So Now
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Small Group Questions
Read Colossians 2:1-8
- Reflect on your experience of Advent and Christmas this year. How does it compare to Christmas seasons in the past? Did you learn something new about God or yourself?
- In verse 2, Paul writes that he wishes we would be united in love in order to have compete understanding of God. How can unity in Christian community lead to greater knowledge of God?
- This passage encourages us to be rooted and built up in Christ. How have you understood this in your life in the past? How might you be rooted and built up in Christ in the future?
- Paul warns against hollow and deceptive philosophy and human tradition. What traditions or ways of thinking are we tempted by that are common in our culture?
- How should we live our lives as we look to the second coming of Christ? What practices can you and your community engage in to be mindful of Christ's coming in your day to day throughout the year?