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The God of the Bible is transcendent – holy and “other-than” His creation – existing before time and matter were created thus being supernatural. But, God also reveals himself in Scripture to be immanent – deeply involved in this time-and-space world and entering into relationships with people made in his image. The God of the Bible is both here and there. In His wisdom, God has, for the most part, chosen to reveal Himself not through lectures, philosophical propositions, or how-to techniques – but through real life stories.

As we begin the Turning Points series, we will be looking at some of the personal stories of people in the Bible whose lives were turned around and transformed when 1) God broke into their lives, 2) they recognized that in-breaking, and 3) they surrendered in faith to God’s sovereign control over their lives.

These are real people who met God – not rare mythical or legendary heroes who are somehow above the rest of us. Indeed, one of the shocking (and encouraging) aspects of the Bible is that its human characters are so fully human. The Bible does not hide their flaws from us. This fact offers hope to all of us who still struggle with our failures, sins, and limitations.

The Bible declares to us that meetings with God are always encounters of grace. What this means, of course, is that there is hope for us too.


To His Glory,


Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor