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Week 11

Fearless in Prayer

Ephesians 6:10-24

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Opening: If you participated last week, share with the group how it went to honor another person outside the group.

Then, as a group, take time to honor one another.  Take turns as a group saying to each other, “One thing I admire about you is...”  Acknowledge people that help you stay on good terms even when you disagree, or help you see beyond yourself to the big picture, or who encourage teamwork, etc.  Make sure everyone in the group is affirmed.

(An additional opening question for this session, perhaps for someone doing the study alone, is ‘In what ways do you experience your Christian life as a battle?’)

Examine the Passage: Ephesians 6:10-24

  • Where does your strength come from to endure struggles and work through challenges? (vs. 10).  What is your goal? (vs. 13) Grab a pen and circle or highlight that to which you are called.
  • God has provided a set of armor for us. What are each of the six pieces in verses 13-17?  Which one feels most important to you now as you consider a current struggle?  And how might you use it?
  • In verse 18 we find one more tool. What are the ways prayer can help you as you face challenges and opposition?  Circle or highlight that to which you are called. 
  • Paul, too, asks for prayer to be fearless as he advances the gospel (vs. 19-20). What might you need prayer for in order to be fearless? 

Explore the Theme: Prayer.  “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray…. Pray for each other…”  James 5:13-16

  • What do your requests to God reveal about your desires and priorities?
  • What helps you remember to pray for others? When you pray for others, have you considered when your agenda is working against God’s kingdom?  How can you counter-balance that?
  • How are worry and prayer connected?
  • How might praying with Scripture for yourself or a loved one lift the burden from your shoulders and place it squarely on God’s?
  • Here are some tips for prayer:
    • Pray attention when people come to mind. Consider that an opportunity to pray for them. 
    • Pray consistently as you learn about local and global news.
    • What other tips do you have to share about how to use prayer?
  • Throughout chapters 4-6 you have been circling or highlighting key words and phrases that are noteworthy for the life we have been called to live now that we have a new identity in Christ. On a note card, write those down.  (For reference see Ephesians 4:1-4, 24-32 and Ephesians 5:1, 8-11, 18-21, 22, 25, 33 and Ephesians 6:1-7, 10, 13, 18.)  Share with the group, based on this study, what God is calling you to focus on now.  What will you do differently because of this study?

Engage Your Life: Practice praying with Scripture.  Using Scripture in your prayers is very powerful. This week use Ephesians 3:14-21 to pray for someone during the week.  Choose to pray this both for someone you adore and for someone that is a challenge for you.  Watch how God works in you as you pray.

Praying Grace and Peace: After having shared prayer requests, provide a couple of minutes of quiet individual prayer time to thank God that we are not alone in battle and have the Spirit and other Christians’ prayers to carry us. Close with corporate prayer for one another and for praying grace and peace with God and with one another across all barriers.