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What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem?

Church Father Tertullian asked this famous question while the early church was coming to terms with the paradoxical relationship between faith and reason. Athens was the center of ‘reason’ and Jerusalem was that of ‘faith,’ and Christians struggled to navigate the complex space in the middle.

History repeats itself, and we find ourselves in the same predicament today, except that in our case, Athens represents ‘Science’ and Jerusalem represents ‘Religion.’ Tertullian’s question is even more pertinent today, especially in a city like Pasadena, home to elite scientific institutions like CalTech and JPL.

Our city attracts some of the most brilliant minds in our country, and along with it comes the challenge to reconcile the estranged relationship between science and faith. We are grateful that many of the key players leading the scientific progress in our country are committed Christians and members of our community. If anyone can bridge this perceived gap between Athens and Jerusalem, it should be us!

This is the vision behind the INFINITY SUMMIT, an annual conference we are launching on Saturday, May 21, from 9 am to 4 pm. The summit will have keynote lectures and roundtable discussions featuring prominent scholars and working professionals in the fields of science and religion. It also comes with a continental breakfast and gourmet lunch. Invite as many friends as you can and register at today before the early bird discount runs out.