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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 11 - Study Guide


Being Sent in the Face of Resistance

Mark 6:1-12

  1. Read Mark 6:1-3. Explain the different reactions to Jesus. Share about a time when your faith caused contradictory reaction from people.
  2. Mark 6:8 are the instructions Jesus gave to his disciples as they were sent on a missionary journey. Go over each instruction and share why you think Jesus said this and then find a modern day equivalent if Jesus was sending you. What would the specific instructions be to you?
  3. What was the disciple's job/responsibility as they were sent? What was not their job/responsibility as they were sent?
  4. Do you view yourself as a "sent one"? Explain why are why not? Have a discussion about what it means to be a "sent one".
  5. Mark 6:7 explains that Jesus sent them "two by two". Think about where you are sent each day and share who your "two by two" might be. If you do not have one, share how it feels to be alone on a mission. Brainstorm how you could formalize who your "two by two" people might be in different areas you are sent to (i.e work place, sports team, pta, social groups, etc).


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church