To Bring Light into Darkness
To Bring Light into Darkness
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Jeff Mattesich
- Isaiah 9:1-7
- Messiah Has Come Advent 2016
- 44 mins 26 secs
- Views: 697
Biblical Questions
- In Isaiah 9.1-7 there is quite a bit of darkness/gloom language. For many of us, this metaphorical language communicates clearly. Why is that? What does being in the dark communicate to you?
- Relatedly, this passage also talks about a great light dawning. What does being in the light communicate to you? Are there negatives about light shining on you?
- In v.1 we get a glimpse of the mission of God to the nations. What about God’s call to the nations is complicated and/or difficult for those who follow him? What about it is beautiful?
- In vv.2-5 many images are used to describe what walking in God’s light is like. Look through these images. Which of them speaks to you the most? Why?
- Verses 6 and 7 are closely tied to Christmas. Why? How do the names for the son who will be born in verse 6 communicate shalom and hope to God’s people?
- The kingdom that the son from v.6 will establish will be marked by justice and righteousness (v.7). But justice and righteousness are often separated in our churches today, with some focusing on one and not the other and vice versa. What’s bad about separating them? What’s good about keeping them together?
Discussion Questions
- Christians for many, many centuries have understood that the first verses in Isaiah 9 were fulfilled in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. What about Jesus fulfilling prophecy makes you love and honor God more?
- Advent is all about anticipating the first coming of Jesus, which we celebrate on Christmas morning. It’s a reminder that anticipating God’s movement in our world is part of following Jesus. How can we, within Christian community, better encourage one another to wait on God with grace and patience?
- Look back through the names in v.6. Which of these do you think might best communicate God’s great love for those who are currently far from him? How can you express the truth behind that name of God in the lives of your friends and family who have yet to follow Jesus?