The Grand Prophetic Vision We Anticipate
The Grand Prophetic Vision We Anticipate
Greg Waybright
- Revelation 4:8-5 & Revelation 10
- Anticipation
- 28 mins 20 secs
- Views: 1617
Pastor's Letter
The Grand Prophetic Vision We Anticipate - Week 1
Anticipation is born out of times that are not quite right (believe it or not). Anticipation longs for and believes in a day when things will be different. Anticipation is especially profound when we have a promise that someone will come to make things what they should be—what they ought to be. And anticipation is exponentially hope-giving when that Someone who will come is trustworthy and capable of bringing about change.
Anticipation is born out of times that are not quite right (believe it or not). Anticipation longs for and believes in a day when things will be different. Anticipation is especially profound when we have a promise that someone will come to make things what they should be—what they ought to be. And anticipation is exponentially hope-giving when that Someone who will come is trustworthy and capable of bringing about change.
Advent is the ultimate time of anticipation in all of history. Throughout the Advent season, Christians take seriously the fact that things are not what they should be. But, we also believe that something new was inaugurated when Jesus came. Jesus launched a day when all will eventually be made right. Yes, everything. Throughout Advent, we remember when people anticipated Jesus' first coming (or should have). But our anticipation in the 21st century is for Jesus' Second Advent. What we anticipate is Jesus' return to complete his work. This 2013 Advent season, we will look head on at what needs to be made right. And we will cast our eyes on the One who has promised that he will finish what he has started.
On our first week of Advent, we will join Jesus followers all over the world in casting our eyes on the vision of the end of God's work as reported in many of the prophets in the Old Testament. Their prophetic vision is summarized in many parts of the New Testament book of Revelation. Those who have had eyes to see this vision have longed for it to be culminated. They have prayed, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!"
Here is a list of what you can anticipate during this Advent season at LAC as we celebrate a blessed season of "Anticipation."
To His Glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Study Notes
The Grand Prophetic Vision We Anticipate - Week 1 - Study Notes
Study Notes available in English and Chinese translations.
Nine Mile Run is a historic stream valley in Pittsburg, PA once renowned for its magnificent beauty. But, for a half a century, Nine Mile Run was used as a dumping ground for industrial slag from Pittsburgh area steel mills. By the mid-1990s, the stream there was no longer flowing and the site was contaminated. At that time, three artists from Carnegie-Mellon University proposed that the land, now generally viewed as wasteland (called a "brownfield"), be re-developed and their proposal, though risky, was adopted. The artists did not want to destroy what was there and start all over. No, they wanted to reclaim the life and beauty that had been abused for so long. They had a magnificent vision.
The Grand prophetic vision we anticipate
Revelation 5:1-10
Nine Mile Run is a historic stream valley in Pittsburg, PA once renowned for its magnificent beauty. But, for a half a century, Nine Mile Run was used as a dumping ground for industrial slag from Pittsburgh area steel mills. By the mid-1990s, the stream there was no longer flowing and the site was contaminated. At that time, three artists from Carnegie-Mellon University proposed that the land, now generally viewed as wasteland (called a "brownfield"), be re-developed and their proposal, though risky, was adopted. The artists did not want to destroy what was there and start all over. No, they wanted to reclaim the life and beauty that had been abused for so long. They had a magnificent vision.
So, the three art professors put a project team from Carnegie-Mellon University together. The team consisted of a broad range of professions: studio artists, scientists, historians, landscape architects, botanists, urban planners and engineers. 18 years have gone by. There have been countless snags and obstacles but the team had a clear vision and they would not give up. And what they did has turned the slag of a brownfield into a place of wonder.
In past sermons, I have shown you how beauty grew up out of that slag. But, what I haven't told you is that the project had, as its larger goal, becoming a residential area for 1200 people. Many were skeptical about this ever happening. But it has happened – and now the people of Pittsburgh say once again that Nine Mile Run is one of the most beautiful and desirable areas in their city. Its story is a wonderful story of reclamation and redemption. And it brings us into today's message.
God's creation was once good and beautiful but the slag caused by centuries of human sin too has marred its goodness. But God, the ultimate creator and artist, loves the world and has a vision for it. The prophets of the Scriptures foresaw how God's reclamation plan would look. Let me remind you of what they saw:
• No children will be harmed – not by a cobra and certainly not by guns in schools (Is 11:8-9).
• Violence will not exist in our world (Is 60:18).
• Captives will be freed, the blind will see, and death will be no more (Is 61).
• All nations will come to bow down before the One God (Ps 72).
When Jesus came, he proclaimed that he was the one who would bring this re-created world into being in Luke 4. When Jesus defeated death through his resurrection, appeared to hundreds of people and poured out the Holy Spirit on all who believed in him at Pentecost, many Christians anticipated that the day in which God promises to make all things new would come immediately.
However, when we come to the last book in the Bible, we find that the world is still in turmoil. The great Apostle John is living out the end of his life on an island prison. The person who seems to be in control of the world is not a holy God but a narcissistic emperor in Rome. This emperor has started killing Christians who refuse to worship him. We discover in Rev. 2-3 that God has planted churches in communities to give witness to him but these churches are small, fragile and often spiritually weak themselves. In other words, at the end of Revelation 3, it seems like God's magnificent vision foretold by the prophets will never happen.
Then, just when all seems hopeless from a human perspective, in Rev. 4:1, Jesus calls the imprisoned Apostle John to "come up" out of his limited early perspective to see how things look from God's perspective. Jesus lets John see who really is in control. What John sees in Rev. 4 is countless awe-inspiring creatures who themselves are awe-struck by the One on the throne – the King over all kings, the Emperor over all emperors. And, in this vision, John records how God will begin to bring the vision spoken of by the prophets to completion. That brings us to our text today, Revelation 5:1-10.
#1: The Scroll –- God has a vision he is unveiling
I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals...(5:1-3).
Do you ever read thrillers or mystery books that are so intense that you look to the back to see if a character you really like is still alive? I sometimes do it and I think, "If my favorite character gets killed, I don't want to read it anymore." Well, God's Word gives us a glimpse of the end so that we might live in confidence now – no matter how difficult the "now" might become.
In the kind of literature Revelation is written in, a scroll is the document on which the future is recorded. It was usually 32 feet long with writing on one side because it was difficult to write on both. But, two things might lead to writing on both sides: 1) the writer is too poor to possess two scrolls, or 2) the author believes the scroll has such important information that it has to be kept on one scroll and sealed to be kept safe. Given that the powerful God described with such magnificence in Rev. 4 is holding the scroll, the reason this scroll is written on both sides is that the events it describes are sacred.
What God is saying by putting the story on one scroll is this: "Everything that is of importance about my plans and purposes are here. Evil will be judged. Goodness will be rewarded. All creation will reveal that I am who I am – loving, just, forgiving, compassionate.... It's all here."
When the scroll was complete, it would be rolled up and sealed. Here, it was sealed not once but seven times. This meant that its contents were perfectly safe. No one would be able to keep it from being opened without God's permission. It meant that everything God has declared will be -- will be!
John knew a bit about God's future because he had read Isaiah and the prophets. John did not see the future clearly – but he did know that God's plan was that evil would be punished and all things would be made new. But, how would God do it? How will he take things from the pain and injustice that fills our world now and turn it into something beautiful? I'm sure the Apostle John asked that. Do you?
Then, in v.2, John sees a mighty angel with a mighty voice (because he will make an announcement that will reach to the entire created universe and do it without a microphone). The angel shouts out, "Who is worthy to walk into the presence of the eternal God, to take his scroll and to open it?" You see, when a scroll was opened, the events in it would begin to unfold. But, no one and nothing in the entire universe came forth. No one was worthy even to peek into the back of the scroll to see what was there.
#2: The Tears –- Sometimes it is hard to live now even when the end is in mind.
I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside (5:4).
Why does John weep so deeply and with such agony here? People often ask that. I can tell you that it's not because he's nosy and cannot handle his curiosity being left unsatisfied. John weeps because he understands the meaning of the scroll being in the hand of this holy, powerful and good God. John knows that if the scroll is not opened, then God's purposes to restore beauty and goodness in this world, to end pain and death, and to judge and eliminate evil will never come to pass. John knows that if God does not intervene in history:
• How will wrongs ever be righted?
• How can the unending suffering in this world be anything but futile and purposeless?
• How will those who have been abused and misused ever have justice in the universe?
• Who among us imperfect creatures can ever be saved?
As I was talking about this with a group of our pastors last week, several said, "We personally agree with the message that evil must be judged and but we're afraid it will not resonate with most people in our generation." I know they are right that many people no longer believe in absolute evil and goodness. But, because of that, I believe I must make this point all the more in our day. Over the past 75 years in Western culture, philosophers have cast doubt on whether is a moral structure to the universe – on whether there is anything like objective right or wrong at all. Years ago, existentialists argued that there is no meaning in the universe other than the meaning coming from choosing to act. Bible scholars like Rudolf Bultmann said that even asking a question about the meaning of history is itself meaningless.
Today, of course, at the heart of the hardest forms of post-modernity is the notion that there is no objective truth about any belief. The post-modern view is that I certainly may say that certain things are true within my own experience -- but that only means they are true to me personally, not to everyone. In fact, in America today, the idea of "faith" has been redefined as "personal religious choice." Of course, this is not at all what the Bible means by faith. We are told that when we discuss truth, we are permitted only to claim what seems right to me -- or to my community. If groups I personally choose to associate with agree that something is true, then we may say it is true for us. But, we dare not "force our morality" on others.
One of the gurus of post-modernity, Stanley Fish, was interviewed after the 9/11 crisis – when even the media were saying that maybe there really is such a thing as absolute good and evil. A reporter asked Fish, "Has your view about good and evil changed since the random and torturous killing of thousands of people in New York?" He said, "Of course not. What happened there proves I am right. Yes, the people jumping to their death thought this was evil. The people being incinerated thought so too. Their families thought it was evil. I understand that. But, people in other parts of the world were cheering! This shows you that good and evil are not real. They're just perceptions from one's own point of view."
The reporter then asked, "If that's your opinion, then should we just let the perpetrators go? Should we not fight them?" Fish said, "Of course, I think we should find them and punish them." "Why?", asked the reporter. "Fish replied, "Because I'm of the America tribe!"
But, it's clear that Fish's viewpoint leaves us open to the might makes right philosophy. In John's day, a megalomaniacal emperor had the might! So, John knew that if no one is found to open the scroll, then the world is open to any kind of evil that might be done by the one in power.
I was surprised how this "me-centered" point of view has made it all the way to the hills of Appalachia. When I went back to my brother-in-law's funeral, two big men from the hills came up to see me after the service and said, "Preacher, don't you feel like a foreigner there in Southern California?" I laughed and said that yes, as a West Virginian I probably would never feel quite as sophisticated and cool as Southern Californians are supposed to be." Then they said, "We don't mean that. We're talking about all those Mexicans and blacks and their kind. There are getting to be more of them and less of us." I said, "You're right. You should see my church. We have people from everywhere – Egypt, Philippines, China, Kenya, Vietnam, Mexico, Cuba... from everywhere. I love it!" But, with hatred in their voices they said, "Well, we don't love it! People who come from where you come from don't like it and won't put up with it!"
I won't go into the rest of the tense conversation. All I want to say is that there are things that are right and wrong not simply because "I and my kind" think so but because God has made it to be so. John understood what it meant if there would be no one worthy and able to bring about goodness and to punish evil. He knew what would be lost if that were true. A loss of justice. A loss of direction. A lost of purpose. A loss hope beyond the grave. He knew – and he wept.
#3: The Lion (or is it a Lamb?) –- There is Someone who can change things.
Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah... has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll... Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne... (5:5-8).
This is a majestic scene. I hope you will try to picture it. The one who can open the scroll first is described as the lion of Judah. Any person who had ever read the OT prophets knew what this was about. The lion of Judah was the Messianic king who was to come through the line of David and usher in a kingdom of justice and peace. What is shocking is that John first sees him as a lion in v.5 and then sees him as a slaughtered lamb in v.6! Note this: It is not two beings but only one. The lion is the lamb and the lamb is the lion. And John says he has conquered – he has prevailed. What this means is that this hero who will open the scroll has struggled mightily with the evil in this world and has triumphed over it. He is a slaughtered lamb who now lives and reigns at the right hand of the Father.
Let me tell you this: No human being would ever have imagined seeing the great conqueror as a slaughtered lamb. When we choose symbols for our nations, we choose symbols of power, like mighty beasts and birds of prey. Russia's symbol is a bear. France's -- a tiger. The USA -- a bald eagle. All are ravenous creatures. Only a God who loves us would choose a lamb as his symbol of might. And we know this: Jesus is that lamb – but he is still a lion too. He is perfect in sacrifice and in strength.
The point is that Jesus is the one who entered this creation and lived life as it is to be lived and then was willing to die in our place. He has died in our place and has triumphed over sin and death in his resurrection. So, he can take the scroll. God's purposes will be fulfilled. Forgiveness is real. Salvation is real. When God is done, all will be new. This leads to the last point, i.e., the praise by all creation.
#4: The Unexpected, God-glorifying Family – It will be better than Christmas.
You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation (5:9).
The end of Rev. 5 is glorious. Read through Revelation 4-5 and you will see that the praise of God begins with the four living creatures and then keeps growing until all creation is reconciled and unified in praise to God. In vv. 9-10, John tells us how Jesus' death relates to all the people groups of the earth: The reason Jesus has the right to open the scroll of history is that by his death he ransomed people for God from every "tribe and tongue and people and nation." All things will ultimately declare the Creator's praise. But what God's Word emphasizes is that it was God's design in the death of Jesus to ransom some from every kind of race and language and make us into one "kingdom."
Let me say it again: According to Rev. 5, Jesus died to ransom worshippers from every people group.
This has a huge implications for our mission as a church. Christ died to ransom people from all people groups. That is why we are passionate about sending and supporting people to go to unreached peoples at LAC and to be witnesses to the saving and reconciling power of Jesus.
But another implication of the purpose of God in the death of Christ is that those he redeems come from all the races and that all together will worship their Savior. It is inconceivable that we should believe that the goal of God in history is to unite all people in our passion for glorifying God and then not care about reflecting the unity of God's family to our divided world through our worship together now!.
This is why we are so passionate about becoming a church that already is beginning to reflect the global make-up of the family of God. The walls that separate people from people simply come down in the family of God that has been called together by one who was slain to bring us to together to God. God's eternal plan is to have a people from every race, ethnicity and nationality – a people made up of those who once were incarcerated but now have found grace – of those who have failed miserably and found reclamation and renewal in God's grace-filled family – come together to worship him.
And the key is that we begin now to worship together – together. By the end of Rev. 5, everyone and everything is praising and glorifying God. This is our destiny. This is our calling. Do you know any who say they love Jesus but will not worship with the whole family? You must ask them why. I imagine Revelation 4-5 will trump their answer. Worshiping together with the whole family is what we were made for. This is what God loves. This is what he asks of us. This is what honors him. We belong to one another and should be worshiping God together – together.
We will now go to communion remembering that we have the privilege of being in this unexpected and eternal family only because God pursued at infinite cost. The cost was the blood and life of the Son of God. Consider verse 9 very closely: "You purchased for God with your blood people from every tribe." God paid the infinite price of his own Son's life to obtain a kingdom of worshipers – from every people group.
Blood-bought ethnically, generationally, and socio-economically diverse but unified worship brings glory to God. When we give up our own preferences simply to praise God together with the entire family of God, we will discover the all-satisfying, everlasting, God-centered, Christ-exalting experience of true worship – for this kind of worship is truly the worship of heaven.
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
我們期盼的大異象, 《啟示錄》5:1-10, 12/1/2013賓州匹茲堡的9英里跑步區在過去是一個溪谷,曾經以景色優美聞名。但是,半個世紀以來,9英里跑步區成了匹茲堡地區鋼鐵廠傾倒工業廢渣的垃圾場。到了90年代中期,溪水已經斷流,地區受到了污染。那時,三個從卡內基-梅隆大學來的藝術家,建議把這片荒地(被稱為“棕色地帶”)進行重新開發。他們的提議有點冒險,卻被採納了。藝術家並非是要把那裡毀掉,全部重來。他們是要重拾那被破壞已久的生活和美好。他們有一個宏偉的構想。 於是,這三個藝術學教授就在卡內基-梅隆大學成立了一個項目團隊。這個團隊由多種專業人士組成:有繪畫藝術家、科學家、歷史學家、建築學家、植物學家、城市規劃專家和工程師。18年過去了。雖有無數的障礙,但這個團隊有一個清晰的異象,他們沒有放棄。他們把遍佈廢渣的棕色地帶變成了一處景觀。 在過去的講道中,我已經讓你們看過那些從礦渣生出的美。但是,我沒有告訴你們, 那個項目的更大目標是使那裡成為1200人的住宅區。很多人對此持懷疑態度。但它已經成為現實——如今,匹茲堡人又重提9英里跑步區,認為那是他們城市裡最美麗的、最令人嚮往的地方。這是一個關於重建和拯救的偉大故事。它將帶我們進入今天的信息。 神的創造曾經是美好的,但由人類的罪在過去的歲月中所造成的破壞,已經損害了這種美好。而神作為最終的創造者和藝術家,祂愛這個世界,並且有一個構想。經文中的先知預言了神的重建計畫。讓我來提醒你他們看見了什麼:
在《路加福音》4章中,耶穌來的時候,祂宣告祂就是帶來新世界的那一位。當耶穌通過祂的復活勝過死亡、出現在幾百人面前並且在五旬節把聖靈賜給信祂的人時,很多基督徒預想神應許的萬物都更新的日子很快就要到來了。 然而,當來到聖經的最後一卷書,我們發現這個世界依然一片混亂。偉大的使徒約翰正在一個小島的監獄裡度過他生命的最後歲月。掌管世界的似乎不是聖潔的神,而是一個自我崇拜的羅馬皇帝。這個皇帝開始屠殺那些不敬拜他的基督徒。在《啟示錄》2-3章中,我們發現神已經在社區設立教會給祂做見證,但這些教會是稚嫩而脆弱的,在靈裡是軟弱的。換句話說,《啟示錄》3章末尾先知所預言的神的構想,似乎不可能發生。 正當人看來毫無希望的時候,在《啟示錄》4:1,耶穌呼召被囚的使徒約翰“你上到這裡來”,讓他跳出人的視角,以神的角度來看。耶穌讓約翰看見究竟誰在掌管世界。約翰在《啟示錄》4章看到了無數令人可畏的活物,而這些活物對寶座上的那一位充滿敬畏。那一位就是萬王之王,萬主之主。在這個景象中,約翰記錄了神如何把借先知之口所說的異象變為現實。這帶我們進入今天的經文,《啟示錄》5:1-10
#1: 書卷——神有一個未揭曉的計畫 我看見坐寶座的右手中有書卷,裡外寫著字,用七印封嚴了…(5:1-3)。 你是否讀過驚險恐怖小說,情節如此緊張,以至於你很想知道你喜歡的一個角色最後是否還活著?我在讀的時候有時就會想,“如果我喜愛的角色死掉了,我就不再看了。”神的話讓我們一瞥結局,使我們現在可以充滿信心地活著——不管現狀多麼糟糕。 啟示錄寫作的時代,是用蒲卷記載未來發生的事。通常蒲卷是32英尺長,寫在一面,因為兩面寫很困難。但是,有兩種可能會導致寫在兩面: 1 )作者太窮,不用兩卷。或2 )筆者認為這些信息太重要了,保存在一張蒲卷中,可以封嚴,以確保安全。鑒於在啟示錄4章中描繪的這樣一位元恢宏壯麗偉大的神,手握書卷,寫在兩面蒲卷的原因是因為其中描述的事件是神聖的。 神在這一書卷裡要告訴人的故事是這樣的:“一切,有關於我的計畫和目的的重要性都在於此。邪惡將受到審判。善良會得到回報。所有受造物會發現,我是自有永有的神——慈愛,公義,赦免,恩慈...一切都存於此。” 當書卷完成時,它將會被卷起並封嚴。在這裡,它被封印不是一次,而是七次。這意味著它的內容是全然安全。沒有神的許可,無人可以打開。這意味著,一切神所宣稱要實現的-都將實現! 約翰知道一些關於神的未來,因為他讀過《以賽亞書》和先知書。約翰未能清楚看見將來—— 但他卻知道,上帝的計畫是,邪惡將受到懲罰,萬事萬物將會更新。但是,神會如何做成這一切呢?祂如何將如今充滿在這個世界的痛苦和不公,變成美麗的事物?我敢肯定,使徒約翰也問同樣的問題。你呢? 然後,在第2節,約翰看見帶著宏大聲音的大力的天使(因為他發出宣告,沒有擴音器,天使的聲音要響徹天下) 。天使呼喊到, “有誰配得走進永恆的上帝面前,取過這一書卷,揭開它? ”你看,一卷書揭開時,在它裡面的事件將開始展開。但是,沒有人,全世界也沒有任何的人與事可以近前來。無人配得,哪怕是瞟一眼書卷的背面,看看那裡有什麼。
# 2:眼淚 - 有時即使人的心存有結局,現在活著太過艱難。 因為沒有配展開,配觀看那書卷的, 我就大哭( 5:4 ) 。 為什麼約翰哭號?人們經常這樣問。我可以告訴你,這不是因為他好奇,承受不了不得其解的結果。約翰痛哭,因為他明白書卷掌握在這位神聖,偉大和良善的上帝之手是什麼意思。約翰知道,如果書卷不得打開,那麼上帝的旨意,在世上恢復美麗和良善,結束痛苦和死亡,並審判和消除罪惡將永遠不會實現。約翰知道,如果上帝不干預人類歷史: · 一切錯誤如何得以糾正? · 在這個世界上永無休止的痛苦只能是虛空、漫無目的? · 在這宇宙間,對那些被人虐待,被人利用的人會有公義嗎? · 我們中間都不完美的人誰能得救? 正如上周我和一群牧者同工的交談中,好幾個人說到:“我們個人都認同邪惡必須受審判這一信息,但恐怕我們這一代不會有太多的人對此有共鳴。”我知道他們是對的,很多人不再相信絕對的邪惡和善良。但也正因為如此,我相信我必須在現今更加注重這一點。在過去的75年西方文化中,哲學家們對宇宙是否存有一個道德結構產生疑問——到底有否絕對的對與錯。幾年前,存在主義者認為,除了選擇行為的意義以外,宇宙沒有任何的意義。聖經學者像魯道夫布特曼說,問一個關於歷史的意義問題本身就是沒有意義的。 當然,今天,在後現代的核心最難的形態是這樣的觀念,就是任何的信仰都沒有絕對的真理。後現代的觀點是,我當然可以說,在我自己的經驗中,有些事情是真實的——但是這只意味著對我個人來說是真理,未必放之四海而皆準。事實上,在今天的美國,“信心”的理念已經被重新定義為“個人宗教信仰的選擇”。當然,這全然不是聖經所指的信。人警告我們,要討論真理,只允許宣稱對你個人來說覺得是對的東西,但不要對著社區大眾。如果我個人選擇和交往的一群人都認同某些東西是真實的,那麼,我們可以說這些東西對我們是真正的。但是,豈敢將我們的道德強加別人身上。 甚至媒體都在說,絕對的善與惡這樣的事,也許真的是有。 一個後現代大師,斯坦利·費什, 9/11危機後接受了記者採訪。該記者問費什, “自從紐約恐怖行為隨意殺害上千人的事件發生之後,你對善惡的想法有沒有什麼改變?”他說,“當然沒有。那裡發生的事更證明我是對的。是的,跳樓身亡的人認為這是邪惡的。被焚燒的人也這樣認為。他們的家人認為這是邪惡的。我理解這一點。但是,在世界其它地方的人在歡呼!對你而言,這說明善惡都不是真實的。他們只是從自己的觀點出發來看的。 記者接著問,“如果這是你的觀點,那麼我們是否應該讓肇事者逃之夭夭?難道我們不應該回擊他們?費什說,“當然,我想我們應該找到他們,懲罰他們。”“為什麼?”記者反問到。費什回答說:“因為我是美國人!” 但是,很顯然,費什的觀點使我們面對強權即公理這樣的哲學理念。在約翰的日子,一個狂妄自大的皇帝有威力!所以,約翰知道,如果沒有找到一個可以揭開書卷的,那麼這個世界是開放給形形色色的的邪惡,並由掌權者手中來完成的。 我很驚訝,怎麼這種“以自我為中心”的觀念竟然到佛吉尼亞阿巴拉契亞山也有路可走。當我回去參加完我妹夫的葬禮,兩個大男人從山上向我走來,說:“佈道家,你不覺得自己像一個外國人一樣住在南加州嗎?”我笑著回答,“是的,作為一個西佛吉尼亞州人,我可能永遠不會覺得自己夠有南加州人的練達和酷勁。”然後他們說,“我們不是這個意思。我們說的是那些墨西哥人、黑人和他們一類。他們越來越成自己的氣候,越來越少我們的樣了。”我說,“你說得對。你應該看看我的教會。我們的人來自世界各地——埃及,菲律賓,中國,肯雅,越南,墨西哥,古巴...來自世界各地。我喜歡!”但是,他們帶著仇恨的聲音說:“我們不喜歡!和你從同一個地方出來的人不喜歡,也不容忍這樣!” 我不想說太多這緊張的話題的其餘部分。我只想說,有些事情的對錯不是簡單的因為“我和我一類”這樣想,而是因為神造我們如此。約翰明白,如果沒有一個人配得或能夠帶來良善並懲罰罪惡,他知道如果真的這樣,到底會失去什麼。失去正義,失去方向,失去目的,失去一杯黃土之上的盼望。 他知道—— 所以他哭號。
# 3 :獅子( 還是羔羊?) - 有一個人可以扭轉乾坤 不要哭!看哪,猶大支派中的獅子...已得勝。能以展開那書卷......我又看見在寶座中...... 有羔羊站立,像是被殺過的... ( 5:5-8 ) 。 這是一個宏偉的場面。我希望你試著看看這幅畫面。這位能揭開書卷的被描述為猶大的獅子。讀過舊約先知書的人都知道這指的是什麼。猶大的獅子是從大衛王家譜那將要來的彌賽亞王,要迎進正義與和平的國度。令人震驚的是,約翰第一次看到祂是在第5節的獅子,然後看到祂作為一個被宰的羔羊在第6節!請注意這一點:這不是兩個生命,只有一個。獅子是羊羔,羊羔是獅子。約翰說,祂已經征服了——祂已經勝過了。這句話的意思是,這位將要揭開書卷的英雄曾經與這個世界上的邪惡奮力爭戰,並戰勝了它。祂是一個被殺的羔羊,而今活著,並且掌權坐在在天父的右邊。 讓我告訴你:無人可以想像的到,一個偉大的征服者是一個被殺的羔羊。當我們選擇我們的國家象徵,我們選擇權力的象徵,就像強大的野獸和猛禽。俄羅斯的標誌是一隻熊。法國——老虎,美國——禿鷹,都是貪婪的動物。只有一個愛我們的上帝,祂選擇羔羊作為祂權力的象徵。而我們知道這一點:耶穌是羔羊 ——但祂仍然是一個獅子。祂的犧牲和力量完美無暇。 關鍵是,耶穌曾經進入這個被造的世界,祂生活過,然後願意代替我們的死。祂為我們死了,在祂的復活中戰勝了罪惡和死亡。所以,祂可以揭開書卷。神的目的將會實現。寬恕是真實的。救恩是真實的。當上帝完工後,一切都將煥然一新。這就帶到最後的一點,即來自一切被造的頌贊。
# 4:意想不到的、神榮耀的家庭——這比聖誕節更好。 你配拿書卷,你揭開七印,因為你曾被殺,用自己的血,從各族、各方、各民、各國中買了人來,叫他們歸於神 (5:9)。 啟示錄第5章的結尾是輝煌的。通讀《啟示錄》4-5 章你會看到,對神的讚美開始於四活物,然後不斷上升,直到所有的受造之物在讚美神中重歸於好,合而為一。在 9-10節中 ,約翰告訴我們為何耶穌的死關乎地上所有的人群:耶穌之所以有打開歷史書卷的權利是因為祂的死為神救贖了“各族、各方、各民、各國。”所有的一切最終將會宣告對造物主的頌贊。但神的這些話強調的是,用耶穌的死亡救贖來自各個種族、說各種語言的人們,使我們成為一個“王國”,這是神的設計。那些分裂人類的隔閡將會消失,人們將重歸於好,永恆裡將充滿與神與人都建立了正確關係的人。並且,只有因著耶穌的誕生、生活、死亡和復活,才使這些變成可能。當祂打開書卷,我們將擁有同一個王。也就是說,我們將在一切事上都帶著愛為著那至高無上的神而活。這就是把我們連接在一起的——我們獨一、偉大、至高無上的王。 讓我再說一遍:根據《啟示錄》第5章,基督的死的是神計畫的,神借此把所有人結合在至高無上偉大的基督和天父上帝中。基督的 死,是為救贖來自一切種族中的敬拜的人。 作為教會,這對我們的使命有深刻的涵義。這就是為什麼在LAC我們熱衷於差遣和支持人們走向那些未得之民,並見證耶穌拯救與和解的大能。 基督之死中神的目的的另一個涵義是,被救贖的各族,被結合在對神的至高無上的熱愛中。如果我們相信神在歷史上的目的是要把所有人結合在榮耀神的熱愛中,卻不關心是否在四分五裂的世界上反映神家的合一,這就不可思議。 這就是為什麼我們如此樂於,也已經開始成為一個反映神家的全球性構成的教會。我們必須要成為這樣的一個教會:在這裡充滿了需要憐憫的人們,並且他們因著信,在被殺的羔羊這裡得到了憐憫。我們要給世界作見證,神的憐憫足夠給予所有因著信來到祂面前的人。在獅子,就是那被宰殺的羔羊呼召下聚集在一起的神家中,那些分隔人類各族的牆垣一定要被拆毀。神永恆的計畫是要從每個種族,民族和國家中呼召一些人來組建家庭——這是一群曾經被捆綁如今卻已蒙福的人——一群曾經慘敗如今卻被神的恩典所感並且生命得以更新的人。 重要的是,我們開始一起敬拜——是的,一起。敬拜是一個家庭的聚會,它大於任何感恩節或聖誕節的家庭聚會。在《啟示錄》第5章結尾,萬物都在頌贊榮耀神。這是我們的存在的意義。這是我們的呼召。我們可以向自己周邊鄰舍如此宣稱的一個地方,那就是我們一起的聚集敬拜。你有沒有認識哪些人,口說他們愛耶穌卻不要和全家一起敬拜?你要問他們為什麼。我想《啟示錄》4-5章將勝過他們的答案。我們被造就是為了整個家庭共同的敬拜。這是神喜悅的。這是祂對我們的要求。這是榮耀祂。我們屬於彼此,也應當一起敬拜神——一起。 現在,我們來領受聖餐,請記住我們能夠享有特權進入那意想不到的永恆的家中,是神付出了無限的代價而得來的。代價就是神子的鮮血和生命。這並非言過其實。請仔細思考第9節的措辭: “用自己的血從各族、各方、各民、各國中買了人來,叫他們歸於神。”神付出自己兒子生命的無限代價來贖回敬拜祂的人並且和神一同來掌管——乃是從每一群人當中贖回的。 寶血買來的各族、各代,以及社會經濟各階層的人的敬拜帶給神榮耀。它也會強化我們。當我們放棄自己的偏好,單單地一起與神全家共同讚美神,我們會發現那份完美的滿足、永恆、以神為中心、高舉基督的真實敬拜的體驗——這種敬拜是真正的天堂的敬拜。
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2013, Lake Avenue Church
Study Guide
The Grand Prophetic Vision We Anticipate - Week 1 - Study Guide
The Grand prophetic Vision we Anticipate
Revelation 4:8-5:10
- Read Revelation 4:8–5:10 out loud. Discuss concisely your first emotional response to this passage. How does it make you feel when you read it together?
- What are the twenty-four elders doing in heaven (4:10–11)? What is the dominant activity of heaven? Some have said that worship is the most important activity of the church. Do you agree? What is worship? Why is worship important? Can you tell about a time of worship together with others that was anything like what is described in these verses? How does worship benefit the individual believer? How does worship strengthen the church as a whole?
- Read 5:1–4. How exhaustive is the angel's search in 5:3? Why do you think that John began to "weep greatly" (5:4)?
- What do the titles "the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah" and the "the Root of David" mean (5:5; see Gen. 49:9–10; 2 Sam. 7:1–2,13–16; Isa. 11:1–2, 10; Rev. 22:16)? Why do you think that they are important?
- What is the "Lamb" pointing to (5:6; Isa. 53:7; John 1:36; 21:15)? What is worth noting about the phrase "standing, as if slain"? How would you describe this blend of Jesus' being both the lamb and the lion (see Ps. 2)?
- What does Jesus' act in 5:7 demonstrate? Why is this act important?
- Why does heaven sing a "new song" (5:9–10)? In this song, the Lamb receives honor as being worthy in view of four things. What are these four things, and why are they significant?
- Look again at 5:10. Who will be present at this gathering? Will you be there? Why do you think so? What should we do so that all those mentioned might be able to be there?
2013 Study Series • Copyright © 2013, Lake Avenue Church