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We Are Part of Something Big and Beautiful
Greg Waybright
- Matthew 28:16-20
- The Church Becomes Flesh
- 47 mins 4 secs
- Views: 1162
Study Notes
We Are Part of Something Big and Beautiful - Week 6 - Study Notes
We Are Part of Something Big and Beautiful
Matthew 28:16-20
When I was a new transfer student at Wheaton College, two senior students, Lyle Schrag and Paul Matthews, asked me if they could come visit me at my dorm room one evening. I thought they might want to play some basketball. But, when they arrived, they were wearing ties and carrying clipboards and they asked me very seriously, “Greg, what role would God have you play in what he is doing in the world??” I was caught off-guard and replied, “I haven’t been thinking about that recently. I was planning on playing basketball.” But, they wouldn’t let me ignore the question so they said, “Greg, you’ve told us you are a Christian. So, according to the Bible, Jesus commands you to be a part of “making disciples from among all people groups” (Matt. 28:18-20). So again, what role are you playing in what God is doing in the world?”
Now, here I am over 40 years later, and I look back over my life and realize that the question they asked me that evening has shaped the way I think about almost every part of my own life and ministry. Think about it: If you and I really believe that God is doing something in this world and that he calls us to be a part of his mission, then each day of life has the potential of being eternally significant.
The evening after Lyle and Paul visited me, I couldn’t sleep because I kept asking if that really is true, i.e., that, when we follow Jesus, God calls each one of us to be involved in his global work. So, I took out a legal pad and began writing down my thoughts. As a 21-year-old college junior, I wrote this:
What God is doing: Making everything right in his creation (including me).
I saw a new heaven and a new earth… He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death… or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new (Revelation 21:1-5)!”
Who ultimately will accomplish this: God himself in the person and work of Jesus.
All things will be made new “in Christ” (2 Cor. 5:17). All things will be reconciled to God “in Christ” (Col. 1:19-23). The heart of the good news according to Paul in 1 Cor. 15 is that Jesus came, died for our sins and that he rose again. Jesus came ultimately so that all that is wrong might be made right – so that all that God has made will reveal the glory of its Maker.
What the main instrument is for God completing this: Local churches planted in neighborhoods
- Through the Spirit at work in the church, “each one” will be made complete (Col. 1:28-29)
- Through the love of diverse people united in Christ, the world will see and believe (John 13:34-35; 17:20-21)
- The church makes known the glory of God to the world (Eph. 3:10,21)
To whom this good news about Jesus will come: All People Groups
- The good news about Jesus will go to all people groups. The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14).
- And people from all people groups will ultimately respond in faith to Jesus: I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb (Revelation 7:9).
What my role is: To be a witness about Jesus to all peoples -- both in my words and deeds
- Go and make disciples of all peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19)
- Y (Acts 1:8).
I remember that night feeling that God had stirred me and put these things deep into my heart. So, this past week, I went back and re-read what I had written. And, I’m quite sure God wants me to challenge you today in the same way those two young men challenged me that evening. So, my aim and my prayer today is, first, to have you again hear the commandment about being a part of God’s global work that Jesus gave us personally just before he ascended into heaven. And second, I want to have everyone here today to begin living your life in the light of God’s mission in the world. Here’s the question I want to ask you today: What role would God have you play in what he is doing in the world?
And that brings me to that final commission Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:18-20. Look at it.
#1: The World-Changing Claim – “All authority has been given to me.”
Jesus is claiming here that he truly can and will make everything right and new. He’s saying that what he promises, he can and will complete. These disciples needed to know that in Matthew 28. Remember that they had seen him die. But, that day in Matt. 28, they were looking at him as risen from the dead. You might think that they would be utterly fearless after seeing that their Lord is greater than death. But no, when you look at Matt. 28:17, you see that though the 11 disciples worshipped him, they still had doubt. They still were uncertain and afraid.
Here’s what I want you to come to grips with: The greatest problem with Christians going out into the world, showing the love of Jesus to people, and giving witness to the salvation that comes only through Jesus has always been fear. Isn’t that still true?
Why Are Christians Afraid of the Great Commission?
- We may not do it well –
- There may be questions we cannot answer –
- We may have to give up too much to reach out to the needs of people as Jesus did –
- Especially, people may reject us.
Because of that, Jesus, in what has been called his “Great Commission”, immediately reminds us that all authority in this world belongs to him. When we obey him, we have nothing in this world to fear. So, let me try to communicate to you what Jesus is saying here. He claims that all authority in heaven and on earth:
- authority over all weather systems: winds, rains, hurricanes, tornadoes,
- authority over bacteria, viruses, parasites, germs;
- authority over all the parts and functions of the human body: every beat of your heart, every breath of your diaphragm, every disease that might consume you;
- authority over all nations and governments: congresses and presidents and kings;
- authority over all armies and weapons and bombs and terrorists;
- authority over all industry and business and finance and currency;
- authority over all entertainment and amusement parks and media;
- authority over all crime and violence; over all families and neighborhoods!
This is what Jesus claims! Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has all authority in heaven and on earth, because our Lord Jesus is God. This is the One who calls you to himself and then sends you out into your school, your workplace, and your community to represent him.
#2: The Confidence-Giving Promise – "I Will Be with You”
When Jesus calls you to be a part of what he is doing in the world, he goes with you. Let me tell you, it’s when you step out and find the courage to live in this world as God’s Word directs you, to love those in need in this world as Jesus did, and always to give witness to him, you will begin to see that he really is with you. I think that many of us have a rather fuzzy experience of God’s presence in our daily lives. Why? -- I think it’s often because we live so safely and cautiously that we don’t have to depend utterly on him.
As I was preparing this message on Friday, I stopped for a while to think of the businessman who overcame his fear to give witness to my father. My Dad was a salesman at the time and was on a search for “something” that was missing in his life. One day, a colleague came over to his desk and told him that he thought that what my Dad was looking for was Jesus. I don’t know how long it took – but after a period of talking about the questions about God and the gospel, my father gave his life to the Lord. And this man became committed to my father’s growth in his faith, i.e., to my Dad’s discipleship. And it changed everything. Humanly seen, I wouldn’t be a Christian today – and certainly not a pastor today – had a businessman not gone to my father in obedience to Jesus and in the power of Jesus.
With that in mind, I want you to look at what Jesus promises here: He, the one who has all authority in heaven and earth, promises to be with you always. Pray that God will open your eyes to what this means for you. This Jesus, with all authority over every enemy you may face, over every disease you may have to come to grips with, and over every failure in your past says, "Listen to me: I will be with you always."
Notice also that he promises to be with you to the end of the age. That means until all is made right – until his justice reigns and all evil is defeated. As long as the world lasts and all is made right, Jesus will be with you in this world. This is the loving promise that gives us confidence and power to live for him: the One who has died for you and risen for you and triumphed over your sin and guilt and shame -- this one promises to be with you today and always until his work in you is complete and his work through you is accomplished.
#3: The Life-Directing Command – "Go and Make Disciples.”
Our primary role in what God is doing in this world role is clear. It starts with us “going”. I won’t give you a lesson in the Greek grammar Jesus’ command, but I will tell you that he literally said, “Going, make disciples…” Jesus assumes that all of us will leave our time of worship and “go” into the world. In Acts 1:8, Jesus directs us to go first to our own communities as his witnesses. Today, when you go home, Jesus commands you to go as his representative. Tomorrow, when you go to school or to work, you “go” intentionally to give witness to his salvation and to his love. “Going,” Jesus says. When we follow Jesus, we view each place we go as a place that, in the providence of God, we have been sent. God places all of us in this church here in Southern California to be a light in the midst of darkness.
“Going” – As you go – wherever you go each day -- look for opportunities to tell people about Jesus and to show his love practically. God sends his people into every occupation, into every school, and into countless neighborhoods. When you go today and tomorrow, go to represent Jesus well.
Specifically, as you go, you are to make disciples. This is a term that isn’t used much in our world so I think I’d better explain it. A disciple is one who trusts in and learns from the one he follows. But a disciple is more than being a person who simply believes something and learns something. A disciple is one whose entire life is changed and directed by the one he follows. I love how Joe Kapolyo from Zambia put it in the Africa Bible Commentary: “Jesus commands us to make disciples, not just converts. To be a disciple demands a total surrender of one’s identity, security and being to the Lordship of Jesus.” This is exactly what the businessman did with my Dad. He led him to believe in Jesus. Then, he brought him into the community of the church and made a commitment to my father’s discipleship. It changed my Dad as a man, as a husband, as a father – indeed, becoming a disciple of Jesus changed everything about him. As Jesus put it so succinctly, My Dad’s friend made a commitment to teach all that Jesus has taught and commanded so that his entire life might honor God.
Here’s the way I have come to put this call of Jesus: What we become when we trust Jesus: Disciples being made called to go our and make other disciples. Again, notice from v.17 that these disciples were not yet complete. They still had doubt and fear. But, even while their own walk with God was growing, they were sent into the world to have a beautiful impact on others, i.e., to introduce them to Jesus so that others might become disciples of Jesus too.
So, at last, we come to the part of the call that our lives are to have a role to play in what God is doing in the world. "Go and make disciples of all people groups…, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you." This is a command that is given to all Christians. No other command in the bible is stated with the same authority as this one. No other command in the Bible has more eternal consequences.
This is not saying that every Christian is to be a traditional missionary. But, it’s clear to me that every church should be intentionally and strategically involved in fulfilling this commission. If we ask why God has put us in this world at this time, this commission from Jesus surely gives us one of the reasons. Do you see it? And, although not every Christian is called to be a traditional cross-cultural missionary, each one of us should be invested in God’s global work through prayer, stewardship and in any other way God might lead you. And, of course, one of the realities of the place God has located us at LAC, is that God is bringing people from all people groups into our geographical area. We have an incredible opportunity to fulfill our Lord’s Great Commission as almost no local church ever has.
So, I ask again: What role would God have you play in what he is doing in the world?
There are several ways that you can respond to my message today. I’ll ask our Global Mission Pastor, Scott White, to join me and help me direct you in this:
- Set a prayer commitment for the rest of this year for a people group or a missionary. We will have our global mission calendar available for you at a table set up in the lobby.
- Read a good missionary biography or other book on God’s global mission. The book Scott has recommended is Missional Church. A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America edited by Darrell Guder. For those who want their children or grandchildren to start to understand what God is doing in the world, I recommend Around the World with Kate and Mack put out by Wycliffe Mission.
- Take the Perspectives Course on the World Christian Movement that will be offered __________.
- Take up our opportunities Pastor Scott offers frequently for mission-education and ministry here in our own neighborhood.
- Young people and young adults – look into Urbana 2015.
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2015, Lake Avenue Church
Chinese Translation
We Are Part of Something Big and Beautiful - Week 6 - Study Notes - Chinese Translation
當我剛剛轉學到惠頓學院的時候,有一天晚上,兩個四年級的同學,裏爾·史萊格和保羅·馬太問我,他們能不能到我的宿舍來找我。我以為他們想要一起玩籃球。但是他們來了之後我發現,他們都打著領帶,拿著一個寫字板,很嚴肅地問我:“Greg, 在上帝為世界所定的計劃中,你的角色是什麽?”這個問題有些出乎我的意料之外,我回答說:“我最近很少想這個問題。我正打算去打籃球呢。”但是他們不讓我忽略這個問題,繼續問道:“Greg,你告訴我們說,你是一個基督徒,根據聖經的教導,耶穌命令你參與“使萬民做我的門徒(太28:18-20)”這個大使命,所以,在神在世上的計劃中,你的角色是什麽?”
• 藉著在教會中工作的聖靈,使“各人”成為完全(歌1:28-29)
• 藉著在基督裏聯合的不同族裔之間的愛,世人就會看見和相信(約13:34-35;17:20-21)
• 教會在世上彰顯神的榮耀(弗3:10,21)
• 萬民都要知道關於耶穌的好消息。這天國的福音,要傳遍天下,對萬民作見證,然後末期才來到(太24:14)
• 所有族裔的人最終都將在信心中回應耶穌:我觀看,見有許多的人,沒有人能數過來,是以各國各族各民各方來的,站在寶座和羔羊面前(啟7:9)
• 所以你們要去,使萬民做我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名,給他們施洗,凡我所吩咐的,都教訓他們遵守(太28:19)。
• 你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證(徒1:8)。
這就將我們帶入耶穌在馬太福音28:12-20 中所說的最後的使命。讓我們一起來看看。
• 我們可能做不好
• 可能會有我們無法回答的問題
• 我們可能要像耶穌一樣,放棄很多東西之後才能接觸到人們的需要
• 特別是,人們可能會拒絕我們
• 勝過撒旦魔鬼 ---- 其實是勝過世上所有邪惡和不公;
• 勝過自然界、自然規律與力量
• 祂的權柄勝過氣候:風、雨、颶風和龍卷風
• 祂的權柄勝過細菌、病毒、寄生蟲和病菌
• 祂的權柄勝過人體的一切器官和功能:你的每一次心跳,每一個呼吸,每一個可能會吞噬你的疾病
• 祂的權柄勝過一切國家和政權:國會、總統和國王
• 祂的權柄勝過所有軍隊、武器、炸彈和恐怖分子
• 祂的權柄勝過所有工業、商業、財政和貨幣
• 祂的權柄勝過一切娛樂、公園和媒體
• 祂勝過所有的教育、科研、科學和發現
• 祂的權柄勝過所有的罪行和暴力;勝過所有的家庭和鄰舍!
第二,祂應允你有信心 ----“我會與你同在”
第三:引導你人生的命令 ---- ”去使萬民做我的門徒。“
“要去“ ---- 當你去的時候,你在每天所到之處,都要尋找機會,傳講耶穌,在實際生活中顯明祂的愛。神差遣祂的子民進到每一個職業、進入每一所學校、進入無數的社區之中。當你今天和明天走出去的時候,要好好地傳講耶穌。
這並不是說,每一個基督徒都要做傳統意義上的宣教士。然而很顯然,每一個教會都應當有計劃和技巧地來完成宣教使命。如果我們要問,為什麽神在這個時期將我們放在這個世上,那麽耶穌給我們的這個大使命就是其中的一個答案。你看到了嗎?雖然並不是每一個基督徒都蒙召成為傳統意義上的跨文化宣教士,然而我們每一個人都應當藉著禱告、計劃和神所帶領的其他途徑投入神在全球的工作。當然,神將我們放在Lake Avenue教會的一個現實情況是,神帶領了不同族裔的人們來到這個區域,因此我們有著其他教會無法比擬的機會來完成神的大使命。
你可以有幾種方式來回應我今天的信息。我會請我們的全球宣教牧師Scott White來幫助大家完成下面幾件事:
1. 在余下的半年中為任何一個團隊或宣教士來設定禱告計劃。在大廳中我們將會有一個桌子,大家可以索取我們的全球宣教年歷。
2. 閱讀一篇好的宣教傳記或有關神的全球宣教的其他書籍。Scott牧師推薦的是書是“宣教的教會”,和由Darrell Guder編輯的“北美教會差派意象”。如果有人希望自己的孩子或孫輩孩子開始理解神在世上的作為,那麽我推薦威克裏夫宣教會出版的“與凱特和馬可一起巡遊世界”。
3. 來加入世界基督徒運動的有關課程
4. 來參加Scott 牧師常常開課教授的宣教教育和事工課程
5. 年輕人可以查詢Urbana 2015聚會的相關信息
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2015, Lake Avenue Church