The Process in a Promise

The Process in a Promise

Sunday, April 30, 2017


  • What do you think that Paul means when he says that we have "died to the law" (v.4)? Does that mean that we can behave however we'd like? Why or why not?
  • In v.4 Paul says that through Christ's body we have died to the law, SO THAT we might belong to one another and bear fruit for God. How does dying to the law help us belong to one another and bear fruit for God?
  • Paul says that sin can use good things (like the law) to hurt us (v.13). Have you seen this to be true in your life as a follower of Jesus? In what ways specifically?
  • Read vv.14-20 out loud. Can you identify with the struggle Paul is talking about here? In what ways? What can we do about this struggle as followers of Jesus today?
  • How do you think our witness with those who are far from the Lord would be impacted if we were more honest about the truth revealed in v.21?