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Safety at Lake

To maximize our preparedness and ability to respond to a crisis situation...

Our Purpose

The purpose of our plan is to protect lives, preserve Lake Avenue Church property, and provide for the resuming of our essential and normal services as soon as possible. The essential services for Lake Avenue Church would be our ability to carry on our ministry efforts for the people and communities we have been called to serve.

Training the Plan

An untested and untrained plan is little more than theory. After developing emergency plans, a training program should be designated to educate staff, students and crisis team members. In our ongoing effort to maximize our staff's preparedness and ability to respond to a crisis situation, our Emergency Response Team has organized mandatory trainings.


Upcoming or on-going events hosted or related to Safety at Lake...

No events have been organized.


Conceptualizing our responsibilities...

< class="uk-h4 uk-margin-remove-top"> CSAD 2017 - Highlights
< class="uk-h4 uk-margin-remove-top"> CSAD 2017 - American Red Cross - Puppet Show
< class="uk-h4 uk-margin-remove-top"> CSAD 2017 - California Pizza Kitchen - Meal Demo
< class="uk-h4 uk-margin-remove-top"> CSAD 2016 - Highlights
< class="uk-h4 uk-margin-remove-top"> CSAD 2015 - Highlights
< class="uk-h4 uk-margin-remove-top"> CSAD 2014 - Highlights