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The Light of the World - Week 2

It seems that just about every religion in the world uses the metaphor of light as a symbol of goodness, knowledge and enlightenment. During Hanukkah, Jewish families light menorahs to remember the rededication of the Temple. Growing up in Singapore where there are many Hindus, Deepavali is commemorated by the lighting of candles that symbolizes the expulsion of ignorance and the reception of wisdom, joy and peace into the world. Each of these holidays take place very close to the Christmas season so it would be easy to believe that Christmas is just like any other religion that celebrates a special day through the lighting of lights.

However, when believers put up lights on our homes and in our trees and light candles during the Christmas season, we do so in order to remember the one who said He is the true Light of the World, the long awaited savior and Messiah. This is quite a claim that Jesus was making! Jesus was not saying that He was 'a light' – He was saying He is THE Light. He was the one who brought light and life into the world; He was equating Himself to God.

John's gospel tells us that as soon as Jesus made these claims, He met with opposition and disbelief. And yet Jesus maintains His claims to divinity through all of it, culminating in His statement in verse 24: "If you do not believe that I AM he, you will indeed die in your sins."

Light can provide warmth and comfort, but light also exposes and dispels darkness. We like to think of Jesus as our friend, bringing peace, comfort and salvation – but if we are really listening to His words, Jesus also confronts us boldly. If Jesus is the Light and He came to give Light unto men, then what are we doing with that Light in our lives?

Jesus has a disturbing way of breaking into our lives and disrupting it - the way we have been doing things, rituals that we may have established for years and calling them into question. The question is, are we willing to risk it all and embrace change in light of the One who risked it all for us?

To His Glory,

Walter Alexander
Pastor of Adult Ministries

Advent readings for John the Baptist Week
Monday: 1 John 4:7-21
Tuesday: John 3:16-21
Wednesday: Titus 3:4-7
Thursday: Philippians 2:1-8
Friday: Colossians 1:15-20
Saturday: Matthew 11:25-30

Pick up the full Advent reading devotional in the information booth. Online version coming soon!