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“We love because he first loved us” - 1 John 4:19

During this Lenten season, take each day to purposefully do an act of love for another. Download this pdf and print it out. It’s full of daily suggestions. Put in up on your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror or in your car. Check it out each day and talk about it with your roommates, your children or your small group. Make it a habit this lent to show love As a church family we can change the world around us!

Download 40 Days of Love

February 17

“We love because He first loved us,” (1 John 4:19). Commit this verse to memory today. Contemplate Christ’s love. Confess ways you have missed opportunities to show love this last year. Join LAC for the Ash Wednesday service at 7:30 pm. 

February 18

Commit to giving up something you do that brings others down. It could be gossiping, complaining, lying, or telling jokes that are put downs. Get serious about giving it up for a week or all of lent. Our Marriage Class begins today.  Pray for married people to use their words to build each other up.

February 19

Our LAC Grandparent Class meets this weekend. Pray for them and your own family. Plan time this weekend to intentionally bless a family member. Encourage them with Scripture and make their life easier.

February 20

Our LAC college students and young adults are on a retreat today. Pray for them. Call, text, write a card or DM a young adult in your life affirming their character, leadership and/or gifts to serve. Make them feel seen, heard and valued.

February 21

Worship the LORD today. Enjoy a sabbath rest.

February 22

Yesterday was LAC’s Community Meal where we provide a meal for those experiencing homelessness or hardship, but today they need food too. Pray for them. Make an emergency kit for your car so you are ready to hand it out to people in need. Include water, non-perishable food, socks, band-aids and/or hand sanitizer.

February 23

Take time to make a list of what your talents and skills are. Are you serving your community or our church with those gifts? If not, research how you can.  Contact Nancy Smith at  or Rajeev Nadakumaran at  for advice. God has blessed you to be a blessing.

February 24

Grab a pair a gloves and a garbage bag. Head outside and pick up trash in neighborhoods, parks and beaches. Leave the world better for others.

February 25

Commit today to listen and learn. Listen without interrupting. Ask non-judgmental questions. Humbly expect that you have something to learn from people of a different generation or culture.

February 26

Tonight is our LAC Black History Month Worship Event. Join “A City Called Heaven” Concert via live-stream. This weekend plan time to create your own art, poetry, written prayers, or music that honors people of color.

February 27

Today our Mighty Oaks Ministry (55+) is doing a Spiritual Retreat. Pray for our seniors. Call a senior in your life. Listen to them and tell them you appreciate them. Give your time to help them (ex. yard work, grocery shopping, or internet research).

February 28

Worship the LORD today. Enjoy a sabbath rest.


March 1

Pray for those struggling with depression, anxiety or a broken relationship. Put the suicide prevention hotline number (800.273.8255) and the LAC Counseling Center number (626.844.4794) in your phone so you are ready to give it out when you meet someone in need.

March 2

Text or call someone to tell them ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good night.’ Perhaps make it someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Text a prayer for them. Be encouraging.

March 3

Buy a book written by a fellow Christian who thinks differently than you. Humbly commit to learning.

March 4

This weekend LAC will take our monthly benevolence offering to raise funds to assist those with housing needs, etc. Plan ahead and decide on a generous amount to give. Pray for our city, that housing will be made available and affordable for our residents in need. Pray for wisdom for our leaders to make excellent decisions.

March 5

Pray for your co-workers. Make one of their tasks easier or do it for them. Give a compliment. Perhaps focus on a co-worker that you don’t get along with very well.

March 6

Today our high school and middle school students are having a retreat day. Pray for them. Reach out to a teenager in your life and give them a compliment, too. Send a gift card, a treat, or pizza to their house – just because!

March 7

Worship the LORD today. Enjoy a sabbath rest.

March 8

Today is International Women’s Day. Pray for women around the globe with less access to health care, education, safe housing and employment. Appreciate a woman in your life.

March 9

This weekend is our LAC Prison Event. Sign-up to learn. Pray for inmates and their families, for protection and for provision and for LAC’s Prison Outreach Team.

March 10

Today our 5th graders have a meeting, just for them! They aren’t yet teens, but they are growing out of childhood. Sometimes these preteens, and their needs, get overlooked. Pray for them. Take time today with someone whose needs are often missed. Put down the phone and really listen to them. (Or pick up the phone and play the game they love to play, right along with them.)

March 11

Sign up to deliver an LAC “Holy Week in a Box” care package to someone who can’t come to church to pick it up by visiting keyword: holyweekinabox (Don’t forget to sign up for your own box too!). Pray for people that are homebound.

March 12

Jesus showed love by washing dirty feet in John 13:1-17. Wash someone’s dirty dishes or dirty laundry today. Offer to clean up gardens, garbage bins and walkways for neighbors. Do the task no one wants to do.

March 13

Today is Good Samaritan Day. Read Luke 10:25-37. Get creative! Be a good Samaritan!

March 14

Worship the LORD today. Enjoy a sabbath rest.

March 15

Do you have a social media account? Don’t write that angry comment. Use social media today to spread good news, encouragement and Jesus’ love. Be a good news spreader outside of social media, too.

March 16

Every first and third Tuesday of the month, LAC gets to hear from our Overseas International Staff. Get the zoom code by visiting Join the lunch meeting at 11:45 am. Learn and Pray.

March 17

Saint Patrick went to the place he was once enslaved, to reach people for Jesus. Pray for bravery to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Ask God to show you opportunities to share more clearly about Jesus. To get better equipped, consider signing up for our Mosaic Course starting April 18. Visit the webpage to register and share.

March 18

Settle disagreements. Simply say you are sorry when you have been wrong. Forgive. While you may need distance and space from someone, you can still pray good things for them, and that they will know Jesus.

March 19

Give a hug or a high five to the person you live with. Do a task for them and make their day easier.

March 20

Get educated about a great ministry in our community: Stars (, Hoving Home (, Door of Hope (, and/or the Flintridge Center ( Give a donation. Follow on social media or sign up for a newsletter. Learn what volunteer needs they have. Pray for them.

March 21

Worship the LORD today. Enjoy a sabbath rest.

March 22

Invite someone, not only to join the LAC family for Easter services, but to join your own family for some Easter traditions. Plan to make their kids a basket, prepare them yummy food, or dye easter eggs together. Share Jesus and your life.

March 23

Be practically kind, in word and deed, to someone you do not get along with. Cultivate empathy for them by really considering things from their perspective.

March 24

Bring cheer! Send a funny message or video clip to someone who needs a bit of laughter. Commit to making sure your jokes aren’t putting someone down.

March 25

When you have a negative, discouraging thought in your mind, say goodbye to it. You deserve kindness, too.

March 26

Spend your money for good. Buy something for the person behind you in line. Buy a product from a non-profit or a small business. Be generous.

March 27

Today our LAC children and their parents are gathering for an Easter-themed event. Pray for them. Buy a craft or book for a child you know. Wrap it up. Make it fun. Pray for their parent(s).

March 28

“Blessed is the King.” Worship the LORD today.

March 29

Honor someone that risks their life for their job (health care workers, fire fighters & law enforcement, military & veterans, and front-line workers). Thank them.

March 30

Abstain from things that are a stumbling blocks to others, or things that are addictive. Show solidarity with others that struggle. Pray for them.

March 31

Today is the national holiday, Cesar Chavez Day. He spent his life working for better working conditions for farm workers. Pray for those that harvest, pack, distribute, sell, prepare and deliver our food today. Commit to using your voice and money in ways that honor and bless them. Be kind. Tip well.


April 1

Today, Maundy Thursday, we celebrate Jesus’ mandate, “Love one another as I have loved you,” (John 13:34). Generously give of your time, talent and/or treasure to care for someone else Make it be a sacrifice, whatever that means to you.

April 2

Today, join the LAC church family in worship at the Good Friday Service at 7:30 pm. Ponder John 19:26-27, where Jesus makes a new family, based on need and love, not genetics. Whom is Jesus calling you to love and treat like family? Reach out and call them, today.

April 3

Contemplate John 21:15-17 and the connection between loving Jesus and his call to care for others. Go and do likewise. Care for others. Literally and figuratively, feed them.

April 4

Christ is Risen! Worship the LORD today.