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The I Am - Week 1

This weekend, we begin our 2012 Advent celebration. Joining churches throughout the world, we will spend the next four weeks reflecting on who Jesus was and why he came to the world. We will let some of the first would-be followers of Jesus set the stage for us with a simple question they asked in John 8:53:
"Jesus, who do you think you are?"

On the surface, this seems like an innocent-enough question. However, when we read it in context, we quickly see that it is more of an accusation than an honest question. The question's tone is more like what my mother's was when, as a child, I would question her authority. She would say firmly, "Son, who do you think you are to question me?" Even though my mom was only 5 feet tall and weighed fewer than 100 pounds, I would always back down.

But Jesus did not back down. In fact, Jesus turned and made one of the most profound personal claims we find in the Bible. Who am I? Jesus said, "I am. Before Abraham was, I am."

On this prophecy week, we will ask what difference it makes to believe that Jesus truly was the one who existed before any of the prophets—Yes, he said that he lived even before those who foretold his coming. More than that, we will think about the shocking claim in which Jesus said not only that "Before Abraham was, I was" but also "Before Abraham was, I am!"

Advent readings for Prophecy Week
Monday: Isaiah 40:1-5
Tuesday: Jeremiah 33:14-16
Wednesday: Isaiah 11:1-6
Thursday: Job 19:25-27
Friday: Isaiah 9:1-7
Saturday: John 1:1-8

Pick up the full Advent reading devotional in the information booth. Online version coming!

To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor