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Quo Vadis? A Prequel - Week 19

Parent Category: Sermon Resources

This weekend, we will consider the privilege we have of being a church located at the intersection of the 210 and Lake Avenue, in an urban area (with all its needs, problems, and opportunities), in a city with some of the finest schools in the nation, and in a place that shapes the values of the entire world through its entertainment industry. We are "sent ones," sent by Jesus as his witnesses into this community and from this community into the world.

This weekend, we will consider the privilege we have of being a church located at the intersection of the 210 and Lake Avenue, in an urban area (with all its needs, problems, and opportunities), in a city with some of the finest schools in the nation, and in a place that shapes the values of the entire world through its entertainment industry. We are "sent ones," sent by Jesus as his witnesses into this community and from this community into the world.

We will be guided once again by the description we read about in Acts 11:19–30 of the first church located in a metropolitan, i.e., the church in Antioch. With this message, we will conclude our sermon series in the book of Acts. However, just as the activity called for by the Book of Acts does not end with its concluding chapter, so too the work to which God has called us as a church does not end with this week's message. What we have studied should just be a new beginning to our fulfilling our calling as a local church, the mandate to carry the message and love of Jesus to Pasadena, to the San Gabriel Valley and the Greater Los Angeles area, and to the end of the earth (cf. Acts 1:8).

Here are ways I want you to begin thinking about your own next steps as you respond to the teaching of God's Word in Acts:

• Upper Room – Make a special effort to come to the final Upper Room prayer and worship time, Sunday at 5 p.m. This evening's gathering will focus on prayer related to the issues we've seen in God's Word throughout the summer.
• Service – Since the early church was a witnessing and serving church with each one playing a significant role, take time to look at and pray about the service opportunities you can find online at
• Look at the insert in this week's Worship Folder entitled "Quo Vadis?"—meaning "Where are you going?" Pray diligently (and take some times for fasting too) that God will make you aware of where he is sending you as his witness.
• Watch for information about ministry among the homeless in partnership with Door of Hope. Until that is forthcoming, read Breakfast at Sally's: One Homeless Man's Inspirational Journey by Richard LeMieux.
• This fall, a course will be offered on Sunday mornings designed by World Relief, International and taught by Pastor Jeff Liou examining the biblical material related to immigration.

When Jesus calls us to himself, he also sends us as his witnesses and representatives to the world. Quo Vadis? Where is God sending you?


To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor

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