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God’s Perfect Plan

I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where my parents instilled strong Christian values in my sister and me.  For as long as I can remember, we went to church every Sunday and faithfully served, whether it was to help the worship team, or as Sunday School teachers.

Nevertheless, even with what seemed to be a solid foundation, my walk hasn’t been without trials and doubts. I grew up in what I can only assume is the average Asian American family:  going to school, taking piano and violin lessons, attending Chinese class, followed by study, study and more study.  There was a strong emphasis on scholarly achievement.

However, there were quite a number of failures and rejections along the way.  There was also a lot of questioning God.  To me, my time as an undergraduate was a “failure” as I did not finish with the degree that I had intended when enrolling.  When I was accepted into medical school in Chicago, that was absolutely the last place I wanted to go.  It was far from my family and it was my first time away from home.  I was scared.  Even the residency program where I trained was not my first choice.  After all those grueling hours and exams, I assumed I would get the job of my dreams.  That was also not the case as my job offers were not where I had envisioned I would eventually settle down.

At times, it felt like fighting God’s plan was much easier than just trusting where He led.  However, it was in all of these places, where I did not want to go but where God placed me, that have made the biggest impact in my life thus far.

Looking back, I am confident that God had His hand in everything.  What I thought would be the biggest disappointments and failures turned out to be opportunities that have brought me the greatest joy.

Had it not been for these “diversions,” so many things would not have been possible.  I would not have met all my wonderful friends and mentors.  I would not have met my husband nor would we have had the opportunity to be married at this beautiful church.  We would not be in our current home today, so close to our families and enjoying watching my niece and nephew grow up.  I certainly would not be serving the patient population that I feel compelled to help.

This past Advent season, we were again reminded that God had an order of events planned for the reconciliation of humanity.  He continues to have a plan for us.  This Christmas season has been a difficult one as we experienced several losses with tears and sadness.  But we are thankful for our family and friends walking through this journey with us. God sends His angels in many different ways.  As we start 2015 we continue to trust God and wait for His perfect timing and plan.  We look forward to what the future holds because we know He holds the future.