The Difficult Mission
The Difficult Mission
Jeff Mattesich
- Acts 27:13-38
- Break Forth
- 41 mins 15 secs
- Views: 1180
Pastor's Letter
The Difficult Mission - Week 9
Last week we left Paul boarding a boat toward Jerusalem. Little did Paul know that when he would arrive at his final destination, great opposition and persecution was awaiting him. In Jerusalem, Paul encounters many who want to stop not only his ministry but also his life. He is beaten, put in chains, tormented, and the target of a murderous ambush. Paul is put under arrest for two years. Through all this, Paul had received his mission from God. He was to go to Rome to teach about Jesus. Paul never lost sight of the mission that God had called him to yet it is without any argument that living that mission was extremely difficult.
Last week we left Paul boarding a boat toward Jerusalem. Little did Paul know that when he would arrive at his final destination, great opposition and persecution was awaiting him. In Jerusalem, Paul encounters many who want to stop not only his ministry but also his life. He is beaten, put in chains, tormented, and the target of a murderous ambush. Paul is put under arrest for two years. Through all this, Paul had received his mission from God. He was to go to Rome to teach about Jesus. Paul never lost sight of the mission that God had called him to yet it is without any argument that living that mission was extremely difficult.
This week our text begins with Paul boarding a boat again, but this time as a prisoner to stand before Caesar in Rome. The journey to Rome would be similar to the previous two years for Paul. It would require withstanding a severe storm, facing fear and hopelessness, and depending fully on God for survival. Throughout Chapter 27 we can not only read about how God saw Paul through this storm, but how God uses this storm to fulfill His mission.
You and I have also been called by God to fulfill his mission. So often we equate mission with words and feelings like joy, fulfillment, and blessing. While these are true, in my own life so often the mission that God has sent me on is marked by words and feelings like hardship, difficulty, and confusion. This week we will learn more about what it means to be sent by God on mission, especially when like Paul the mission is difficult.
To His Glory,
Jeff Mattesich
Lead Ministry Pastor
Study Guide
The Difficult Mission - Week 9 - Study Guide
The Difficult Mission
Acts 27:13-38
- What in verses 13-20 reveals how severe this storm was? Verse 27 indicates this situation lasted two weeks. How would you be feeling at the end of the first week?
- As a sailor on board, how would you feel about Paul's message in verses 21-26?
- How do Paul's words and his example serve to encourage the others? How would your estimation of Paul change during the two weeks of the storm?
- Where is God sending you that is difficult when you think about it?
- What can these verses say to you in your own difficult mission?
2014 Study Series • Copyright © 2014, Lake Avenue Church