Existence of God: “Why do we believe in God?”

Existence of God: “Why do we believe in God?”

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Questions for Personal Reflection and Small Groups

  • Reflect on the idea of God as a mystery versus a problem to be solved. How does this perspective influence your approach to faith and theology?
  • Discuss the analogy of the watch given as a Valentine’s Day gift. How does this analogy relate to the idea of purpose ascribed by a creator versus functional meaning?
  • Present a series of hypothetical scenarios that challenge moral reasoning and discuss how belief or disbelief in God might influence the decision-making process in these scenarios.
  • The sermon talks about the intrinsic human yearning for the infinite. How does this yearning manifest in your spiritual journey?
  • How do the concepts of meaning, morality, and mystery as presented in the sermon intersect with your understanding of the existence of a creator?