I think that in v.6 and v.8, Paul was saying something very similar to Timothy. Paul is telling him, “Go out and do what God’s called you to do and see what he will do through you!”
In v.6, Paul said that the only way we see the power of God through us is when we step out and get involved in the battle. We have to get out and “fan into flame the gift and calling of God” through obeying him. You can’t just sit back watching video games all day and expect that God will do a mighty work in and through you. I am aware of the fact that there is quite a mystery in this; namely, that eternal things are always the work of God’s Spirit but, at the same time, God expects us to step out in faith and do what He has called us to do. But this same message is found throughout the New Testament. God's gifts make a difference only when we are ready to put them to use. You won't see God using the gifts he’s given you when you don’t step out in obedience. You don't know how powerful a muscle can become until you put it to work. And you don't know how mightily God can use you until you are willing to step into a situation in which you really need to depend on Him.
And, v.8 is quite a challenge to us all: Do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.
This is a simple and direct command from God's Word. God says, "My call is upon you. My power is within you ‑‑ so step out and do what you sense I’m calling you to do.” Get out of your comfort zone and serve at the church, get involved in the community, give witness to Jesus... Whatever you sense God would have you do, just do it! You’ll find that God is there – and is more than able to hope you.
Notice the two areas cited in v.8 in which Paul anticipated that Timothy and his church people might need courage. The first is the fear of “testifying about the Lord”. In other words, opportunities come up that give us an opening to speak of Jesus but we might be afraid of what others may think of us so we remain silent.
And, Paul added, we might be ashamed of being associated with our brothers and sisters in Christ too: “Don't be ashamed of me, his prisoner.” There is pain in those words, isn't there? Do you feel it? In Paul's early days, Christians had been proud to identify themselves with this gifted, educated man Paul who was planting so many churches and was so successful. But by the time Paul wrote 2 Timothy, he was in prison and it seems that some found Paul the unsuccessful convict a painful embarrassment.
So, here’s the point: The Bible calls us to be courageous and not ashamed either of Jesus or of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Just as Jesus endured the cross and its shame and Paul had to endure prison and its humiliation, so the Bible challenges us to be bold and stand up for Jesus when we have opportunity -- and stand with all those who stand for Christ.
That’s the second courage-motivator: a direct challenge, “just do it”, to overcome fear and speak of Christ and serve him and his people. And there is a third.
Motivator #3. Learn from the Examples of Courageous Godly People (1:9-12). I am not ashamed…
In 1:11-12a, Paul wrote, “Of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering…” Do you see it? There is something about the Gospel itself that brings about resistance and persecution. "For this Gospel," he says, "for it, I suffer." If our message were different, then perhaps we wouldn't have any opposition in the world. So, let me ask you: What is it about the message about Jesus that seems to be offensive to many people? You can see some of the issues in vv.9‑10.
In v. 9, we read that it is a call to be saved. That implies that people need to be saved ‑‑ that they are in danger. The message is not that people can just stay as they are and hope that God will somehow let them into heaven. No, people are perishing and need to be rescued. And some people find that to be offensive.
Also, in v.9, Paul says it calls us to live a holy life. If Jesus permitted people to go on living just as they want to live, then lots of people might say they wouldn’t mind becoming Christians. But Jesus calls people to confess sins and obey him. That, I tell you, is as unpopular today as it was in Paul’s day.
And, in v.10, this Gospel says Jesus, Jesus only, is the way to God. “Our Savior, Christ Jesus, has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” The Christian faith insists that all people must bow their minds, their lives, their wills to this man from a time and culture quite remote on our own and depend wholly on Him for salvation. Nothing in the Bible is more intolerable to our inclusive society than that exclusive claim that only Jesus can save us.
And Paul says, "I know it. I'm in this jail now because I had the courage to live and proclaim this message about Jesus. So, I'm not asking you to do anything that is impossible." Have courage.
So, where did Paul’s courage come from? Paul gives us his powerful testimony in v.12: “I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.”
This is another great verse ‑‑ memorized by so many of us. It could be translated either that God will guard what he’s entrusted to us (i.e., the gospel) or that he can guard what we entrust to him (i.e., our lives). I imagine Paul meant both. But, let me emphasize what we have in the NIV translation: Whatever the world may do to you, God is able to guard what really matters in your life. Similar to Romans 8, "nothing can separate us from the love of God." I pray that you and I will have that same testimony. Things may not always go well in this world but we have no reason to be ashamed or afraid. We are convinced that this same Lord Jesus who defeated death is able to keep us. We know in whom we have believed.
Summing It Up
This text has been the most important passage to me throughout my life of ministry and I hope you will find courage from it too. Perhaps, like Frodo said to Gandalf, you too have something before you that God has called you to do and you don’t feel up to it.
If so, first stop and take a moment to use your mind and remember. Remember that you have a church family who will pray for you. Remember that God has been involved in your life and still is present in your life. God has given you his Spirit and that Spirit is not a Spirit of fear.
Then, simply take the first step of obedience. I don’t know what that is exactly – but you can ask God to tell you what the first step is – and just do it.
Finally, remember that many others have been right where you are and that God has been faithful. He will be faithful to you too.
When God calls you to a task, go into it with courage. Go into it with the final words of this passage in your heart: "“I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day (2 Tim 1:12).”
Chinese Study Notes
著名的最後的話: 論勇氣
提摩太后書 1:3-12
今天,我會講述要獲得勇氣去做上帝要我們做的任何事。 當我準備講章時,我想起在托爾金《指環 王》的 第一集中,當佛羅多意識到他的使命是如何困難時,他喊道:“我不是為危險任務 而生的!” 。。。 " 我真希望我從未見過戒指! 它為什麼來找我?為什麼我被選中了 ?"
" 這樣的問題是不能回答的 !" 甘道夫說。 " 你可以肯定,這並不是因為別人不具備的某種品質,也非因為你的力量或智慧,但無論如何, 選擇了你,所以你必須使用你的力量、心智和悟性。” ------托爾金 《指 環王》 之“魔戒現身”。
你有沒有覺得你被叫去做的是特別不適合你的工作?如果你瞭解聖經的提摩太書,你就會 知道這個年輕人需要勇氣去履行他的使命。 為什麼呢?
首先,提摩太還年輕,當時的社會比今天更是一個以年齡定權威的社會,而他要帶領的是使徒約翰和保羅曾帶領的教會,他的年齡就越發顯得劣勢。 第二,提摩太身體虛弱,當時的文化將身強力壯視為美德,就如南 加州一樣。 而且很可能,就氣質而言,提摩太是個害羞,退縮和內向的人。 坦率地說,帶領 一個困難重重的教會,那最後一條很可能是致命弱點。
保羅寫這封信的一個特別目的是想要激勵"膽怯的提摩太" 擔負起他的責任,把神的話語帶到他的世界。 保羅顯然確信提摩太有能力,保羅也知道提摩太是為此被上帝呼召的。 但保羅知 道提摩太還需要勇氣。 保羅在這裡寫給一個年輕的牧師 — — 但我認為他也對我們說話,特別是當我們知 道應該做,但不確信我們能做到的時候。 從這段經文帶出了今天的問題 : 我們當從哪裡找 到勇氣去做那些上帝呼召我們要做的充滿挑戰的事情? 因此,保羅的開頭語有點像勵志演講----合乎聖經 的勵志演講。
動力#1:花時間記住(1:3-7) 我 提醒你 。。。
1. 記得那些為你祈禱的人 . (1:3-4) 我在日夜的祈禱中時常想到你...
保羅告訴提摩太,自己“晝夜”為他祈禱,這會鼓勵你嗎? 這種個人性和屬靈朋友的禱告支持對提摩太一定是極大的鼓舞。 其實很多耶穌的信徒都得到過幫助,得以面對具有挑戰性 的任務,因為那些愛上帝也愛我們的人定期在禱告中為我們代求。 我認識到在挑戰面前, 我們需要教會的弟兄姊妹 — — 通常是小組 裡瞭解你的人為你禱告,而你也可以為他們祈禱。 我深信,這種相互祈禱支持是神把地方教會放在社區的原因之一。 他想讓我們通過禱 告彼此鼓勵。
- 記得上帝將使用你背後的經驗 (1:5) 你裡面那不虛假的信仰,這信仰先是在你外祖母羅伊絲和你母親猶妮絲裡面。。。
提摩太顯然來自敬虔的猶太家庭,至少從母親一邊。 很明顯,在他非常年輕的時候,他心裡就種植了基督信仰。 我們承認,人在成年後,從道德墮落中被拯救的戲劇性轉換是特別的和令人興 奮的。 在我們教會,很多人經歷了這樣的轉變,這是應該記住的東西。 但我們不應該認為這種轉變在某種程度上比那些因為看見聽見父母見證而單純擁抱信仰的人更優越。提摩太沒有使徒保羅晚年戲劇性的見證; 但保羅說這不是一個不利因素。 上帝一樣會使用。
我還是一個小男孩的時候就認識了基督,我相信從小認識基督的見證也是一個偉大的見證,我們應該為此感謝主。 由於從小去教會,對我有很多方面的説明,比如我認識到不應該在人的面前期望自己完美,這一點今天仍然適用。 我只是想說,無論你是任何背景,神都知道,一切都在他面前,而他將使用你這個人 — — 就像他把你重塑成他的形象。 在我焦慮的時候,我發現認識這點有助於止息焦慮,記住,是上帝預備你面對這樣的 時刻和任務。 - 記得上帝賦予你裡面的特殊恩賜 (1:6-7) 要把神的恩賜再如火挑旺起來;這恩賜是。。。在你裡面的。
很清楚,提摩太的生命是蒙召去教導神的話和傳遞基督的信仰。當保羅把手放在提摩太身上並為他祈禱時,就有無法抗拒的恩賜從神而來。 聖經 從來沒有指出這恩賜是什麼,儘管保羅在給提摩太的第一封信中提到過。 不管那恩賜是什麼,保羅的主要觀 點是一個 聖經的原則 : 神若不充分裝備他 / 她,就不會任命任何人完成某項任務。
如果提摩太需要勇氣去履行他的使命,那麼賜他任務的神必供給他完成工作的一切需要。 這就是第7 節,我最喜歡的經文之一:神所賜給我們的,不是膽怯的靈,而是大能、慈愛、自製的靈。
你的氣質上的弱點、 你的羞怯和恐懼,不可以在你裡面攔阻服事。 神可以借助聖靈的能力彌補你的弱點,記住 !
這是我對你們所有面對有挑戰的呼召的人所說的第一件事: 記住! 記住那些和你一起的禱告 者。 記住神給你的經歷 — — 無論好與壞 — — 他都會在你當前的任務中使用。特別是記 住神給你的恩賜。 記住當你成為一個基督徒時,就有聖靈大能的內住。
記住 — — 要有勇氣。
動力 #2: 只要去做(1:6,8) 要藉著神的大能,為福音與我同受苦難。。。
你們中的大多數人都會記得著名的耐克廣告"只要去做"— — 去做我們知道需要做的事。 我認為,第6 節和 8 節,保羅對提摩太所說的話非常類似。保羅告訴他,"走出去,做神叫你去做的, 看看他會通過你做什麼 !"
在第6節,保羅說: 要想看到神藉著我們的大能作為,那麼唯一途徑就是走出去,參與戰鬥。 我們一 定要走出去,通過服從神,“把神的恩賜再如火挑旺起來”。你不能只是坐著整天玩遊戲而期待神藉著你有大能的作為。 我意識到一件奧秘的事:即永恆的事常常是神的靈的工作,但同時, 上帝希望我們憑著信心邁出去,做他召我們去做的事。 整個新約都有同樣的消息。只有當我們樂意使用神的恩賜時,才會看見不同。當你不邁出順服的一步, 你不會看到神會如何使用給你的恩賜;當你不用的時候, 你不知道你有多 麼強大的肌肉;你不願進入你實在需要神的處境中,就不知道神會如何大能地使用你。
第8 節對我們所有人都是一個挑戰: 不要以有關我們主的見證為恥,也不要以我——這主的囚犯為恥,而要藉著神的大能,為福音與我同受苦難。
這是一個簡單和直接的命令。 上帝說: "我的呼召在你身上。 我的力量在你裡面,所以走 出去,做我呼召你去做的。" 離開你的舒適區和僅僅在教會的服務,進到社區,給耶穌做見證...... 無論你感覺上帝讓你做什麼,做就行了 ! 你會發現神就在那裡— — 而且是超過你的期望。
請注意第 8 節的二處經文,保羅期待提摩太和他教會的人獲得勇氣。 他們的問題第一就是害怕" 為主做見證"。 換句話說,機會來了,給我們開口講述耶穌的機會,但我們卻因害怕別人的想法,寧願保持沉默。
保羅補充說,我們可能會因著與我們主內的兄弟姐妹為伍而感到羞愧,請不要以我——這主的囚犯為恥。 這是多麼痛苦的話呀,不是嗎? 你怎麼看? 在保羅的早年,基督徒們一直為這個天才領袖,受過 教育的大能的保羅而自豪,他植過很多教會,成就滿滿。 但保羅寫提摩太后書時,他被囚在監,似乎有人覺得他是一個失敗者,充滿苦毒。
注意,這裡是要點: 聖經 要求我們要勇敢,不以耶穌或我們在主裡的兄弟姐妹為恥。正如耶穌 忍受了十字架和恥辱,保羅也忍受監禁和羞辱,所以聖經挑戰我們一有機會,就要勇敢地為耶穌、為所有站在基督一邊的人奮起。
這就是第二個勇氣的動力,是對我們直接的挑戰,"只要去做",去克服恐懼,服事基督和他 的子民。
動力 #3 學習勇敢而敬虔人的例子(1:9-12) 我並不以為恥 ......
在 1:11-12a,保羅寫道: “為了這福音,我受指派做傳道者、使徒和教師。12因這理由,我也正在經受這些苦 ......" 你看到 它嗎? 福音本身帶來了阻力和迫害。 保羅說, "為了這福音,我正在經受這些苦。" 如果我們的 資訊與保羅不同,也許我們在世界上不會有什麼對立面。 那麼,讓我問你: 是什麼樣有關耶穌的資訊令人 感到冒犯呢? 你可以在9- 10節看見一些答案。
在9 節,我們讀到這是得救的呼召。 這意味著人們需要救恩---他們處於危險之中。 這資訊不是叫人們原地停留,只希望上帝會以某種方式讓他們進入天堂; 不,人們正在滅亡,他們需要被拯救。 有些人覺得這侵犯了他們。
同樣在9 節,保羅說,它是要我們過聖潔生活的呼召。 如果耶穌允許人們照他們想要的方式生活, 很多人可能會說他們不介意成為基督徒。 但耶穌呼召人懺悔和服從他。那我告訴你,這在今天 和在保羅時代一樣是令人厭煩的。
在10節, 這福音說耶穌是通往上帝的唯一道路 。“藉著我們的救主基督耶穌的顯現,已經表明出來,基督一方面廢除了死亡,另一方面藉著福音彰顯了生命和不朽”。基督教信仰堅信所有人必須讓他們的想法,他們的生活,他們的意志都降伏於這個從時間和地理都遠于自己文化的人,並完全依賴他的救恩。 聖經中沒有什麼比向我們包容的社會宣稱只有耶穌能拯救我們更不能容忍了。
保羅說,"我知道,我現在這所監獄,就是因為我有勇氣而活並宣講關於耶穌的資訊。 所以,我不要求你做任何不可能的事情"。不過你要有勇氣。
那麼,保羅的勇氣來自哪裡? 保羅在12節給了我們有力的見證 : 然而我並不以為恥,因為我知道我信的是誰,也深信他能保守我所受的託付,直到那日。
這是另一個偉大的經文,我們很多人都會背。 它可以翻譯 “神必保守他交給我們的 (即福音)” 或譯作 “他必保守我託付他的 (即我們的生命)“。 我想保羅的意思二者都是。 不過,讓我強調 NIV 翻譯的意思: 不管世界對你做什麼,神能夠保守你生命中真正重要的。 如同羅馬書 8:38-39,"沒有什麼能將我們與神的愛相隔絕"。 你禱告你們和我都會有這樣的見證。世上的事情不總是順利,但我們沒有理由感到羞愧或害怕。讓我們學習保羅和許多其他主裡的聖徒,這位相同的主耶穌既戰勝了死亡就能保守我們。 我們知道我們的所信。
這段經文和其它重要章節對我一生的服事至關重要,我希望你也會從中找到勇氣。也許就像佛羅多 對甘道夫所說,你也有神呼召你做的事,只是你不覺查。
如果是這樣,首先停在這裡,花一點時間來使用你的頭腦來記。 記住,你有一個教會的大家庭為你祈 禱;記住,上帝已經介入你的生命且仍然與你同在。 上帝賜下他的靈,不是害怕的靈。
然後,只要邁出順從的第一步。 我不知道那是什麼 — — 但你可以求神告訴什麼是你的第一步 — —並且只管去做吧。
最後,請記住,許多其他信徒也一直與你同在,神是信實的。 他也會以信實待你。
當神呼喚你做一件事情時,以勇氣去做吧,並謹記這一段最後一句話: “然而我並不以為恥,因為我知道我信的是誰,也深信他能保守我所受的託付,直到那日”(提後 1:12)。"
Small Group Questions
Read 2 Timothy 1:1-12
- Read verses 2 to 5 of the passage. The relationship between Paul and Timothy was an especially close one. Why do you think that was so?
- In verse 6 Paul says to Timothy, “…fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” What would be one or two examples of how we can “fan into flame” the gifts that God has placed in us?
- Read verse 7. Given that the Spirit of God lives inside every follower of Christ, name one or two ways the Spirit of “power, love and self-discipline” has manifested in your life.
- In verse 8, Paul invites Timothy to join him in “suffering for the Gospel.” At the point Paul wrote 2 Timothy, he was languishing in a dungeon, and in chains. What do you think of Paul’s invitation to Timothy to suffer for the Gospel?
- Paul closes this passage with some uplifting words in verse 12. Given his chains and his predicament, how do these words move you? How do you think Paul can bring himself to say these things in spite of what is happening to him?