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Life Together Week 6

Category: Life Together

Growing Together Without Complaining

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure…

Philippians 2:14-15a


We've all witnessed or experienced the scene: A classroom full of students, dutifully and quietly listening to their teacher, but then the teacher is called away briefly and has to leave the class by themselves for a few moments. What happens? More often than not, chaos! Why?.

Why do we drive more carefully when we think there might be a police car in the area? Why do our work habits change when the boss is on vacation?

How do we get beyond the tyranny of life defined by our circumstances?

In Philippians 2:12-18, Paul urges the members of this church he dearly loves to center their lives on Jesus Christ, fixing their eyes on him, following his example of obedience and humility. He reminds them of who they are (children of God), why they are here (God's good purpose), and what they are to be doing (shining like stars, blameless and pure).

He also adds this important but often underemphasized command, "Do everything without grumbling or arguing." Really? Everything? Ouch! Maybe you saw it coming and hoped we would avoid that verse. That simple yet difficult command may be more important than we have every realized.

May we hear his voice today, and in our life together may we shine like stars as we hold out the Word of Life to a world in need.

To His Glory!

John Secrest
Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries