Worshipping in Unity

Worshipping in Unity

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Read Psalm 29

  • Who is addressed in this Psalm (vs.1)? How does this command to the heavenly beings shape our understanding of human worship? 
  • What does the Psalmist say about God’s power in verses 3-10? The Psalmist uses lots of imagery in these verses—which image stands out to you the most? 
  • In verses 1-2, the Psalmist commands the heavenly beings to worship the LORD. What are you holding onto that keeps you from being able to worship the LORD in unity with other Christians? What does God need to break (v. 5), strike (v. 7), shake (v. 8), twist (v.9), or strip (v. 9) in your life so you might worship Him more fully? 
  • How would you describe what it means to “worship” the LORD in our world today? What sorts of habits, activities, or environments drive you to worship God? How can you worship God more fully this week? 
  • What actions will the LORD take toward his people in verse 11? In what areas of your life do you need strength and peace? In what areas does the global Church need strength and peace? 
  • Close your time together in prayer, praising God and asking Him to give us strength and peace.