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How To Know God Has Broken Through - Week 8 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources


Pastor's Letter
Sermons Archive


ACTS 4:32 - 37

  1. Read about how Peter and John handled the adversity of being imprisoned and threatened in 4:1823.What evidences of genuine faith do you see in the way they handled themselves?
  2. Read Acts 4:23–37. After Peter and John were released from prison, what was the first thing they did? How did the community respond to the situation? How should we respond to opposition as a church family?
  3. Try to put the experience of 4:31 into your own words.These men were already Spirit-empowered believers,and this church was already alive.What should we learn from this “visitation” of God and special Spirit filling?
  4. Notice how v. 31 flows directly into v. 32.What do we learn about the relationship between being a Spirit-filled Christian and generosity?
  5. Describe in your own words what the church was like in 4:3237.What part of the early church would you most like to see in your own church?
  6. What is the main lesson you hope to apply to your life from this study?


2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church