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This Too Shall Be Made Right - Week 11

When I was in 3rd grade, I was known as a bit of a mischievous kid. I was a creative kid and I often took that creativity to my friends in the neighborhood after school. There were a few times that my creativity was not appreciated as my friends and I found ourselves playing on roofs and accidentally hitting parked cars with every kind of ball imaginable. I can recall one particular family that had to talk to my parents and me because I had caused frustration to them one time to many.

About 3 years ago, while visiting my family over the holidays, I ran into a member of that same family from 3rd grade in the grocery store. It was a nice visit, but as I shared with them that I am pastor and that I work with kids and students, there seemed to be kind of shock that took over her face. She then said something like, "I would have never imagined that you would become a Pastor".

This week we read a text about how Jesus was viewed by those in his hometown. These people knew Jesus as a carpenter and had many memories of him as someone different than the "teacher" he had become. There were mixed reactions to Jesus. His teaching amazed some and some were offended by it. In the midst of the different reactions to Jesus, we will see a Jesus who continues to be concerned about the faith and healing of everyone, no matter what the reaction was to him. In fact, we will see how Jesus uses his disciples to reach and heal those who need it most. My prayer is that as we see how Jesus sent his disciples in Mark 6, we will see that we too are sent today. No matter how people react to us, we are sent ones on a mission. The amazing part is that Jesus gives us one another and his power as we are sent into a world that needs the Good News and the healing power of God in their lives.

To His Glory,

Jeff Mattesich
Associate Pastor of Children & Student Ministries