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New Life in the New Year - with Christ

Category: Special Sermons

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Over the past four years, I’ve grown happily accustomed to spending the morning of January 1st enjoying the Rose Parade. I’ve never been a big parade-fan. But, there is something different - immensely better - about the Rose Parade than any other parade I’ve ever experienced.

But January 1, 2012 falls on a Sunday and I’m going to be in church this year - not at a parade. And, I truly believe church will even be a better place to be on the first day of a new year than a parade. (I know. I know - I’m a pastor and everyone expects me to say that. But, I really believe it!)

The text we come to as we launch into this year is perfect, i.e., Colossians 3:1-17. It’s a text my son and daughter-in-law chose for their wedding this past September so I’ve been thinking about it a lot. It’s all about how we put off some things in the past when we recommit ourselves to Jesus. And we put some new things into our lives when he is our Lord. The picture the Bible paints is of us taking off old clothes when they’ve gotten dirty in the workplace or in a sporting event -- and, then putting on new clothes before we go to the big dinner or feast. It’s a great picture. Who wants to eat wonderful food when we’re sweaty and filthy?

New Year’s Day is an appropriate day to look back over our lives and see what needs to be put away and then to look forward and make new commitments to God. And, Colossians 3:1-4 provides the key for that new and much improved life in the next year. We will see that life-transformation comes because of the person, work and presence of Jesus Christ. (Yes, it will be another sermon about Jesus. But, perhaps you’ll see him in a new way.)

So, as you prepare for the service, read those four verses and see what they say about Jesus and us. I think that doing this will get you ready for our first message of 2012.

And, maybe - just maybe - after going to church on January 1, you will discover that there is still a good parade to watch on January 2.


May it also be among us to His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor