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A Heavenly Celebration! Luke 2:1-14
By Mark Fields our High School Ministries Director

Have you ever been in a situation where you noticed things slightly changing for the better? You were at odds with a friend and one of you sent that first text message to move forward. You observed more margin in your budget or calendar? You felt a little more intimacy in your relationship with your spouse? The relationships in your family became slightly more pleasant. You received a good grade on a quiz in that difficult class. Aren’t those moments beautiful? To be honest I don’t usually embrace or cherish those moments. I am usually so focused on the fulfillment or completion of goals that I miss out on the little glimpses of future completion. Unlike me, God sees and celebrates each iota of progress in our lives and in this world.

Luke 2 describes God observing and celebrating the birth of Christ! Verses 1-6 describe Christ’s humble beginnings and the challenges that the new Parents of GOD have faced. Luke 2:7 portrays Mary, Joseph in a back house barn in Bethlehem, with their newborn wrapped in long strips of baby cloth. Jesus’ birth marked the beginning of redemption, healing, wholeness, identity, purpose, community, Love and His Kingdom on Earth and Heaven celebrated enormously! It seems like heaven was so excited about this inaugural event that they just HAD to share. Verses 8-12 describe an angel sharing with some local shepherds that the Savior, Christ the Lord had been born and verse 13 portrays something even more beautiful! A heavenly host joins the angel to make the point more emphatically. The Greek word “stratia” and a reference to Daniel 7:10 regarding this “heavenly host” suggest an ARMY OF ANGELS or thousands of thousands of angels appear and sing this song “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” All of heaven is aware that EVERYTHING is turning for the better because Christ has been born! Jesus’ birth marks the revelation of the glory of God in flesh and blood and the initiation of Shalom or perfect peace on earth! Everything is not perfect yet. In the midst of death, fear, anger, broken relationships, pride, injustice, and a whole “host” of other issues hope broke in! Jesus’ birth marked the beginning of EVERYTHING being redeemed and revealed the heart of a God who will break into our challenges and bring hope. Heaven couldn’t help but Praise!

1. Have there been areas of small progress in your life that you’ve been overlooking?
2. Have you overlooked areas of small progress in your family?
3. Is there an area of your family’s life that you need Jesus to break into?

Family Prayer:
Oh Lord, we trust you are at work in our family. We thank you for the ways you are working that we can’t see. We pray that you would open our eyes to discern how you are working and give us the humility to follow your lead. In the holy name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.