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A Return to the Real

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” - 1 Peter 4:10
There is a moment or time in your life when you realize what God created you for.  This is where my story begins.  At an early age I had awareness of God as the perfect creator and the perfect designer.  Scripture says, with His word He spoke the world into being and made man in His image.  As an artist, I believe my passion to create exists because I was made in His image, and I must reflect His creativity through gifts that He has given.  
For many years I disassociated my faith from these gifts.  I couldn’t see the connection of my desire to create as the opportunity to show Christ.  I was blessed to have a family that encouraged me to pursue these talents that I often doubted.  I knew if I wanted to use what was from God, for God, I needed to put effort in honing my artistic skills in hopes of building something real.
During middle school I started attending Lake with my family.  For the next few years I sat with my parents in services, diligently taking notes, studying the Bible and building a relationship with Christ.  As I approached the next season of my life in choosing a career path, my interests in art lead me to the world of architecture and design. I learned a valuable principle in my design education that I never experienced in painting; collaboration.

I began to understand the parallel of faith and community during these years. I started seeing the connection of my place in the community and my identity as an artist; not as separate, but fully integrated and immersed in God’s family.  Having the assurance that my artistic expression does have a place in God’s work and His ministry is amazing. Nothing brings me more joy than living out and exercising the gifts from God for His glory and His work.  

It isn’t by chance, that years later, God brought me back to Lake and placed me in a community of believers that encourage and sharpen one another.  He brought a companion into my life, my fiance Seyone, to share in this commitment.  We’re blessed to be part of groups, like the Crossroads Class, that invest their time and commit to one another in “doing life together.”  God is at work in our church and I’m grateful to be part of this body that is seeking to live and work together; building something real in Christ.