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There is Hope for a Shattered Life!

Many of us, over our lifetimes, experience trauma, tragedies, or challenges that can leave a little “crack” in our lives. Over time, these cracks create pressure, and we look for ways to deal with the pressure . . . and for many of our women, unhealthy options lead to shattered lives. The cycle of numbing the pain, engaging in high-risk behaviors and generations of brokenness are too often the paths of the women have taken who come to the Hoving Home.

The Hoving Home provides a loving community devoted to rebuilding shattered lives that empowers women to fulfill their God-given purpose. With seven programs in five states, we have served over 26,000 in the last 55 years with a hope of each lady experiencing life transformation through Jesus Christ. And for those who graduate from our Home, over 82% never return to their old way of life.

Because of God’s redemptive grace, ladies who have experienced great suffering begin to experience hope and love. Those who have walked in darkness now walk in the light! That is truly a miracle. One of those ladies is Sasha, who graduated from our Pasadena home this year:

'When Sasha was twelve, she survived a trauma where she was abused and beaten from head to toe and left for dead. When she woke up in the hospital, she couldn’t understand what had happened to her.

Years later after a life of addiction and violence and eventually losing her children, Sasha went to a safe house for women. Without her children and without hope, Sasha began to drink heavily. But deep down, she knew she needed help and started crying out to God. “And He heard my prayer,” Sasha shares. After calling different hotlines, Sasha learned about Hoving Home.

While her wounds and pain were traumatic, Sasha has learned about God’s unconditional love and has become a new creation in Christ.

At Hoving Home, Sasha found the refuge she needed to heal from her own trauma. She is currently reunited with her children and rebuilding her life and family.'

Thank you for your love for the Hoving Home women. You are vital partners in this fight to help rebuild shattered lives. If you would like more information, please contact us at 626.405.0950 and we would love to give you a tour of our Pasadena location and the amazing work happening at Hoving Home.


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