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How To Know God Has Broken Through - Week 8

Parent Category: Sermon Resources

As I write this today, I’m with my father at his senior residential center in Bristol, TN.He became a Christian when he was about 30, and his life wasnever the same.I think that one of the things I enjoy most about him is that he has never lost the joy knowing that he is eternally loved by our eternal God.Whenever the good news about Jesus ispreached, my dad beams.He never seems to tire of remembering thatthe forgiveness that comes through Jesus is complete and real.My fatherknows that nothing can or will separate him from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:2839).

As I was listening to my dad speak about his faith today, I thought about the fact that many people do not seem to have the kind of confidence in their relationship withGod that he has.Even people who believe all of the things that the Bible teaches about God sometimes question whether their faith is real.I remember a long talk once with a college student about this.He said that he had made a decision to repent of his sin and believe on Jesus when he was a boy.Sometimes, he told me, he knew that God is real and that God had adopted him into his family.At other times, he confessed, he questioned everythingabout himself, the church, and even God.

This young man was a pre-med student, and he said something like this:“When we ask whether a patient is alive or dead, we check for vital signs.We don’t look back at whether he has a birth certificate.We know that there are sure evidences showing us whether a person is still physically among the living.Pastor Greg, I have a spiritual birth certificate.I know when I was born again.But, there must be ongoingspiritual vital signs too. What are they?

His question is a big question.But, I think that the Book of Acts is a good place to begin finding an answer to it.After Jesus died on the cross and rosefrom the dead, he called people to believe in him and follow him.When those first church people became Christians, their lives changed.We see in them some spiritual vital signs that, in my estimation, should also be true of all ChristiansRead through Acts 4 and make note of the kinds of spiritual vital signs you see in thebelievers.See if you see any similar signs of spiritual life in yourself.Isee those signs in my father.

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To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor