The Problem of the Personal Pronoun

The Problem of the Personal Pronoun

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Small Group & Personal Devotion Discussion Questions

James 4:13-17

  • Contrast the statements in verses 13 and 15. What is the difference between these two postures toward the future? Take a moment to imagine how each of these worldviews would affect one’s life.
  • James says in verse 14 that we are but a “mist.” N.T. Wright comments on this verse: “Think of the mist you see out of the window on an autumn morning. It hangs there in the valley, above the little stream. It is beautiful, evocative, mysterious; yes, just like a human being can be. Then the sun comes up a bit further, and… the mist simply disappears. That’s what your life is like. You have no idea what today will bring, let alone tomorrow.” How do you respond to James’s observation about the fragility of your life?
  • Read Romans 12:1-2. What does this tell us about how we might let go of our own will, our own plans, in order to follow God’s will?
  • What would it look like to live out the words of verse 15?
  • What are you tempted to think is yours instead of God’s? What are you tempted to control in your life right now? What are some plans that you need to hold lightly, in order to allow room for God to move?
  • What are some of the “good” things God is inviting you into these days? With all the disappointments of this season, what are the good things God is asking you to do?