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Read Luke 1:46-55

Church, I have to be honest with you. My name is Perry, and I was a really bad student in high school and junior high. In fact, I’m sure they had to create new grades for how low my grades were. Plus, I regret that I was the kid that was a distraction in class. I was the class clown. Surprise, surprise. But, my senior year I tried my best to start to turn things around after years of messing around in high school. But I knew my reputation wasn’t well-esteemed in front of the faculty at Dobson High School. I’m sure my past followed me around like a stench like Pepe Le Pew. (Parents this is a perfect opportunity to show your kids who that is. Don’t let them miss out on a past cultural icon. Go to YouTube     ) Nor did I have confidence in myself as a teenager or as a student. Until something caught me off guard my senior year. An anonymous teacher nominated me to be in the senior spotlight. They wanted to let me tell my story and have a quote in the Yearbook. This was only for a small subset of people. Here I was the class clown, a goof off, and yet somebody decided to believe in me, to reach out to me. It changed the way I saw myself. It was a moment where I believed I had potential and worth after years of lies fortified in my heart. 

Mary’s position in the story of scriptures is one of a lowly position. I’m sure any woman would be caught off guard when asked by God to bear His child. But Mary with her status in society was especially caught off guard. This was a huge revelation and request from an all loving God.  God’s mighty love for humanity surprised Mary and all of creation. She would bear the Son of God. And all Mary could do with the wonder of God that she experienced was celebrate and proclaim it. We see that in Luke 1:46-55.

Here Are My Questions for You. 

• Has your journey with Christ become stale and thinking His relationship with us is stagnant and mundane?

• Have you forgotten the creator’s ability to surprise us for His glory?

• Do you believe that Jesus is the master at surprising us, inviting and using us for His gospel even when we think we don’t deserve it or expect it?

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