Handle the Truth

Handle the Truth

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Small Group Questions

Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26

  • This passage deals several times with “quarreling about words”, being “quarrelsome” and participating in “foolish and stupid arguments”. What does Paul say about this, and why are we as followers of Jesus not to participate in such behavior?
  • Read verse 15. What does it mean to you to “present yourself to God as one approved”? And what does it mean to be someone who “correctly handles the word of truth”?
  • Read verses 20 and 21. Some say that since God’s grace pardons us from all sin, we do not need to be too concerned with leading a holy life. But what is Paul communicating when he says, “Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes.”?
  • Read verses 22 to 25. What are things the Lord’s servant should do? What are things that the servant should not do?
  • Verses 25 and 26 deal with how we should treat our opponents. Have you ever had an opponent who frustrated and irritated you? How does the command to treat your opponents with “gentle instruction” make you feel? How does verse 26 cast light on why we ought to treat our opponents that way?