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The Joy of Greeting

I often told family and friends that when I retire I wanted to be greeter at Walmart!  Well I haven’t retired quite yet, but I have been satisfying my passion to greet at LAC for over a year. Unless I’m ill or away, I greet every Sunday between the 9 am and 11 am services - at the ramp - to welcome those walking in or taking the shuttle bus from Gateway Plaza.  It is the highlight of my week!
I not only greet those coming with “Welcome to Lake Avenue,” but also those leaving after the first service with “have a great week!”  I encourage everyone that I see with a smile, and if they are smiling, I often say, “Keep up your wonderful smile!”  I even keep my Greeters Badge on after I leave church so that someone might stop me at the market or pharmacy and inquire about LAC – and a few times someone has!

Today was exceptional.  I started talking to a man who was leaving. Before you know it, he was praying for me, because I mentioned that I was going to retire soon.  I also met a first-time guest who needed a little help walking up the ramp.  I took his arm and a few times we stopped to catch our breath.  I sat with him during the 11 am Service and exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addresses.  He called me right after he got home, and we prayed together regarding what the Lord would want him to do – stay with his church that he loves, but is not filling his needs as his congregation dwindles, or change and attend LAC.

I hope that my passion for greeting, and the joy that I receive that far surpasses the meager 30-minutes/week that I provide, will encourage others to become LAC Greeters. I say “Give it a try on Easter Sunday. You will exchange smiles with dozens and share the joy of Christ’s resurrection. Who knows, you may enjoy it so much you will want to continue the following Sunday and the next…

There are many ways to serve on Easter Sunday. For a list of serving opportunities please visit the Easter Serving Finder page.


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