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Euodia, Syntyche, and the Elephant

Philippians 4:4–9 describes Christlike inner practices that should enable us to become reconcilers of others rather than those who have to be reconciled to others.
  1. Look at the five practices and discuss about each one A. what it is and B. how it might help us to become people who experience God's peace:

    a. An orientation of joy (4:4)

    b. Gentleness/moderation (4:5) (Consider also why Paul adds “the Lord is near”)

    c. A life of prayer (4:6)

    d. Transformed minds (4:8)

    e. Conscious application of what we learn and see (4:9a)

  2. Go back through those practices and discuss what their opposites might be. For example, the opposite of an orientation of joy might be one of hopelessness or bitterness. Then, ask what would happen in a family or community in which everyone practices the opposite of what the Bible calls for.
  3. Put into your own words the two promises that should flow from these practices in 4:7 and 4:9a.
  4. Specifically, what do you hope to apply to your life from Philippians 4:4–9?


Life Together, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church