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The Great Escape - Week 11

Category: The Great Escape


When I was a boy, I spent several weeks each summer with my mother's sisters and brothers (she was the 11th of 11) in one of the most rural and hilly parts of West Virginia. We often hiked into the hills and would go so long that I wondered if we would ever find our way back home. I remember one time when I was with my twin uncles Oscar and Austin and we went up a path that seemed to be new to them. We went on and on. The hill became steeper, more overgrown, and wilder. Eventually, I was very tired and very, very hungry. And my uncles kept saying things like "Do you have any idea where we are?" "How are we ever going to find our way back?" "Isn't this the area where all those black bears have been spotted?".

At one point, I think they saw a bit of terror and desperation in my eyes. Uncle Oscar said, "Let's take that path to the left over there." We did—and it opened up into a meadow filled with wild huckleberries and raspberries. Not far away, there was a small waterfall flowing with cool, fresh water. And my uncles opened up their backpacks and pulled out Tupperware containers filled with the best fried chicken and biscuits I had ever tasted.

And I remember my Uncle Austin's saying, "Greg, we've lived here our whole lives. We know every inch of these hills. And you're Nina's son. She'd take us down if we let anything happen to you." (My mom could strike fear in her brothers' hearts even though she was only five feet tall.) "Believe me," he said, "if you're with us, you'll always have enough to eat and drink."

For some reason, that episode of my boyhood came to mind when I read about the time when God's people in Exodus 16 thought they were going to die of thirst and hunger. In the midst of their doubt and confusion, God intervened. He said to them in v. 12, "At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God." God provided. I have found that God continues to provide for his people.

That's what we will meditate on this weekend. God is Jehovah Jireh, i.e., the one who sees and provides. And we will share in the Lord's Table and remember the words of Jesus from John 6, "I am the bread of life.... Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever."

To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor