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Read Luke 2:25-35 as a Family

We live in a noisy world.  Finding a place with complete silence is very difficult!  Often we have to escape somewhere to find silence.  Yet, even when we find this silence it is hard to be still in it.  We are distracted by our own thoughts or “to do” lists.  We get impatient and want to fill the silent space with something.  

In our scripture reading this week Simeon had to listen to the Holy Spirit.  He had to wait in the silence for a long time in order to see a promise come to pass.  I wonder what would have happened if Simeon had filled the silence with a “to do” list instead of waiting on the Lord?  That isn’t what happened!  In verse 27 it says, “moved by the Spirit, Simeon went into the temple courts.….”  

This was the moment Simeon had waited a lot of his life for.  The Holy Spirit promised Simeon he would see the Savior before he died.  Simeon was getting older, but now his wait was finally over.  This waiting would have been very hard.  Many of us would have understood if Simeon’s faith had waivered a bit.  It wouldn’t have been beyond reason for Simeon to doubt if he’d heard correctly, or even missed seeing the Savior.  So many questions and doubts could have easily spun through Simeon’s head.  It almost goes without saying that trusting this long awaited promise would be fulfilled would have taken a lot of patience.  Yet it happened!  Simeon heard and obeyed the Lord.  The voice of the Spirit broke through!  A light had come!  Simeon now saw the Savior of the world!  Simeon praised the Lord that His long awaited promise had been fulfilled and the Savior of the world was here at last!  

We too have much to celebrate, just as Simeon did all those years ago.  God wants to break through into our busy lives!  God wants our eyes to be opened to His plan.   He wants us to silence the chaos in our lives by listening and leaning on His everlasting arms. Therefore, during this Christmas season and all year long we praise God that our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord, is born!   

Family Discussion

• Take a few minutes to close your eyes and sit in silence.  Clear your mind of all distraction and try to listen to God.  

• Share with each other what this experience was like and what you heard from or prayed to God. 

• Give testimony to a time you heard from God and obeyed His voice.  

• What are some ways you can continue to make space in your life to listen to/hear from God? 

You might even start a new family tradition.