Unwrapping Love
Unwrapping Love
Jeanine Smith
- Luke 1:26-45
- Unwrapped - Advent 2021
- 45 mins 2 secs
- Views: 326
Questions for Reflection
Read Luke 1:26-45
This is a very familiar story, but God speaks to us afresh in each re-reading. What stands out to you about the passage this year?
Why do you imagine that Mary went to Elizabeth’s house once she learned of her pregnancy?
Read Zechariah’s encounter with the angel in Luke 1:5-25. Take a moment to compare Mary’s encounter with the angel and Zechariah’s encounter with the angel. How are they similar? How are they different? Think of a time when God has called you to something in the last few years. How did you respond—more like Zechariah or more like Mary? *
Pastor Jeanine said that love comes in the form of good news and blessing, using the example of Elizabeth’s words in verses 42-45. Who needs your word of blessing and affirmation this week?
Pastor Jeanine also said that love comes in the form of protection. She used the example of how Mary was given a safe place to learn and grow throughout her pregnancy at Elizabeth’s house. What resources could you share with someone who needs protection, who needs a safe corner?
Pastor Jeanine also said that love comes in the form of patience, using the example of Joseph. What expectations do you need to hold more lightly as you enter into this Christmas? In what areas of your life do you need to be more patient?
Last, Pastor Jeanine said that love comes in the form of solidarity, standing together with marginalized people—making their problems our problems. With whom do you need to stand this week, just to show them they are not alone?
* This question came from N.T. Wright’s book, Luke: 26 Studies for Individuals and Groups