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Week 6

Established In Love 

Ephesians 3:14-21

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Opening:  This upcoming passage emphasizes love and power.  What examples have you seen or experienced of ‘the love of power’ in movies or in life?  What about ‘the power of love?’  (If you participated last week, share with the group how you practiced hospitality, and a true spirit of welcome.)

Examine the Passage: Ephesians 3:14-21

  • What impressed you most about Paul’s prayer? Why?
  • What resource does God give to strengthen them (vs. 16)? What is the goal of that strengthening (vs.17)?  Grab a pen and circle or highlight these key words or phrases related to your life in Christ.
  • In whose love are you being “rooted and established”? (vs. 17-18)
  • How is Christ’s love described? (vs. 18-19)
  • Re-read the passage looking for all words that indicate the expansive and inclusive love and power of God. What does this say about God’s nature?

Explore the Theme: God’s love.  “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:11

  • What role can prayer play in grasping both the power of God at work in us and in knowing the love of God that surpasses knowledge?
  • How are knowing and knowledge different here (vs. 19)?   
  • How much are you aware of Christ’s love for you? How does your perspective on life and your daily habits and interactions with others reflect this?
  • How could you grow in your awareness of Christ’s love so that it can become your firm foundation?
  • Ephesians chapters 1-3 focus on our identity in Christ. Look back over the first three chapters and recall all the words you circled or highlighted as they relate to your life in Christ.  Place them on a note card.  (Refer back to Ephesians 1:4-8, 17-19, and Ephesians 2:4-5, 10, 13, 17-19, and Ephesians 3:6, 16-17.)

Engage Your Life: Practice Remembering.   Throughout Scripture, we are called to remember.  Participate in this important spiritual practice by placing Scripture on a door way that will become a reminder to you of God’s great love for you and your true identity in Christ.  Use the note card you made above in ‘exploring the theme.’  Think widely about a “doorpost” and place the notecard of Scripture in a place you commonly will see.  Consider as you enter a car door, a bedroom, or a desk drawer or even a cabinet door when you cook or brush your teeth.  Come ready to share next week how hiding Scripture in your home helped you hide the truth of God’s love and your identity in Christ in your heart.

Praying Grace and Peace: Share prayer requests, and then provide a couple of minutes of quiet individual prayer time to offer praise for God’s love.  Then go to corporate prayer for one another and for praying grace and peace to all.