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Green Oak Camp 2022

It’s Green Oak Ranch time again and registration is now open on the LAC website. It’s been a long two years dealing with this pandemic – but relief is in sight. Green Oak Ranch is the perfect place for you and your family, neighbors and friends to enjoy the outdoors and fellowship with each other. This year is a very important year for our church and Green Oak. In order for us to continue this tradition, we need to make sure attendance is good. If we don’t have the number of LAC Family and friends sign up that we need this year, we will have no choice but to cancel and give up our Memorial Day weekend tradition. Last year at the ranch was amazing, but between our donation in 2020 to help keep Green Oak Ranch from closing down and last year’s numbers being lower than usual, we used our entire emergency fund. Therefore, we ask that you please sign up and pay as soon as you can to ensure that Green Oak 2022 can continue as planned.

It was a blessing for everyone to be able to social distance and still enjoy family time and fellowship. We took safety very seriously and there was not a single incident of Covid at or post the event last year. The Covid numbers are even lower this year and we will continue to do what we can to keep everyone safe. There are still no group meals provided, everyone is on their own for food. You may cook in your campsite, go to a restaurant, order take out – or even get food delivered. Your kids will probably do what they always do and go from campsite-to-campsite snacking at each location like an old-school progressive dinner. We hope that we can go back to the group meals next year.

We will still have all of the activities you know and love, from hiking and softball to fishing
and crafts. There are activities for every age and stage. This is a great opportunity to invite
friends and family for a weekend of fun.

For more information and to see many wonderful moments in video and still photos, visit Sign up before Sunday, April 10 to receive 25% off your entire order – and to ensure the Green Oak Ranch Memorial Day weekend family camp can happen this year and years to come. We hope to see you there!


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