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Finally, I became an LAC member!

For over ten years I’ve been coming to Lake Avenue Church.  I’ve served and tithed but didn’t join.  There seemed to be a “wall” between Lake and me.  But when our marriage faced a crisis last year, we turned to the church for help.  We waited at the church office reception and met Pastor Mead.  He sensed our desperation.  My husband received immediate help, and I, arrogant as a long-time Christian, confessed my sins to the Lord as He revealed them to me.  I only had a glimmer of hope during this period, but a few church members reached out to us. We saw results in our marriage through counseling, hard work and prayer. God is a healer and reconciler when we call upon him and allow the Holy Spirit to enter into the situation.  

I turned from being dependent on my husband John to be dependent on Lord’s words and prayer.  I also attended Alpha and asked for prayers during the
Saturday night service on a regular basis.

Now, looking back, I can’t imagine experiencing this difficult period in my life without the Lake Avenue Church community.

In March, I attended the Membership Seminar.  Fear gripped me.  What if this church walks away from the Lord years down the road?  My family had a history of suffering and persecution in China, moving us from place to place.  I wanted to have a home church, yet I feared a place that couldn’t maintain its integrity.  I hesitated.

Out of grace, I received a membership certificate through the mail.  The “wall” between Lake and me disappeared.  I was filled with a sense of belonging, the peace of having a home.  As I walk with the Lord, I abide in Him more and more each day.  Though I don’t know what the future holds, I’m now part of a Christ-loving body where I can contribute and have my voice heard.  

Hello, Lake Avenue Church family.