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Quo Vadis? A Prequel - Week 19 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources

Quo Vadis? The Prequel

Acts 13:1-12

  1. Read vv. 1–3. What would you think if next Sunday the Ministry Council announced, "This week, the Holy Spirit told us to send two of our leaders off to the mission field full time. And so we sent them off. They're gone, and we're not really sure where they'll end up"?

  2. According to vv.4–5, where did Barnabas and Paul go? [You might want to locate these places on a map in the back of a Bible or in a Bible atlas.] What did they do when they got there? Why do you think that they started in the synagogues?

  3. They continued to preach until they came to Paphos, the seat of the Roman government on the island. In vv. 6–8, who was interested in what they had to say? Who tried to stop them? Why?

  4. Imagine that you are doing evangelism in another state, and a senator of that state invites you to share the gospel with him. How would you feel? What if, while you are there, one of his top aides opposes you? What would you do?

  5. How does Paul respond to Bar-Jesus' (Elymas') opposition? In verse 10, what does Paul call him? Why do you think Paul responds with such harsh-sounding words? What would you be feeling if you were there and witnessed these events?

  6. How did the Proconsul react when he saw what happened? Does his response surprise you? Why or why not?

  7. Do you know anyone like the Proconsul—someone who is open to the gospel and seeking to learn more? How can you help them?

  8. Do you know people like Elymas––people who openly oppose the gospel? How can you pray for them? How can you speak the truth to them in a way that they will understand?

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