Stacking: Grace Upon Grace

Stacking: Grace Upon Grace

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Questions for Reflection

Read John 1:15-18

  1. What is the grace that was “already given” to us in the Old Testament (verses 16-17)? How did the grace previously given through Moses pave the way and anticipate the grace and truth of Jesus?      
  2. How have we turned God’s law into “rule upon rule” instead of allowing it to be “grace upon grace”?      
  3. Why do you think John pairs the words “grace and truth” together in verse 17? How do grace and truth work together? Where did you experience the grace and truth of Jesus over Christmas?   
  4. John makes a very strong claim in verse 18 that if you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus. What are some of the other things that inform our understanding of God, apart from Jesus? How might those things—when detached from Jesus— take us off track in our faith? 
  5. In verse 18, John says that Jesus “has made God known.” What keeps us from making God known? How can you make God known this week where you live, work, and play?