Two years ago, LAC family members Matt and Grace Huang’s ordeal in Qatar began with the death of their daughter Gloria. After 22 months of jail and house arrest based on false charges, they were exonerated and freed. Our LAC Family stood by them throughout this tragic event in many ways. In December, after returning to the States, our church responded with an out- pouring of love expressed in shouts of celebration and through a stunning benevolence offering that totaled $175,000! Matt and Grace and the boys have relocated for a time to the Northwest to be closer to extended family during this phase of their re-entry and recovery and sent along this note to their LAC Family:
Our hearts overflow with awe and thanksgiving over the outpouring of your love for our family. It is humbling to rest in the sacrifices that you have made on our behalf, knowing that the house we live in, the food we eat, the gas we fill up in our car, our medical bills—everything we enjoy is because of the generosity of many. To us, your selfless giving is love made tangible—walking us through a love that reaches our daily lives, enfolding us in our need and weakness.
Soon after our return home, we had to make the difficult decision on where to reside during this transition period. We came to realize that being near family members in the Northwest would be the best situation for our boys at this time. Unfortunately, it means saying goodbye once more–to family, to friends, and to “dear old Lake Ave” as our sons fondly referred to our home church. Dear family, we miss you all very much. Although we are at a place where we don’t have a home, you are truly that to us. The future is uncertain, but each day, we are sustained by the Father through the love that you have lavishly shown to us. Thank you, LAC family. We love you.